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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1807076 No.1807076 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post our age and what we've learned about economics/finance

I'll start
>debt is a modern form of slavery and you're a jackass to put yourself in or stay in debt for anything but a short period of time in the face of this inevitable global recession
>usury is evil trickery

>> No.1807079

> 25
> debt is great if you are smart about it. Debt is an investment in yourself; just make sure it pays off.

>> No.1807080


Get a job

>> No.1807107

>Majored in Econ, if that means anything

In the grand scheme of things, Revenue>everything else. As long as you're not bleeding money, most small businesses concentrate too much on margins and slashing expenses, and not enough on sales/growing revenue.

>> No.1807110

I got me a €12k loan in september and put all of it in bitcoin. The monthly payments are high (€221) but needless to say, i already made a really nice profit (nearly doubled in value) and in a couple years my coins will make me rich.
Just saying, a loan can work out ok

>> No.1807114

Or you'll be down $12 grand, when memecoin loses all value

>> No.1807115

Stay salty nocoiner

>> No.1807116

>debt is basically a concept of fastforwarding through time. instead of waiting 20 years to save up cash for a house, you get a house now for a fee. that fee is, in essence, a time travel fee. the longer you time travel, heavier the fee

having said this

>if you dont pay off your cc in full every month, if you have auto payments more than 15% of your monthly income, if you arent enrolled in company 401k to max company's matching, you should absolutely and positively kill yourself.

>when people are most fearful, be the most bold. recessions should be moments of celebration, salivating at all the investment opportunities and money you are about to make

>> No.1807140

I'm new to this
Mind explaining in a bit more depth why recessions are good

>> No.1807144


buy bitcoin, and hold

>> No.1807152

buy low, sell high..

if theres blood in the streets, buy more

>> No.1807208

>Startups are just regular companies which sell parts of themselves as their product

>> No.1807222
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Who are you? Are you the devil? The meaning of usury may have changed in modern times, but to me it will always be the same; the interest on a loan, creating money out of nothing, and finally gaining assets out of paper stacks.

>> No.1807237


Need money to get a wife.

I must master meme trading to get rich from being a wageslave.

>> No.1807242

Lol you're an idiot
Look up the definition clearly its bad you fuck up

>> No.1807248

>profit off of the suffering of others


>> No.1807287

20 yo virgin basement dweller forever alone. Btc meme is legit jfl if you arent part of the 21 btc club

>> No.1807369


Everything of luxury you have comes from the suffering of others. The fact that you can read this post from a computer or phone is proof of it.

>> No.1807497


If you are emotionally engaged in your investments tell me when you sell because me want those monies you will lose.

>> No.1807506

>A dollar saved is a dollar earned. I am not employed right now but even when I was making $8 I was doing better than others I know that were making $15+ because I don't waste money on smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, etc.

>> No.1807507

"Time is the biggest bubble in the economy."

>> No.1807509

I never realized the average /biz/zer is a teenager.

This explains alot.

>> No.1807515

>this is the thread that expained it

>> No.1807529

ignord this retarded muslim!

>> No.1807546

This. I swear we need a higher cigarette excise. People waste so much money on them, it's ridiculous.
Anyone who's ever complained to me about financial problems (relative/friends) always smokes at least 2 packs a day.

>> No.1807548

>buying and holding/going long is a valid strategy

>> No.1807569

Cigarettes act like a Giffen good. If your goal is to fuck over cigarrette smokers and poor people, there are ways to do it without throwing money down the drain.

>> No.1807593

Tbqh short of a major exploit or an outright international ban buttcoins won't completely lose value. He can lose money, sure, but not all of it.

That's opposite of helping. I know a government that thought that way and essentially tripled the prices in three years. They collect much less tax now because of the he black market is booming. It's not even an enforcement issue, it's simply so lucrative that everybody and their grandma wants to do it, providing plenty of supply. Now I can buy cigarettes everywhere for fifth of a retail price and you have people setting up literal illegal tobacco factories. Historically both the war on drugs and prohibition failed because of the black market.

I have some experience with sharia banks and they are bigger Jews than normal banks.
>oh we'll buy this house for you and you'll buy it from us for a slightly higher price or we'll rent it to you and you get it for free after a certain time period
>it's technically compliant, who cares if it's the equivalent of 10% interest
Even the Muslims don't use them because of their jewishness

>> No.1807605


Credit card interest rates are meaningless unless you have terrible spending habits. Acquire as many as you can, put a bill on autopay to each, and pay it off every month. Racks up payment history improving your credit score.

Generally what >>1807079 says. Paying off debt builds your credit and your trust to lenders and creditors. But financing everything just because you "need" it now isn't very smart. Be smart with debt.

Student loans is just another form of taxation. My Great Aunt is a mortgage loan officer and has been since the 80s. She never went to University and still holds a license. But now that student loans are federal, you need a 4 year degree just to be a Manager at McDonald's.

Financing a new car or any other depreciating asset is one of the worst financial decisions you can make.

Get a mortgage on a house as soon as possible. Rent out spare bedrooms to pay for expenses. You can build equity through renovations and appreciation. Being a rent cuck for too long is throwing away money.

>> No.1807687

Fuck, i totally forgot about that.
Anyway, i don't think cancer awareness campaigns have any effect on tobacco demand.

>> No.1807861

Literally every smoker knows the correlation with cancer, it's not an awareness problem. We just accept the risk, given that it's pleasurable and that it's something we'll probably die from anyways thanks to modern medicine.

Not exactly a topic for this place, but aggressive antismoking campaigns also backfire as people figured out that a lot of the campaigning is fear mongering and scary sounding cherry picked statistics.

>> No.1807866

>when people are most fearful, be the most bold. recessions should be moments of celebration, salivating at all the investment opportunities and money you are about to make

provided all your capital wasn't invested prior to the shit hitting the fan

>> No.1808023

Why the fuck do people smoke or drink or do drugs though, it's not beneficial, people are idiots.

Gambling at least has a payback.

>> No.1808128

Money can only make me feel so good, while drugs make me feel even better.

>> No.1809075

you just end up fucking with your neurotransmitters and organs so you end up worse off over time

"what goes up must come down"

>> No.1809079


>21 omg debt is great look at all free shit i can get
>25 omg debt is evil never use it
>30 debt is leverage and can good or bad

>> No.1809080

>Finance degree

Never buy a house. Always rent/lease. I work in real estate, unless you can pay off a mortgage in 30 years you never will

>> No.1809128


>Trade futures/equities
>could literally right 50+ page paper on stuff I've learned
>lmao I guess "tax is theft"

>> No.1809142

give me a headstart on where you were? what should I read too. I started trading a little a month ago but I got honeydicked into bagholding so now I have to wait.

>> No.1809164

>your education and achievements mean nothing in the world of business.

>> No.1809166

Invest in trans dudes
Might seem gay now but you could bro out with you bff. After 5-10 years of hormone therapy she could be hot. Look at Blair White

>> No.1809171

What about if you can pay cash?

>> No.1809199
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>After 5-10 years

yeah very good idea

let's ignore the fact most of them suicide or end up looking like pic related.

>> No.1809205

> 26
> nothing that empowers me to make money on another way then becomming a wagecuck and steel toilet paper from public rest room that i use to dress up like a mummy on halloween (and eventually wipe my ass btw)

>> No.1809217

i know it's quite late for you but you should rejoin kindergarten.

>> No.1809248
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no chance i don't fail again. unfortunately i'm too poor to buy enough drugs to kill me. and my lack of endurance makes it nearly impossible for me to become addicted to drugs in a way I end up dead in the streets. guess i have to go to the woods and wait for a bear or a some wolves to rape me to death. hopefully they don't adopt me or something like that. making me wolf-husband of chief wolf moon moon or sth. cause wolves are hilarious. even more than lions.
but reflecting my life and thinking about the possibilities I have (to become a wolf's bitch) I reason it'd be better to get my lazy ass up and get that kindergarten diploma! I can't wait to show it my dad and say "here dad! you said i was useless but this proves you're wrong you dump son son of a bitch!" that'd be nice.

>> No.1809366

Sorry been busy today. Get on 4chan primary for shits and giggles on /biz

>Basically started learning when I was like 16 spent basically every chance I got learning/practice trading\
>Got very good and now do it full time
>I learned through various internet sources (Shkreli I think has a Youtube presentation that I heard was decent)

Its all about passion you can very easily work 50+hours a week
You also need to understand that it isnt for everyone most traders fail miserably (70ish%)
Learn technical trading with a very strong emphasis on price action Watching helps with this; you should "feel the market" if that makes any sense
Know basic fundamentals and look at them at least occasionally (this changes with strategy)
Try to find a mentor in the field that has a net worth of over 25 million

>stay away from 4chan for most advice
>stay away from shitcoins while your at least starting up (lots retards on here and other sites think they're "experts")