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18067818 No.18067818 [Reply] [Original]

Do we see a collaborated mass exodus from chink manufacturing sending Xipooh back to 3rd world status and ushering in the 1000 year reign of the American empire?

>> No.18067884

Probably. It's a matter of if not when.

>> No.18068036

A burger died taking that shit cause he thought it was the same as his fishtank cleaner. Burgers are going to die en masse. They already have more deaths than South Korea. Covid19 will highlight all the structural failures of burger society, from moribund capitalism to a broken 3rd world healthcare system. And many will die. And after those dumb burger fucks will either forget it all or blame it on someone else like a bunch of fat piece of shit dumb racist children.

This pandemic is going to be the final turning point that ends the 20th century global order. Burgers lost.

>> No.18068103
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States are banning its use for COVID-19, so those states will have more die. NV for starters, more blue states will follow to stick it to Trump.

>> No.18068118

Don't take that shit. Kratom works. Find vendors and get a bag. There's over 20 substances in the kratom leaf that are effective at preventing and treating chronic pain, high blood pressure, epilepsy, weak immune system, and Covid-19.


Love how an anti-drug type of person like Trump is vouching happily about Hydroxychloroquine. Then again, he enjoys McDonald's. There's a lot of good that he has done, but it wouldn't matter who is president. The backbone of our economy is fucked because of just what it is we have printing the money and getting raped by the Feds.

A sigh and a yawn. Don't take this immune suppressing drug. That is all.

>> No.18068181

If Hydroxychloroquine is as effective as Trump claims to be, how is that there are still so many deaths in US?

Also trump isn't a Doctor, or even understand basic concepts of medicine, why would you Trust him this time?

>> No.18068239

Your article is about a different drug. Just because the name is very different it does not mean they are the same compound.

>> No.18068275

They've only just started trialing it today.

>> No.18068298
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MAGA is a death cult

>> No.18068299
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Time to reap what you sow.

>> No.18068319

Did this guy who died have a prescription for hydroxychloroquine or even take the pharmacy grade stuff? Probably not but people want to see Trump and America fail so much that they media will say anything to change the narrative.

>> No.18068365

He took drugs made for fish that was a different compound altogether. He did not even get an analysis of drug purity or weigh it on a scale that was accurate in the milligram range either. He probably ate bread too, most rapists and pedophiles are known to eat bread and die. Food for thought.

>> No.18068388

>He took drugs made for fish
That's actually pretty common here in white rural America.

>> No.18068404

The article is just extra. Hydroxychloroquine is an immune suppressing drug. That's not what you want to take to fight a virus. Overstimulating your immune system is not what you want either. Covid-19 like influenza causes an immune system response of cytokines signalling a release of T cells to the location of an infection. The reason why this drug works is because it suppresses too much of a reaction from cytokines sending signals to cells because it's a new virus we haven't encountered.The people that are dying are having strong reactions from this virus introducing itself in their system. Old people with tired lungs and children with very young lungs that haven't strengthened are especially vulnerable to the virus doing damage.

Hydroxychloroquine is more toxic than Chloroquine. They are basically the same drug anon. One is an analog of the other. There are deaths from both. Trump and his staff are in approval of using drugs without enough trials.

>> No.18068463

You are "supposed" to trust your president's words, he just tweet some treatment that he just heard by ear droppings. There is a reason no professional doctor does ever that, and the precise reason is because doctors know human beings are inherent stupid when sick or panicking. Therefore self medication is gonna skyrocket because Trump dumfuck tweet

>> No.18068485

You would if Dems weren't literally Chinese spies at the highest level.

>> No.18068502

Ask me how I know you're not white

>> No.18068503

And especially this faggot >>18068463

The retard took chloroquine phosphate not hydroxychloroquine. The press doesn't even mention this. They just say Trump encourages chloroquine use and they leave out the hydroxy part. People should be arrested for this.

>> No.18068533

not drugs for fish. fish tank cleaner.

cleaning product.

which even ignoring the additive chemical compounds would have been 5x the typically prescribed dose. sensationalist media is dumb and wants people to die to justify their bailout.

>> No.18068542

100%. Liberal covid reporting is basically terrorism at this point.

>> No.18068555
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>> No.18068583


>> No.18068795

I ususally don't agree, but on healthcare (mostly drug prices), its true.
Pharma corporations are a cartel that set drug prices to a multi-thousand percent markup.

>> No.18068855

The reason its in china in the first place is you cunts over value yourself.

>> No.18068858

Holy based

>> No.18068912


Chink propaganda is strong I see

>> No.18068932

We're moving that shit to Romania faggot

>> No.18069076

Chink manufacturing was already beginning to get too expensive. Other Asian countries were beginning to get more factories out in them. But this crisis was a yuge wakeup call for our government. China makes the majority of our prescription drugs. We were okay with that, once this is done it’ll all be required to be made in USA or maybe sourced to a close ally. So much shit is going to be required to be made outside of Chyna for self defense reasons. China is fucked, there is no coming back from this for them.

>> No.18069101

Europe will do the same. This is why China is trying so desperate to spread misinformation. Only faggots falling for this are 4chan incels.

>> No.18069460
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>> No.18069552

I have Lupus so I take this shit every single day, maybe I am immune maybe not, either way I need to stock up big before these flaming fucking nigger loving retards start making a shortage


>> No.18070428

He died taking that shit because he took waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much of it. Not everyone is stupid enough to try that.