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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 89 KB, 694x659, 1585079525159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18057900 No.18057900 [Reply] [Original]

Typical. The moment even minimal pushback on their agendas, they chimp out and tell outrageous lies.

>> No.18057918


>> No.18057931

Death camps for leftoids. Coming SOON to a fairground near you!

>> No.18057934

And that's why nobody watches these faggots. The agenda is fucking glow in dark.

>> No.18057969

5, 4, 3...
Count down to to leftypol commie agitators swarm in to defend their corporate media masters...

>> No.18058006


Hysterical faggot

>> No.18059258

>kills 50% of the population

journalists belong in cages

>> No.18059438

DiCaprio ain't aged well.

>> No.18059494

50% of population is about right, because there is no immunity. 14% in China and Italy got reinfected days after being fully healed.
Each reinfection is even deadlier and is scarring your lungs. Not even 18 year old athletes survive round 3 of corona.

>> No.18059520

Lets be honest, it needs some cleansing.

>> No.18059532

Yep, this is how you know it's all political.

They just can NOT stop lying.

>> No.18059562


>> No.18059569
File: 925 KB, 700x927, 1585005092046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.006% of the Chinese population got affected.

Do you know what that means? It means you should probably kill yourself.

>> No.18059672

They were shooting people and disinfecting the streets. I don't see anything of that in the burgerland. The burgers can't even have a proper quarantine, they must go out to consoom.

I think it will be a fitting final nail in the coffin of the degenerate, perverted country. Seeing how US military and the petrodollar is becoming increasingly irrelevant for the last 5 years, it was expected. At least got to go out with a pandemic bang, instead of slowly declining into obscurity like the Bongs.

>> No.18059794
File: 182 KB, 2107x1185, Thunderfoot of truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go into full quarantine lockdown right now and at worst (retards not taking it seriously) only ~5million will die

>> No.18059821
File: 78 KB, 750x931, 1585001784256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The scam is over fag.

>> No.18059849

See you in 2 weeks, sweaty.

>> No.18059895

Um... it's spelled "sweety", sweet-tea.

>> No.18059941

He meant you suffer from hyperhydrosis, sweaty.

>> No.18059957

Communists hate liberals. Hate who you want but at least get your politics right...

>> No.18059959

Your newfag is showing. Didn't Kushner update your shilling handbook?

>> No.18059972

And here's why that is a good thing!

>> No.18060013

yeah see you in two weeks you sweaty bastard

>> No.18060031

lawd jebuss iot gona go reall south roun' here boy JESUS JESUS LORD O MIGHTY LORDDD

>> No.18060083
File: 27 KB, 500x426, have-my-devious-fim-flams-caused-you-to-relinquish-your-emotional-3375367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. Got em all!

I am the master ruseman, even with the obvious "sweet-tea" pretending to be retarded dog whistle.

You niggers don't belong here.

>> No.18060119

is this heckin 2013 facebook now??

>> No.18060132

>They were shooting people and disinfecting the streets.
They literally do that every single day in China.

>I don't see anything of that in the burgerland.
Happens every single day in Burgerland

>> No.18060146

killing 50% of the population is the final redpill

>> No.18060168

shut the fuck up, filth

>> No.18060171

Liberals are communists, they just don't realize it.

>> No.18060190

damn insecure much my dude?

>> No.18060202

The media sure killed 50% of your braincells, that's for sure.

>> No.18060227

I like to think of it more as 2010 4chan.
Mildly trolling the influx of newfag interlopers trying so hard to blend is giving me something to do during shelter in place.

>Fantastic. The.Surgeon is inspired.

>> No.18060262

Tremendously. That's why I'm here instead of Instagram.

>> No.18060332
