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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1805719 No.1805719 [Reply] [Original]

In the US politics and business have now merged. Even if Trump is impeached and his appointees are largely replaced, the genie is out of the bottle. The new game is getting elected or appointed to political positions and using them to carve out and protect your corporate niche. I expect to see this mirrored at the state level soon, and become pervasive throughout the system. No more political lobbying, now the game is direct takeover.

You fags ready for this kanly?

t. Some guy from a Minor House

>> No.1805722

It would have been even worse with Hillary

>> No.1805726


No. With Hillary business would have stayed more or less the same. With Trump the nature of business and politics in the US has fundamentally changed and now the spice must flow.

>> No.1805727

they'll have to re-write the constitution.

which is ultimately why trump and most of his staff are going to be impeached and otherwise run out on a rail.

if the Russian connection doesn't get him first.

>> No.1805731

>In the US politics and business have now merged.
Are you a complete moron? It's been that way for a very, very long way.

>> No.1805738
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usa will have their ciwil war within few years, it's guaranteed by now.

you cannot impeach trump without full blown bloodshed, he has support of majority.

leftist will start a war at some point, they are so desperate at this point. i would start gathering guns, food and ammo if i were murican

>> No.1805739


He's broken decorum. What happens to the administration now is irrelevant.


Not in this fashion. We've had a situation in which business indirectly influenced and lobbied government, but the head of United Fruit didn't run for Congress or ask for appointment to Secretary of Commerce personally to protect his business interests, he just lobbied. Now the game has changed, and you "business as usual" faggots are going to get eaten alive when you're competing against the people who wise up.

>> No.1805834

>bloodshed, he has support of majority
Not even close. There's a reason his products have such shit sales now

>> No.1805891


Fucking this.
Are you fucking dumb OP? Don't answer that question.
The term "revolving door" has been around since the 70s.
Trump has instated a lobby ban (much like Obama) and has step down from Trump Org.
What more could want?

>> No.1805893

you've been spending too much time on /pol/ kid

>> No.1805894


You know that thing where someone demonstrates that they have a little bit of surface level knowledge but know nothing past that? Then on top of that they call other people stupid?


>> No.1805910


>politics and business have now merged
hahahahaha bruh they were born conjoined twins you absolute retard waste.