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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1805760 No.1805760 [Reply] [Original]

Plz guys stop with the trading/bitcoin memes. If you want to become a somebody please continue reading..

1. First piece of advice, don't follow advice from someone who hasn't made it. I came from having nothing to having a ~$250k salary and I get to fuck a loyal 8/10 waifu in the ass at least twice a week.

2. Stocks can help you maintain and moderately grow $..but they aren't going to make you rich. To become wealthy two factors: your hard-skills and your soft-skills.

3. For soft skills, read How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

4. For hard skills, pick something that interests you. If you're such a neet that nothing interests you, then at least try out the following:

Try out an Excel tutorial, then Read "Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight". Please make sure you at least have some decent Excel skills before starting.

Once you understand Excel, let's try learning R. Read and follow along "R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data". Make sure you actually work the examples.

5. Now some lifestyle changes. All this time you spend on 4chan...ever stopped and wonder why you spend so much time? Your brain is yearning for information, yet you're filling it with shit. Next time you wrap up home, school, or your neet vidya session, instead of going on 4chan...read 1 chapter of a book that will either enhance your soft or hard skills. You can start with those above. Once you're done with that chapter, you'll notice something. Your brain will be drained...you won't even feel like browsing /biz/ anymore. Perfect time to work on fitness.

6. Okay ..there's literally no excuse not to work out at least 3 times a week. Just put on some music, shitty TV show, or WWE and simply jog in place or do jumping jacks for 40 minutes. I personally watch Grimes music videos while I work out and dream of her 20-year face.

>> No.1805767

Is that your waifu?
How many Bitcoin do you have?

>> No.1805783

Woah cowboy! Before you say anymore I am going to have to see your Bitcoins.

>> No.1805786

Pass i have 20 eth coins and 500 shares of AMRS i will have like 500k in a couple of years and you will be a cuck

>> No.1805807

Well said. Thank you.

This would make a better sticky than what we have now.

>> No.1806035

for what purpose?

>> No.1806151
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Wow ok allot of assumptions and pleb
"knowledge" here , lemmie break it down for you

>>>1. First piece of advice, don't follow advice from someone who hasn't made it.
~$250k salary

Sorry bro you still haven't 'made it' by a longshot, still worker/management-tier in a society of many multi-million/billionares who actually innovate/really own something

>>>I get to fuck a loyal 8/10 waifu in the ass at least twice a week.

>>>8/10 ,
I hope this isn't a pic of her because wow yep that's definitely some "I think I'm rich but not really-tier" horse face poontang right there, no wonder u do it in the butt



lol in itself see above for the reason why

>>>2. Stocks can help you maintain and moderately grow $..but they aren't going to make you rich. To become wealthy two factors: your hard-skills and your soft-skills.

"investments aren't going to make u rich bro only hard-on-skills and soft-in-need-of-Viagra skills"

>>>3. For soft skills, read How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

Just WonkaFace.jpg to this "suggestion" read that book while still in my teens, the "Atlas shrugged" of the business world (think-im-deep in this kiddie pool-tier)

>>>4. For hard "skills" ...Try out an Excel tutorial....

Am I in 6th-grade comp-sci again holy jeez

>>>5. Now some lifestyle changes. All this time you spend on 4chan...(While posting a thinly veiled "self-success biography" by T. SomeRandomJerkoffGivingYouLifeAdviceOnlineWithPicturesOfHisUglyWife)

>>>read a chapter a day

k tai Lopez

>>>Your brain will be drained...

Brainlet from being tired reading 1 chapter of a book

>>>you won't even feel like browsing /biz/ anymore

Posts like this give me that feeling more than anything

>>>6. ...Just put on some... WWE and simply jog in place or do jumping jacks for 40 minutes. I personally watch Grimes music videos while I work out and dream of her 20-year face.

Ok this has GOT to be a trollpost loool

>> No.1806153

Thanks OP. Best advice I've seen on here in a while.

>> No.1806154

yeah, I gotta agree with all of that. I'm particularly fond of #1. Lots of fools hand out advice. Lots more fools take it.

>> No.1806155

>the "Atlas shrugged" of the business world (think-im-deep in this kiddie pool-tier)

anon what is some deep stuff on that subject

>> No.1806178

Pics of your orange shit or I won't believe you're fucking her in the ass.

>> No.1806196
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>> No.1806458

>Ok this has GOT to be a trollpost loool

Not a troll post, including the Grimes part..but I left out that I am a /mu-tard and workout to an entire range of music. Grimes just happens to be flavor of the month.

On a serious note, a lot of people come here because they are interested in vidya, porn, or anime...but very much under-appreciate /mu. Highly recommend making that journey as it opens up a new world. I can workout, code, and do other things while listening to /mu.

Concerning women, I've never met a 9+/10 who had any personality, much less someone I could trust. In the 8/10 range it's possible to find someone who does most the house chores, isn't a feminist, and won't give you shit about mansplaining to them. Hell, my wife - when someone asked her who she is voting for - she literally turned to ME and asks who she is voting for. I'm also only 5'5", so I'd say I've done well with my cards.

As for anal, my wife has a LOT of pain during vaginal sex. Read up on vaginismus, she pretty much would cry [like..balling] every time I pounded her..that's when I finally suggested anal. That hurt a little at first, but after about 2 years it's adapted and doesn't hurt her anymore. She still hates it, but she pretty much treats it as a duty now since she doesn't give me her pussy. True story, maybe even sounds sad, but it's nice nowing you have someone who has your back. And even though I know she loves me, I don't think she would have put up with me if it weren't for our massive $$ imbalance.

And that bros is why /biz is also important for anyone that ever wants to get married. Your earning potential is your pride, leverage, and power in the household. It doesn't matter how independent your girl says she is, she can't overcome the basic biological desire to be taken care of. And if you don't have money...you better believe you're going to get more nagging, yelling, and watch the shit unfold as small problems turn into large problems and eventually divorce.

>> No.1806468

> I came from having nothing to having a ~$250k salary and I get to fuck a loyal 8/10 waifu in the ass at least twice a week.

If you have a salary you have not "made it", unless you pay yourself that salary.

>> No.1806485


stop right there

>> No.1806501

justin bieber makes more money from one single concert than some people with careers will make for half their lives

>> No.1806507

It's funny how some people found their motivation to better themselves on 4chan of all places.

I started at /pol/ which made me proud of my race and country, not wanting to let either down I became /fit/.

Now I'm here.

>> No.1806519


I appreciate all of what you've said, but can I get an expansion or second opinion on:

>2. Stocks can help you maintain and moderately grow $..but they aren't going to make you rich. To become wealthy two factors: your hard-skills and your soft-skills.

>> No.1806525

Pretty good advice. My takeaway is work hard to realize yourself but a lot of people here just want to get rich quick.

>> No.1806538

So I bought the book off amazon

Any others you'd recommend?

>> No.1806553


Congratz, you're not a simple neet anymore, you're a consumerist.

>> No.1806560

shit advice. the crap you said wont even come close to helping people escape NEETdom. you pretty much told them to read books, learn excel, and exercise. if they are NEET there are fundamental issues they need to address first before they can do productive things like that.

>> No.1806615


Historically a mixed 50/50 stock & bond portfolio has returned only around 3% after inflation/fees/taxes. People shoot around numbers like 15% annual returns but that was in a bygone era of lower valuations, higher interest rates, higher inflation, higher taxes, and less globalization/more growth potential. Those numbers also conveniently cherry pick time periods without any sudden market corrections. In reality 3% is the norm...and that was then.

Looking ahead for the next 20 years in our highly saturated, low-interest rate "new normal", we're looking at 1-2% annual returns AFTER inflation/taxes UNLESS the human race can make some life-changing innovation such as near-infinite renewable energy. At 2% returns it'll take 36 years to double your $$.

If you need a place to park retirement savings, simply go to Vanguard or TRowePrice and signup for one of their retirement portfolios. Done! You are better off spending 8 hours a week learning real applicable skills than spending anytime learning about stocks, bonds, or Finance.

>> No.1806722

What in the fuck can I do with R? I can't make money just by knowing Excel and R anon. What're you suggesting? To become a data scientist? That shit takes at least four years of education, and I cannot afford that.

>> No.1806761

I suggest you read 1 or 2 chapters of medical warnings on anal sex and realize how you are destroying your loving faithful wife's insides and she'll be shitting herself by age 35. Unless of course you have a tiny dikku.

>> No.1806780

An existence predicated on Excel and R obviously isn't for everybody, but you need some marketable skills. There are resources online, and tons of software is free.

>> No.1806785

How wrecked is your wifes asshole? Or do you have a small dick or she has a wide asshole?

>> No.1806798

About the stocks, I've been running a demo account and I've doubled my money in a month from 100k to 200k. If 100k in a month isn't rich I don't know what is, especially since that will keep growing.

>> No.1806803

>get to fuck a loyal 8/10 waifu in the ass at least twice a week.
is this listed in your prenup?

>> No.1806804

The sphincter is a muscle and will not get loose from (normal) anal sex.
What you have in mind is probably some hoes on drugs without any sort of hygiene and no care about their bodies.
If you know what you're doing, anal sex will never give you any problems.

>> No.1806815

rates are coming back up
and what exactly would you suggest to a twenty something who has $100k sitting around in cash right now?

>> No.1806821

well the thing is the anus is a hell of a lot weaker than the vagina that one is for sure.

the things i have seen stuffed in there tho whole big bottles of coca cola gigantic dildos double fists make me question the considerations about penis size to be relevant.

i think problems probably arise when the penetrating party is not careful and inconsiderate. not enough lube and rushing things can result in thorn sphincter muscle and anal wall resulting in nasty infections and stuff.

generally the go slow use lots of lube make sure she is properly relaxed should avoid all medical issues associated with anal.

if you just spit on your dick shove it in and ride the girl like a jackhammer almost guaranteed you will ruin her ass in one go.

>> No.1806828

>mfw fell for free marketing scheme

>> No.1806837

I've gotta say OP you sound like a really fucking strange individual.

>> No.1806855

You're not going to become a data scientist with some Excel/R/SQL training, but you'll at least be more capable than 80% of office slaves.

Funny question. My dick is on the high-end of average in length (6.5 inches), but my girth is nearly 6 inches circumference (or nearly 1.9 inches diameter). Generally speaking you see girth like that only in 8.5+ inch cocks. It literally took two years just to get her relaxed enough to fit it in past the sphincter, then another ~2 years before slow/deep thrusting was a thing. I'm still pretty amazed myself. She's had no problems other than she might be gaping slightly after-words. No pain either.

That's nice, but I'm talking about 20 year average returns. 2% will likely be average after inflation/taxes, meaning some people will hit 1% and some will hit 3%. Someone might get 40+% in one year, but then have a -20% second year.

Rates "went" back up. Japan had declining or flat rates for 20+ years. Low rates are simply a symptom of over-developed society. Maybe they'll go up a bit higher, but generally speaking low rates are here to stay.

>> No.1806860



It depends. Are you planning to buy a house in the next 5 years? If so then that's your down payment and you shouldn't have it in stocks...especially not now when valuations are so high. You should be able to park most of that somewhere earning ~2% interest. Maybe try VFSUX.

>> No.1806871

OP is a fat NEET with a low income. Ignore his advice.

>> No.1807139

>You'll at least be more capable than 80% of office slaves.

For what purpose would I want to do this? Sure, but it would only make me more marketable as an office slave, and even then it wouldn't be enough since any respectable business would be wanting an office slave with a 4-year education and/or a laundry list of qualifications that've taken years to garner.

At that rate, I'd rather take out loans and go back to college. Because the road you're telling people to go down will drive them to commit suicide. If you said a marketable programming language, like C++, Python, Java, or JS, then I'd bite, but telling people to learn excel and R is dumb and a waste of time, unless they're wanting to go into a career that utilizes those skills, and even then I'd be focusing on a college education instead, since many of the jobs which require those skills need a four year education.

>> No.1807173

>a marketable programming language, like C++, Python, Java, or JS

pajeet detected

>> No.1807223

Cool advice, but no amount of money will make your wife do anal 2 times a week

>> No.1807265

i fuck girls in their ass every day and twice on Sundays and i did none of that shit plus i got a hard big dick

>> No.1807269

I dont trust someone who wouldnt rate their own wife a 10/10

>> No.1807273

>network with rich people (hardest step in process. you have to find some inroad)
>find a way to service or help them (besides sucking dick, leave that to gold digging bitches)
>rich people start trusting you
>start doing business with them and make shitloads of $
>rinse and repeat

the real way to become richfag

>> No.1807291

do rich people do drugs??????

>> No.1807395

Fuck off back to tumblr.

>>>>> /kys/

>> No.1807396

Fuck R. Learn python

>> No.1807397

Only Java is pajeet

>> No.1807405

b-but /r9k/ told me neet life is best life?

>> No.1807420

t. Homo.

We will see in 10 years.
Or 5.

>> No.1807503

>Are you planning to buy a house in the next 5 years?
No, houses are for people with families and children, and are a completely uneccessary expense if you don't have those. In America, houses are overpriced and made of literal garbage. They are worthless.

>> No.1807532

>tfw about to close on a $90k 2,000 sqft brick home built in the 50s in comfy Midwest
>salary is $80k
That said, I'm only buying a home because I need space for my workshop, and I don't want neighbors all up in my space all the time

>> No.1807606


>> No.1807688

let me guess
it's a slab home hastily built for GI's returning from the war and the smell of cat piss wafts into your nose every time you walk in
a little bit of masonry on the outside doesn't suddenly make it a better house

>> No.1807847

What are you doing anon? Did you get lucky or do you know a lot about the market? Can you give me some advice? Total noob here, I don't even know most of the terminology.

>> No.1808097
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One of the worst threads in the catalog right now.

>> No.1808118

You call that an 8/10?

Opinion discarded.

>> No.1808130
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>looking at cheap wwii homes in henderson, around victory village
>probably literally what you just described

but theyre only 35-55k for a quarter acre

>> No.1808132

ITT - A delusional loser who has convinced himself he has a great life yet gets no pussy (probably because she is fucking someone who isn't a manlet), has a brain dead wife and a measly salary.

Why are people even replying?


>> No.1808135


This guy gets it. Your wife asking you who she is going to vote for shows she is realistically a 1/10 in the mental department and you think life is awesome because you get to effectively fuck a retards ass. What's more amusing is all the neets actually asking this dude questions. No wonder why you guys are poor.

>> No.1808143

>hope this isn't a pic of her because wow yep that's definitely some "I think I'm rich but not really-tier" horse face poontang right there, no wonder u do it in the butt
Lol this

>> No.1808161

I read Win Friends & Influence People but I'm still autistic. I do mathematics and have stellar grades, but this is where I'm lacking.

My main issues:
1) I mumble.
2) I can't explain for shit.
3) I lose the interest of people.

Anyone like me? :l

>> No.1808257

>I mumble
talk to a speech therapist
their job is helping people with speech problems
go check it out, you got nothing to lose

>> No.1808268

The amount of focus on how/why this guy fucks his wife in the ass twice a week is why I keep coming back to 4chan.

>> No.1808372

It's awful but honestly all of /biz/ is awful and has been since day one. I have a feeling that there are actually people on 4chan who have something to say about finance and business but are just repulsed at how godawful this board is. To be fair though most boards start out this way (/fit/ was equally awful in the early days).

Just to add to the shitpile, re: the How to Win Friends... thing, I will say that you don't need to have soft skills in the super extroverted sense, there is a kind of semi-autistic charm that can get you pretty far in life, if you have technical career skills. And associate with like-minded people, because a lot of incredibly smart people are sometimes awkward socially, but being friends with them will give you a big leg up in the long run.

>WWE and simply jog in place

>> No.1808409


Firstly, this is a containment board for the shitcoins. Any business or financial discussion is secondary to the that.

There are ~4 people on this board who are confirmed multimillionaires, and while they're all very intelligent, all of them have severe autism.

That's the best we're gonna get and that's just the kind of person this site attracts.

>> No.1808479

>The sphincter is a muscle and will not get loose from (normal) anal sex.

>The sphincter is a muscle


Fucking spastic

>> No.1808482

>that thick white coat of paint splooged onto every wooden surface, to the point where the doors have to be jammed into the doorframes to close fully, by the estate of some dead boomers so that the property can be sold off quickly, so the smell of cat piss mixes with the smell of shitty paint so that you literally never want to move out of your childhood bedroom

the same story over and over

>> No.1808485

All I'm doing is following Warren buffet in his investments, using opportunities like the super bowl to invest in things and investing in company's that are releasing something big soon, for example investing in tesla when model 3 comes out

>> No.1808550

>tsla not making money
>tsla can't reach production quotas
>tsla decides to release a new vehicle anyway
They already sell out, what's releasing a new model going to accomplish when they already can't meet demand (and yet still can't profit)?

>> No.1808567

>Op dismisses bitcoin as a fad/meme in his first sentence
>First two posts troll him
>Still dismissing Bitcoin in the current year, with the price quadrupling in the past two years

You nocoiners were cute when the price hovered around $220 for about a year, now you sound like people who think the earth is flat and you can sail off the edge of the world in your ship

Btw didn't read past first sentence op

>> No.1808584

Op here, please take care trying to imitate this. Trying to beat out the average of the market is zero-sum gambling. If you ask everyone to flip a coin 4 times, then 1/16 people will get four heads. The winners probably assume they had a good strategy, but that's the fallacy of survivorship bias.

Back to the topic. If you can get at least some decent inter-personal skills and one hard skills (data analysis, blue collar/trades) then at the very worst you're looking at a 40k salary which is enough to have a decent life in a low cost of living area. Improve on those skills and you'll eventually hit 60k, 80k..

That may sound lame, but if you ever want to pick up a woman, they pretty much ALL prefer a guy with a steady $65k salary than a neet trading at home. What are you going to tell a woman when she asks you what to do? Good luck telling her you're unemployed but trade with $200k on Robinhood.

For those of you who are already in a steady field and want to break 6 figures..I recommend reading 'The Rules of Work" by Richard Templar. It's good for newbies who decide to take the plunge into office politics. Note you need to be good at what you do, and provide value - otherwise you have no leverage.

As for my backstory, I was a very damn good data analyst stuck in $90k salary range until I started "playing the game". It took a few years, but the key points: (1) don't complain about problems at work, try to fix them - and use your personal skills to build consensus. (2) become valuable enough that your higher-ups cannot boss you around. Learn how to tactically speak up and push back. This was very hard for someone as short as I was (yes, and I look like an autist), but I was able to perservere and now report directly to one of the higher-ranking executives.

To those saying you need to be "in business" to have made it..I feel sorry for those guys. I work 40 hours a week then come home and literally just lay back and have no worries at all.

>> No.1808618
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Dank thread OP I downloaded the first book that you recommended to us and I'm reading it now also your girlfriend looks like a sweetheart you really shouldn't be fucking her asshole twice a week though. If she sucks your dick afterwards she's going to get ringworm eventually. I really do appreciate this thread I'm going to school for applied math in the fall do you have any advice for a young nigga like me. Also my gf is hotter unfortunately.

>> No.1808631

>And even though I know she loves me, I don't think she would have put up with me if it weren't for our massive $$ imbalance.
>Your earning potential is your pride, leverage, and power in the household. It doesn't matter how independent your girl says she is, she can't overcome the basic biological desire to be taken care of

You're trating your cash value as if that's the priority thing you bring into a relationship and that's why you find women that "can't overcome the basic biological desire to be taken care of" because the only type you attract are the girls with this mentality since that's your mentality

>> No.1808712

No it's not you stupid homo

>> No.1808727


>> No.1808862

You will love rich dad poor ded by richard kinonany

>> No.1808863

>Trying to beat out the average of the market is zero-sum gambling.

That is BS

while I'd not advocate being a neet and staying at home day trading you could passively invest in a dozen stocks at random and be more likely than not to beat the S&P

>> No.1808972

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

>> No.1808982

Did you study and get a good degree? Were you once a NEET?

>> No.1809258

take acting classes

you'll improve your soft skills and while you're doing that you'll be spending most of your time interacting with hot girls

>> No.1809280


Does cooking count as a skill?

>> No.1809475

I dont get the appeal of ass fucking. No matter how much you clean beforehand, there is shit involved. Disgusting.
Yeah I tried it, before you ask. Not worth it.

>> No.1809490

>do jumping jacks for 40 minutes watching grimes music videos

>> No.1809690

Let's pretend you gave an actual decent index such as the VTI rather then S&P500.

You should understand that VTI literally IS the market. By definition if you by 1, 2, 10, 1000 US stocks at random, the "average" result will mirror VTI.

However if you look at the median, it's far off from average. Roughly 2/3rds of stocks chosen at random under-perform VTI. What that means is you have a smaller group of stocks (i.e. Netflix, Amazon in the recent era, Microsoft in a bygone era) that have driven up returns, with a larger group dragging them down.

If you pick 1 stock at random..that means you have 2/3 odds to under-perform the market. Your odds only get better as you diversify, with your best odds to achieve market returns simply by buying VTI.

>> No.1809693

You will also have to put on shitty community theater and the girls will all think you are a fag.

>> No.1809708

Find your own way, dude. Nothing good came from copying.

>> No.1809782
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>don't follow advice from someone who hasn't made it
>I made it so follow my advice

kek summarized

1. believe in yourself
2. what is risk
3. meme book
4. be passionate, have fun
5. do whatever you want
6. be healthy

don't be a meme

>> No.1809860

Its more fun if you are the one putting your cock in someone else, poofter

>> No.1809947

Pic unrelated, I hope.

>> No.1809966

OP - I just graduated and landed a job doing business development for a SaaS company.

What business development advice do you have for me? I will be doing lead generation and cold calling. The starting salary is very good.

>> No.1810055

NOT OP but I am a NEET I just want to start life guys


>> No.1810870

No its not you 16 year old

>> No.1811028

Wheres the suggested career, OP?

>> No.1811061

well it's a bit disgusting but so are vagoos.
the fun part of anal is if the girl is really into it she goes crazy from your cock in her ass. the sounds they make during vanilla sex is not even on the same chart.

>> No.1811087

>don't follow advice from someone who hasn't made it
>I'm also only 5'5
>Once you're done with that chapter, you'll notice something. Your brain will be drained...
>my wife has a LOT of pain during vaginal sex. Read up on vaginismus

Are you Mike Cernovich?

>> No.1811091
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>It literally took two years just to get her relaxed enough to fit it in past the sphincter

>> No.1811099

oh shut up you faggot

>> No.1811304

a truly successful person recognizes their weaknesses before anyone else does.

So please tell me OP. What's yours and how are you trying to fix them?

Another question. When did this all start for you and made you realize "I'm good"? and why were you convinced?

Another question. Everyone has a person that they can't get to but they really try. Who's yours and why so they mean so much to you?

and this one's important. Family. How many siblings do you have and how often do you speak with them?

You said you had a wife that goes through a lot of pain when having vaginal sex so I guess you don't do it often but do you have kids? How many? If none then when are you getting them or are you not? Why not?

Please answer these questions OP you're a interesting person and I really want to get to know you a bit better.

Don't worry you can obviously stay anon and I don't want to talk with you out of here as well.

>> No.1811421

>but it's nice nowing you have someone who has your back
you certainly have her back but what about the other way around? does she get you behind too?

>> No.1811440

you don't have to

and the fag thing is more dance or musical theatre

>> No.1811450

>You should understand that VTI literally IS the market. By definition if you by 1, 2, 10, 1000 US stocks at random, the "average" result will mirror VTI.

No it won't, you should look into how an index is constructed. It is a market cap weighted index, what you've state there would only hold true if all constituents of it were equally weighted.

>> No.1812016

Christ, sure glad I have tons of money I wont be married.

Sounds like a drag and waste of time.

>> No.1812022

im a neet with about 3 grand banks and 5 grand in trust fund
how can i go to the next level? im currently a disabled person and i don't know when is the next time ill be able to work

>> No.1812108

OP's advice isn't for everyone...

I'd say his advice is best suited for those who are ambiverts.

Also, I find a lot of value in data science. Big companies allocate so much money into consultants before they even know what their "needs" actually are. If you pair the extrovert, who is articulate, with the ability to interpret (and deliver) data, the result is a serious payday.

>> No.1812127


>> No.1812321
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tfw wrapping up US med school, going into ophtho to eventually specialize as retinal surgeon for over 500k a year. Took this year off in med school to do ophtho research in Japan to boost my pubs and get into a better ophtho program back in the US when I return.

doing a lot of glaucoma research which is super heavy on stats. senpai doc shows me R.

Begin to learn R and do basic things and start creating ROC curves and getting better and better.

tfw I return to US with a shit load of pubs in prestigious journals, and moderately good with R (in addition to being now fluent in Japanese, but I spent a year in Japan before med school, so I already knew a lot)

tfw my skills in R will never be used again since I will be a doc in the US and we have greasy coding monkeys to crunch stats for us instead of doing it ourselves like they do in Japan. tfw I won't even be using Japanese hardly ever either, since no Japs in US

feelsbadman. A lot of the coolest skills I have and am most proud of are completely worthless in my actual career. I'm really with god computer hardware and software, R, Japanese, literature and philosophy papers etc. But being en eye surgeon doesnt even give an opportunity to do or use a single one of those skills. Like ever

wat do? Im not about to give up my career to do more fun skills, but I really hate the idea of them all just rusting away as I basically work a lucrative 9-5 job

>> No.1812461

I could still change specialties to something like ER doc, which would earn less, but I'd still be looking at at least 250k a year, but even more free time to do other stuff. Wouldn't be a proper surgeon, but I also wont have to take care of patients after shift is done. ER is like shift work, so when you're done for the day, you're actually done.

Been thinking about doing a more shift related field so it's be easier to take time off to do stuff as opposed to more trad doc wherein I got lots of patients relying on me so i wouldnt be able to take off whenever I wanted. Running out of time to decide

Regardless of which field, I plan on going back to some random ivy for an MBA after working a few years, purely to get the namesake and some connections for doing biz back in Asia, esp Japan. But that's still a really vague and half-baked plan at this point. I'm 26 now, but will likely be 32 by the time I start to see big dollars.

Will have loans, but not terrible. got a half british half japanese waifu already. she is older than me and make good cash doing IT related crap in the UK (worked for softcat) but her assets make it so debt from my schooling wont be a big issue.

Any idea what I should be doing now to prepare for when I get more cash as far as investment strategies? Should I just drop skills like R entirely, since they likely wont be more than a conversation piece in my forseeable future?

>> No.1812479

why would u come back to america even nyc is a shit hole ridden by feminists and liberals

>> No.1812514

not interested in cliche /pol/ rhetoric, but US has a massively higher salary potential for MDs (by a factor of at least 2 to a factor as high as 5) compared to anywhere else, esp Japan. And cheaper real estate, and lower taxes etc.

Dealing with fat people, bad fashion, and bad food is a small price to pay for the financial gain. Liberal hypocrisy is everywhere, and worse in Europe compared to US. And far right retards are just as grating to hear. Loud and vapid opinions of far right or far left don't affect me except causing an occasional cringe should I be unfortunate enough accidentally come upon it in my carefully curated internet experience

>> No.1812664

>I get to fuck a loyal 8/10 waifu in the ass at least twice a week.
Considering the vile creature you attached to your post we can guess that your standards are pretty low, so a 8/10 to you is a 5/10 at best.

>> No.1813459

Opposite. This is truth.

>> No.1813480

he's 5'5" so tiny dikku is possible

>> No.1813482

rich people do way more drugs than middle class people

>> No.1813484

I'm never going to understand guys who want to have a mental midget for a wife

>> No.1813632

Op here, am back.

I have a 4 year degree but I wasn't a STEM major, I learned data analysis on my own. Breaking in can be a bit hard.

>starting salary is very good
You're off to a good start. Read 'Rules of Work'. Try to network as much as possible, including on linkedin. Stay there at least 2 years, but if you're stuck getting raises under 8%, then you should look for your next job.

This guy gets it. There's nothing quite like the grunting sound a girl reactively makes when she's literally shitting in reverse from your cock.

Too many personal questions..but we're planning for kids sometime soon, but currently own a 1 bedroom condo (prime area). We'll buy a bigger place soon and keep the old one as a rental. I have plenty of weaknesses but none that affect my career fortunately.

Depends on the disability. If you can read, type, & learn then it's still possible to pickup tech skills.

You're doing fine. Your investment priorities should be emergency fund, house, retirement in that order. Have fun with R if you'd like.

Out of all the times I've done it, I've literally only had filth on my dick once. I think your 'cleaning' IS the problem. You're not supposed to put liquid in there, it loosens up whatever is there.

It's not long but 1.8 inch diameter, conservative measure today. It would feel like shitting a bomb to most people. If that isn't a sign of loyalty then I don't know what is.

>> No.1813960

How do you deal with the smell?

>> No.1814554
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I just started with Financial Consultation, it is pretty dope and I change lives. I am building a team so anyone can become an associate. This is how I pay for flight school...

>> No.1814627

kill yourself

>> No.1815469

You lost credibility when you said that girl in the thumbnail was an 8/10 lol. She's below average / average at best.

>> No.1815890

Thanks OP, just downloaded HTWF&IP — first chapter was great so far.

>> No.1815902

>anyone can become an associate.
mlm schemer detected