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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18037678 No.18037678 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18037699

Charlie (((Kike))) can go fuck himself

>> No.18037709

Back to work, we aren't doing all the heavy work of money printing to benefit the lower classes. We're not forcing the lower classes to do a bundle of work to pay for government, because we have no inclination to do so. We don't own them, we only own their labor. They will work only when we stop laboring for them, and that's the way it has to be. This is democracy.

Perhaps there is a lot of talk and ill-informed speculation about what this is going to look like, and it's true that a lot of the government labor forces will be eliminated and replaced by non-government labor. But that is the nature of freedom, and that is the nature of the market, and that is what money (Bitcoin) really is.

>> No.18037712

China is still communist, Kirk

>> No.18037798


>> No.18037814

This country is bipolar

>> No.18037843

Banks still get their bailout money though

>> No.18037866
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>people crying about muh commies on this board are allied with charlie cuck

>> No.18037877

This. Fuck that kike.

>> No.18037925

>banks get trillions
>fed prints trillion dollars
>rich get stimulus check

People should take to the streets if we aren't taken care of,

>> No.18038087

>literally could have gave every man women and child in America 1 million dollars.
>throw it into the stock market for a 5 minute pump instead


>> No.18038116

>people get fired because of chink virus they have no control over
>trump tries to pay off a bunch of corporate cocksuckers and hand the rest to the people who paid to boost his economy
>gets denied and throws a tantrum and tells everyone to go back to work while shilling a fake POTENTIAL (((cure)))

>oy vey consoomer just find a brand new job despite the fact that nobody will hire you until the virus is over, get back to work stocking those communist made supplies, just forget that I pretended to bring back manufacturing to America and instead shipped the chinese workers over to the U.S.

>> No.18038205

Nationalise all the banks.

>> No.18038289

if i was a billionare banker why the fuck would i give everyone 1 million when me and my friends can get 500 billion each?

>> No.18038340

>the plight of communism

>> No.18039002

>2 trillion / 320 million =
six thousand two hundred fifty