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18063056 No.18063056 [Reply] [Original]

If I make wallets in a brand new air gapped computer and then factory reset it, can I go online with said factory reset computer without possibility of compromising my wallets?

>> No.18063313


>> No.18063384

use paper wallet

>> No.18063413
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>> No.18063486

That's literally what I'm asking about

>> No.18063518


>> No.18063575

>without possibility of compromising my wallets?
AFTER a factory reset? Are you fucking dumb? What the fuck are you even trying to ask here?

>> No.18063602

he's asking if its safe, Colombo

>> No.18063625

Stfu you retarded nigger. I'm asking smart people not trip fags who post low iq takes.

>> No.18063638

yee-claw pardner

>> No.18063702

arnt you the schizo anon that spams tarot card shit in link threads?

>> No.18064129


>> No.18064172
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yee-claw my little crushstation

>> No.18064362

yee-claw friend

>> No.18064487


>> No.18064561


>> No.18064566


>> No.18064970


>> No.18065233


>> No.18065781

I dunno, it's an interesting question I've had myself and also the reason I use a hardware wallet. I know enough to know what I don't know, and I don't trust any computer enough to enter my private key.
I do know enough to know that >>18063575
is a fucking retard though.

>> No.18065905

yes it is safe

yee claw

>> No.18065959
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>> No.18065966

If an anon knew it was unsafe they would tell you it is safe. Anyone else here cannot be trusted.

>> No.18066002


>> No.18066219

I'm a professional Internet neet. I know how to ask 4chan for help and actually learn what I need.

>> No.18066520
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>> No.18066722

Literally anything can imprison you if you let it. Anons will give you plenty of help if you know how to ask them and discern what's bullshit.

>> No.18067929

Yee claw

>> No.18068066

if you are not an active target: yes

if you are an active target-
if you used a bad wallet password: no
if you used a good password: yes

A good password is at least 16 characters, contains at least one capital letter, one lowercase letter, one digit, and one space, and contains words not found in any dictionary or human media.

>> No.18069422

Yee claw

>> No.18069435


>> No.18069441

this kills the crab

>> No.18069443


>> No.18070558

I'm talking about making paper wallets with myetherwallet

>> No.18070568


>> No.18070632

I don’t fucking speak Pajeetian Brainlet. OP didn’t even mention what type of wallet he was generating so it sounded like he wanted to make a desktop wallet, wipe his fucking PC then ask if the wallet is safe. Retarded kids with your web wallet bullshit, back in my day it was desktop wallets only and I still assume this unless stated otherwise.

>> No.18070653


>> No.18071191


>> No.18071229

Stfu you retarded nigger. It's obvious that I'm talking about paper wallets because that is the white man's crypto wallet.

>> No.18071237

yee claw my nigga

>> No.18071483


>> No.18071489


>> No.18071885


>> No.18073253

Yee claw

>> No.18073889

you still want a computer for signing your transactions unless you are going to try to do that manually lmao

>> No.18073919

Just replace the HDD or overwrite it with bleachbit to be safe.

>> No.18073985


>> No.18074042

I dont know anything about wallets but if you are concerned about malware on your PC, you should use a laptop with a wiped hard drive. Use a bootable USB linux distro, like ubuntu or whatever. Use gparted to wipe your hard drive. Install ubuntu on the hard drive, or if you are turbo paranoid, use only the bootable USB session to do whatever it is you dont want to be saved. Because a usb live boot linux session is just going to be in RAM

I think the idea is kind of dumb, what you should do if youre paranoid is use a laptop strictly for doing trading or whatever, and have it run a long term linux distro. i cant see the reason to air gap it. if you are turbo autistic flash a x60 with libreboot and run one of those meme FOSS distros lel

>> No.18074476

based song
buy PNK anon

>> No.18074513

I just used a old 2012 era laptop and disconnected it from the net via disabling all wifi stuff. Will never connect it again.

>> No.18074781

