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18047542 No.18047542 [Reply] [Original]

The Greatest President of All Time

>> No.18047551


>> No.18047561

no that would be Bush

>> No.18047602

what a god
Imagine the chaos without him

>> No.18047611

and they’re saying a lot of people the best people and these really are some great the best people they’re saying that in our great country that in the country I’m a strong leader that they’re saying that you know you can the American people can come to expect that I’m behind them and I am behind them every step of the way in this great country

>> No.18047623
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why arent the borders shutdown
wheres the wall (no its not built)
wheres the end to birthright citizenship
why are deportations less than under obama

>> No.18047667

I like it how he's so good at his job that every time he talks on camera the DOW crashes

>> No.18047791
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He's a fucking retard but I have made a fucking cockton of cash with TTT (trading trump's tweets) and his predictable interviews. It's free money.

>> No.18047834


>> No.18047975
File: 77 KB, 1543x800, AFB88978-3266-4846-BFAB-DBF1719D0F2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

q will never deliver
trump will keep acting
global state of emergency will be permanent
worldwide helicopter money
20’s depression
3rd temple gets build around 2024

All going as planned

>> No.18048017

Let me put it this way
If he somehow wins the 2020 election, then he HAS to be considered one of the greatest US presidents of all time just for pulling that off alone
For him to not only survive impeachment but also daily accusations of racism/sexism/sexual assault/corruption/lies/being an idiot/being Putin's bitch, constantly being hated on my the majority of mainstream media/Hollywood/the music word/the sports world, AND this whole coronavirus mess AND the stock market/economy getting rekt which BOTH directly affect mainly the type of people that voted for him…..for him to survive all of that shit and still somehow get two terms, there's no way anyone can say he isn't one of the greatest after that

>> No.18048114

The last President of the United States of America was JFK

>> No.18048165

This. But he will win. Just give it time and the Chinese virus will fix itself in American. I realized last night that this is actually kind of a nothingburger, unironically. We can't keep the economy shut down indefinitely. It's fucking retarded.

>> No.18048477
File: 290 KB, 853x1327, Basert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's innocent in all this, he literally warned us it was coming, and nobody knows more about this than he does.

>> No.18048944

The *last president of the "united" states of *Israel.

>> No.18049066

I was a Trump supporter but this virus pushed me over the edge. I will not be voting in 2020.

>> No.18049105
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What type of brain damage causes his supporters to think this is completely fine?

>> No.18049160

most of his supporters know he bungled the response to the virus. you're just seeing a handful of morons who switched their brains off on the internet defending him

>> No.18049167

For me, it was the bailouts. The FED is buying an unlimited amount of bad debt from zombie companies and you and I pay for it.

Fuck voting. All in on cypto.

>> No.18049216

Post me the most articulate, insightful thing that Trump has ever ad-libbed. Give me an insight into this great mind.

>> No.18049229

The only reason he has so many fans is because of all the bullshit he says, he comes across as relatable, but what has he actually accomplished?

>> No.18049281

The sort of morons who idolize someone who says, literally: "We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical"

If you met someone irl who talked like that you would justifiably conclude that they have about an 80 IQ. Barely coherent.

>> No.18049379


>> No.18049430

There should be a hashtag thingsigotfromcoronavirus or something
1) got to try UBI (everyone got 1000 free bucks)
2) students loan relief, didn’t have to pay car loan for awhile
3) tons of companies randomly started hiring huge
4) pollution way down I can see for miles which has been cool
5) seeing the creative ways companies have delivered things to customers changing Americans business forever
6) breaking me out of being addicted to niggerball now I see how much it was wasting my life
7) I now know what put options are making enough money to get me through this not 100k or anything just rent and food

Maybe more

>> No.18049439

Take a look at /ptg/ and enjoy a look into a cultist's mind. They're completely immune to any form of criticism. And they consider it criticism if you don't type #maga quite enough

>> No.18049776

>Single handedly starts the largest stock market bullrun in history
>Removes all of the unwanted immigrants but keeps all the useful ones
>Builds a giant fucking wall like the Great Wall of China around the entire country just because it looks cool
>Makes it so we are no longer reliant at all on other countries to produce goods
>Single handedly finds a cure for the new Black Plague in his personal lab - turns out it's you just swallow his semen.

Will we ever get another President as glorious?