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18071883 No.18071883 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that this is the biggest overreaction in the history of the world

>> No.18071892

That's cool and all. If you want to go back to work, go ahead. No one is stopping you.

>> No.18071901


>> No.18071905

hahaha >dies

>> No.18071919

reminder that retards focus on the pin and not the bubble.

>> No.18071941

Those 10k bags getting heavy newfag?

>> No.18071950

>supposed death rate is only high because nobody is testing people with mild/no symptoms
>in places where they are doing this (Korea) they are discovering about 1/3 of all cases have mild or no symptoms
>even young people with preexisting conditions are not dying, asthma is not a risk factor, kids under 14 are practically immune to the virus
Say it with me:


>> No.18071964

guys in finance who know basic math know this is gonna be bad
>what is exponential growth

>> No.18071981

>exponential growth of a virus that is harmless to vast majority of population

>> No.18071985

what dat mean

>> No.18071993

no. it was Y2K

>> No.18072030

If everyone over 60 stayed home there would be no deaths. The reason these boomers are dying is because they needlessly expose themselves or are already hospitalized or very sick with cancer or other diseases. All this virus is doing is killing the people that would have died in the next year or so anyway, the problem is it is doing it all at once and hampering the health care system.

>> No.18072036
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None of you realize the simple fact that this is a disease that affects rich people the most, they fly, do business, shake hands, why else do you think the response is so severe? The elites feel it on their own kind!

>> No.18072053

every financial bubble finds a pin. the biggest bubble in the world just found the most disruptive pin in the world, but ultimately the problem is still the bubble, not the pin.

>> No.18072070


>> No.18072101


>> No.18072141

Reminder that this is literally an underreaction and you are a retard

>> No.18072326

wow, the exact same website explains to you what i just said earlier in this thread.
retards focus on the pin and not the bubble.

>> No.18072373

lets stay conservative and say the case fatality rate is 0.1%. still 7 milluon are gonna die and many more will clog the health system as a result many more will die.
a pandemic like this will at least take 3 years to be resolved. that is bad for your economy

>> No.18072379

The government is stopping me, so is my employer. Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.18072385

Meanwhile italy has a new record high of cases and deaths. :)
NY doubles each day and you wanna compare the situation with the fucking asia communism? Western countries are all done.

The only good side is...Africa is done too

>> No.18072396

The have halted private jet flights too, I wanted to see the face, once a fucking rich guy got the message that his 130.000$ reservation ticket got cancelled.

>> No.18072398


>> No.18072425

kids are almost always just carriers to shit like this
jesus fuck, you're retarded

>> No.18072433

Are you mental? Not dying doesn’t mean you’re a symptomatic. There are ton younger people getting infected with bad symptoms who need hospitalization, IV fluids and respirators. If everyone ran around spreading the virus freely then the hospital systems would be overwhelmed and a lot of people would die very quickly.

But don’t worry, because of retards who think like you you will likely get a chance to see that happen anyway.

>> No.18072448

>haha I'm so smart guys.
>I'm smarter than every epidemiologist and business insider

>> No.18072693

The fatality rate is minimal as long as health services aren't overwhelmed. If you can keep people on ventilation long enough people will almost certainly survive unless they're dying anyway.
If health systems get swamped with cases you can't get them all on ventilation for long enough to recover, so the those who would have survived die and the mortality rate grows massively. Also, severe cases are severe cases regardless of age or health. There are a lot of young, fit people who have been fucked up by this, although they did survive.

>> No.18073030

Give it a week until people cant pay their rent and the violence starts

>> No.18073304

Who cares at this point? The government just guaranteed everyone's income if they were laid off, also continued everyone's benefits if they were furloughed. There's literally no reason not to stay home and get paid for doing literally nothing. It's an even better deal than working from home.

>> No.18073373

30k dow by next week

>> No.18073513

Chad market doesn't give a FUCK about epimemiologists. BRRRRRRRRR BRRRRRRRRRR BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

>> No.18074066

>7 million are gonna die
Christ what a retard.