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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 118 KB, 1100x550, VRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18065336 No.18065336 [Reply] [Original]

Can the obvious and inevitable gaming boom 20x VRA? I have 5M of this shitcoin, and just bought another 5M, for what I think is a pretty sick DCA. All I need is a 20x and I can buy the land I've been eyeing with a cabin in Serbia. All I want to do is play with my dog and hunt and fish and not be bothered.

Those who've made it off low-cap shitcoins, how long did you wait? How did you keep yourself from selling once your fiat value crossed into 6 figures?

I need to make it by 2022.

>> No.18065399


>> No.18065533

No desu. I want opinions. I have a bunch of other holdings, but this is the one I think is truly got adoption potential as well as post pandemic moonability.

>> No.18065685

Ok fuck it. I’m about done acoomulating anyways

>> No.18065763

Golf clap! You guys are buying scam coins now? Buy ETH and BTC and LINK and you won't wake up by the news of another exit-scam.

>> No.18065866

Fuck off Sanjay. You’re not getting them any cheaper. You had your chance, like I had mine. I thought we had another week too

>> No.18065998

Yes he is surely a HIRED INDIAN FUDDER for the new scam shitcoin you started shilling literally today

Don't you fucking faggots get tired of doing this shit? Do you really make that much money from it?

>> No.18066582

Dude LINK is done. You see everyone shilling different shit now because everyone is positioning for a replacement. We need new gains on something else that can outperform massively.

>> No.18066605

I don’t think he’s hired. I think he’s trying to accumulate before the price spikes and calling it a scam so people won’t buy.

>> No.18066610


>> No.18066822

Bruh this shit has been posted about for months.

This is a huge month. It's not our fault your poor or don't like solid low cap spec.

>> No.18067127

Plz sir gibby 20x.

>> No.18067215
File: 362 KB, 500x333, 34CE03A7-96AE-4668-89DD-68C84EEEFB47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already working product, game store integration coming very soon, youtube, twitch integration. Will never be this low again. I’m legit astounded that there is a moonshot gem like this still left.

>> No.18067223

What exchange is it on?

>> No.18067261

oh shit, this is the second bread I see about this shitcoin. Looks like satsgang moved on to a new lowcap piece of shit.

>> No.18067355

>sees 2 threads about a coin
>calls it scam

>sees 34 threads about link
>definitely not a scam bros

>> No.18067410

KuCoin. It's also the FIRST BNB pairing outside Binance Dex. this is a bigger deal than most realize, especially at this price.

>> No.18067554


if VRA / VRAB doesn't 20x, i am cashing out of this ponzi ass shit forever.

>> No.18068700


>> No.18068922

wen moon? march seems solid. can this best its ATH by fall?

>> No.18068940

fuck off you fucking street-shitting pajeets, nobody gives a single fuck about whatever you're trying to shill

>> No.18069072

This stupid shiller is literally talking here with himself. Get a life faggot, no one give a shit about your scam coin.

>> No.18069488

The verasity team / hired jeets keep spamming their dead scam here. Stay away

>> No.18069725

they WILL. that's the point. you brainlet newfags wouldn't know a 100x if i told you what it was. hence the rub. i'm telling you now, and you don't believe.

stay poor.

>> No.18069776

How much VRA for her. Anyone know where I can get an asian gamer girl that wears her shoes inside? It is my very specific fetish.
> he cashes out at a 20x
> misses the 100x
where can I apply for these types of jobs?

>> No.18069829

You should see their plebbit. Its even worse.

>> No.18070210
File: 67 KB, 1024x427, VRAchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it appears many of you retards truly hate money. ignore it, what the fuck do i care.

>> No.18070842

go back to 2017, no one cares about plebbit

>> No.18071215



seething non bottom buyers itt