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1803870 No.1803870 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with idiots at work?

>> No.1803876

Mind your own business

>> No.1803878


What job do you have where you don't have to interact with others to get the job done?

>> No.1803884

You will always have to interact with people in life it's part of networking
Put on your mask in the morning and do your job, do not be implicated in any sorts of drama and be as neutral and professional as possible during friendly debates or what not.
Try to stay "anonymous" as cliché as it sounds, don't talk about yourself or your habits and life
This will in turn reduce the amount of people talking behind your back, and even if they do, they won't say anything bad.
The damn telephone game.
T. Former grocerie shop worker, now working at a large firm in IT

>> No.1803893

Run your own business.

>> No.1803896

Throw them down a flight of stairs.

>> No.1803917

You have to endure them. The willingness of other people (including idiots and dicks) to work with you reflects on your career.

>> No.1803942

I agree. Avoiding drama is hugely valuable in the workplace. As tempting as it may be to talk negatively about other employees it has a habit of coming back to bite you. Avoid religious or political discussions.

I have avoided major hassles working in a company that can be quite catty, among co-workers with juxtaposed political views to my own. It can be hard to remain 'anonymous' though because it is hard to tactfully deflect when people ask prying questions.

>> No.1803974


I work with smart as fuck engineering fuckers. Perhaps it is I who is the idiot.

>> No.1805260

are you trading options yet?

If you are gain/losing more in trades per day than your work income then everything just melts off you.

Idiots barely bother me anymore, i don't even neurally recognize them as the same species. they are just like animals or insects crawling around.
If you are outside and see a bug walk by does it anger you anymore?

>> No.1805292

Run a rock quarry by myself. Load dumptrucks and shitpost.

The crew comes along 4 months every other year and i still pretty much do wtf ever i want. I help them until someone pisses me off and then just jet. 59 hours a week i sit here alone and every time someone wanna chitchat i still want to punch them in the head.

>> No.1805297

>tactical deflect.

Litterally tell everyone that trys to play cool kid club bullshit to take a step back and fuck themselves.

Then again maybe thats why i dont have coworkers. Kek

>> No.1805299


Fucking pick 1

>> No.1805310


Be the person that listens to everyone but don't engage in a way that shows the other person that you agree with their opinions/judgments; You're there to let them vent.

Everyone will implicitly trust you because you listen to their bullshit but they can't rope you in by saying you agree.

>> No.1805416

Just leave them alone. All you have to do is get the money you need and gtfo. You don't have to give a shit about the other folks

>> No.1805422


t. salty mindlet

>> No.1805502



If you have to interact with them, keep it light, don't criticise them.

If it's a bad company it will be filled with idiots and you need to leave, if it's a good company the idiots usually don't last long and you'll move up and can manage or fire them anyway.

>> No.1805508

Mostly I just ignore you.

>> No.1806070

I'm in the same position with my IT job. There are guys there who are really smart and have decades of experience. I feel like a kid sometimes. It was a huge wake up call for me.

>> No.1806400

literally the only people with a hard-on for engineers like this are blue collar yokels

>> No.1806447
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I'm an operator at a plant. I'm in charge of the entire process of recycling scrap material off the line so that it can be re-run to hopefully make good material, or scrapped again. We recycle approx. 75% of our bad product. It's just me doing about 15 different tasks at once. They recently started hiring temps to help out, but they have been mostly lazy and some ignorance in the mix. I just assign them basic monkey tasks like cleaning up and making boxes to keep them out of my hair. I had one temp for about 2 weeks. He would always disappear 30-45 minutes at a time. Would always say he went to the bathroom and made up bull shit excuses. I complained enough to get him fired. The next guy lasted 3 weeks. He was just lazy as shit and stood around. Whenever the supervisor came in the room he would dart behind the machine where he kept a broom and acted like he was cleaning. I just started making him doing more manual labor shit the entire shift and he quit. The next guy has been here almost 3 months. He was eager to help out but he's stupid and ignorant as fuck always breaking shit and messing up my routine. But at least he's trying. He only does what he wants though. If he doesn't do something I ask him to do, he will get all defensive and claim he's just a temp and the temp agency said he'd only be doing this not that bla bla bla.

But then again, this place is filled with stupid lazy idiots, so he might fit in. I'd personally rather just go back to being on my own, but the operators on other shifts complained so much about this being a hard job (it's not) that they started hiring temps to basically be our pets. I wish they'd hire a qt temp that just calls me sweetie and tells me I'm doing a good job.

>> No.1806451

I can't say this about all engineers but the engineer for the machine I run is down right retarded. He needs to read the service manual for 4 hours to figure out how to fix something I do routinely in 5 minutes, but insists that I can't do it because I don't have a college degree. He will then tear shit apart like a monkey with a wrench then goes on break for 3 hours because he's salaried and can do whatever I want. Then I get the short straw of being blamed for the thing being down most of the shift.

>> No.1806800

Fucking this. I only call in the engineers when I really can't figure something out myself, but 75% of the time they are completely clueless about the machine in general and as a result start messing with settings on the machine which were totally fine to begin with. Then when they leave (halfassing the job) i'm left to restore everything by myself.

>> No.1806827
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Chances are, you're an idiot too; you just don't know it.