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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18030473 No.18030473 [Reply] [Original]

is around the 2$ mark a good entry point for chainlink? or is it likely to go lower in the next few weeks?

>> No.18030491


>> No.18030508

It’s been dipping below that past couple days anyway, just be patient

>> No.18030509

Why even wear pants

>> No.18030516


>> No.18030524

just thinking this, just walk around naked and let random men cum in you, its that simple

>> No.18030528

hide the cellulite

>> No.18030541

>ywn have this bitch
It’s truly not fair.

>> No.18030564

>everone has buy orders below 2.00
>thinks it’s going to go lower.

Go back

>> No.18030585

>te heee It just feels so comfortable to wear these pants
>I want to make it clear that I don't use these pants so men stare at my ass!!
>*random guy looks at his ass*
what the fuck is wrong with women?
this, wtf

>> No.18030617


>> No.18030652


>> No.18030660

based and redpilled

>> No.18030697


>> No.18030784


>> No.18030823


>> No.18030854

Might be Becky Crocker. Hard to tell

>> No.18030873

It’s BettyCrocker

>> No.18030897

Fucking autocorrect but it’s Becky Crocker

>> No.18031331

is this the so called american dream?

>> No.18031415
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this board is shit, not one helpful answer, thanks retards

>> No.18031471

Stop being a coomer if you want serious answers.

>> No.18031477

Literally didn't even read your post. Was just enamoured by the ass.

>> No.18031552

I dont think chain link is a winner just not my bag to hold.

>> No.18031595

no thats clearly a Norwegian

>> No.18031631
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ok better?

>> No.18031843

Rub my dick on that camel toe

>> No.18031985

does it ever get annoying jiggling like that all the time? i was fat for a year and it pissed me off I hated moving around because my thighs had circular momentum with the fat jiggling

>> No.18032110

i actually really like this
is this a style that i can search for more of the same sort of thing?

>> No.18032167


>> No.18032313
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there's more but give me a serious answer. I mean, I'm just looking for someone to tell me what I already think, which is that it's likely to dip at somepoint in the next weeks/month, but want to hear what other anons who know more think

>> No.18032375

bought between 20 and 50 cents, don't give a shit what the price does in the next few months as long as they keep making progress. Hoping oracle still plan to integrate in q3 but corona could throw a spanner in the works at this rate.

>> No.18032411

Double digit LINK soon.

>> No.18032574

I love camel toe. It's like a cute tiny ass crack on the front. Like the little wheel of a backwards facing penny-farthing.

>> No.18032688

Idk OP. I'm just hoping it won't go below 15k sats because that will liqudate some of my stack. Been holding since early 2018. If this chinese virus keeps everything shutdown for months to come, then we might dip to $1 or below even if there are people holding LINK who are affected by the impact and need some cash. The cases are still growing day by day in most countries, but hopefully it will reach a peak soon and start going down. As far as I have seen from biz posts about the Federal Reserve, it seems like the fed is pumping a lot of money into the markets so hopefully stocks won't crash much anymore.

If you try to look for a bigger picture, this might be a good opportunity for Chainlink to market itself more since in times of recessions, companies are very eager to experiment to cut costs(smart contracts in this case).

>> No.18032828


>store clerks dress like that

I too want to open a Nike™ store.

>> No.18032849

yeah that's what my instinct says, to just be patient things will dip more cause the USA & UK have not reached the peak of the virus yet (NYC will be Wuhan #2). but with so much govt intervention it's hard to judge & really, I'm not very good at investing. but even the IMF head is saying they'll be a recession worse than 2008 this year. surely that means prices are going to fall further at somepoint? isn't it impossible for speculative assests like crypto to go up when millions are unemployed, demand in the normal economy has dried up, & govt is propping up all industries? or am I retarded?

>> No.18033014

Aren't any Chinese in Chainlink? The US coasts are in peak quarantine already, We've already bounced back over 33% from the bottom. Maybe we could see around $1.60 again but idk why we'd keep dumping. Isn't this the scenario crypto was designed for? Why are we treating it like a normie stock market?

>> No.18033340

Posting from pc now. The govt intervention really makes it a very unsure bet. If they decide to give every american $1k - $2k a month, that would probably help a lot for a normal/crab/bull scenario. If you already have a nice stack of LINK, then maybe buy more over the next months or so. LINK has almost always been a very volatile and "unpredictable" crypto given it's important role in smart contract adoption. The recent sats ATH breakout was probably a surprise to many and the smartcon gave LINK a lot of bullish potential to breakout of $5 and now this suddent crash due to a chinese virus maybe makes some people who were "left out" start to buy "accumulate" link. LINK really isn't like other crypto. Almost all other crypto is just some wacky "vision" of some crypto currency and muh 10k tps and what not. At $1 I'm sure there will be a lot of people ready to buy a shit ton of LINK. Also I'm hoping that Sergey will turn this chinese virus shit into an opportunity by forcing companies to adopt smart contracts more rapidly, but that's just wishful thinking.

>> No.18033573
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>> No.18033609

It will probably drop this and next week yes. I personally don’t think it will go lower than 1.5 unless everything shits the bed completely. I’m currently short snd will re-enter around 1.7-1.8

>> No.18033650

the unnatural hair ruins it

>> No.18033660

Go back to pol you stupid fuck nobody wants to see your thot posting attention whoring

>> No.18033703

A good entry point was $0.20.
There's retards out there who missed the obvious top and would still dump on you for a 10x profit.
If you're the one left holding the bags of these retards, what does this say about you?
>t. actual suicide stack holder

>> No.18033762

it's footlocker

thanks interesting to read I only have a small stack but have money on the sidelines for alot more. there's just too much uncertainty to know what to do, but my gut says wait a few weeks at least till next Thursday & the us unemployment report, I agree
also considering just buying smaller amounts regularly to spread the risk

>> No.18033788
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better? I hate pol

>> No.18033915


>> No.18034078

gaaaaaawwwdddddd, who fucks that

>> No.18034202

Posting asses, just grants stupid responses.
Posting women in general does the same even if they are old as fuck.

You are better off posting stuff like paintings, pixel art, and just interesting but not distracting images.

About your question, I believe it will drop below 1$ before mooning, but thats just me. I think I will buy a few once it hits $1.50 or so again.

If you have the money enter soon, I dont have that much experience to really give an in-depth thought answer. But by common sense, people will start selling off their stuff for USD, which is what ahs been happening.

Now I dont know how the recent announcement of indefinite money printing will affect in the long term, but it seems like a bull trap to me. You cant just keep printing money till death. Economy in USA is soon to halt due to the virus, people will get quarentined. so the worst is yet to come as the smaller businesses come to a stop. and the big ones stumble.
Even if the goevenrment does give everybody $1k it just isnt sustainable if all they are going to waste it in is buying food and then keep quarentined. For the next 2 months. Average Joe, will buy food and online entertainement, while those with more capital will either start buying online stocks and other valuables once everything seems to stabilize.

$1k for everybody is not that great when thos who needed it actually just use it for food and stuff they can buy online.

>> No.18034457
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thanks interesting alot of people seem to be waiting for 1.50, not sure what that means or if it means it won't go that low, but I'm waiting for a bit longer probably for a week or two. things are so uncertain though & I'm not good at investing - what will happen when the us govt passes the stimulus? what happens when us cases skyrocket & places start being like Italy? what does a recession actually mean? all analysts are saying big recession in q2.

>> No.18034499

I bought around 1200 links at $2. For now, I'm waiting 2-3 weeks to see where things go. But if it crosses $3, I'll buy 3-4k more in that case to avoid missing the corona dip.

>> No.18034514


>> No.18034515

I would fuck her ass if you know what I mean

>> No.18034525

lmfao that's just absurd.

>> No.18034564

I mean, right now is a good entry point for everything

I'd say go in if link falls near 2 again

>> No.18034573

goddamit biz
why can't i stop thinking about pusy

>> No.18034592


>> No.18034692


>> No.18034835

Fuck you I dont care about instathots.
You are just shitting up 4chan, this is a dumpster not a shithole.

Stop watching porn you weak minded coomer.

>what will happen when the us govt passes the stimulus?
Just what I said, the idea is that the stimulus lasts longer than the virus. Otherwise they will have to keep on printing money.

>what happens when us cases skyrocket & places start being like Italy?
Markets plummet more, everything is based on confidence to be honest. Right now USD has a lot of confidence, people believe it is the most important asset right now, thats why they are selling out stocks for cash.

>what does a recession actually mean? all analysts are saying big recession in q2.
As I said I am not as well versed to give such in-depth answers, but in the end its just that people lost confidence on the market, and value is now given to other assets. Thats the problem with printing more cash, too much and people start realizing its not really that valuable then inflation happens after a deflation run.

After all recessions, USD has gained strenght, then it goes down. We are right now in deflation.
Keep a look for Jap Yens it also stays strong in dire times.

>> No.18035709

it is best such degenerates actually burn coal. they literally remove their shit genes out of your race.

>> No.18036477

>muh /pol/
but seriously you expect serious answers while thotposting?

>> No.18036640

Literally a pale nigger

>> No.18036760
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>> No.18037472
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Oh god

>> No.18037554

so no different than 80% of American whites

>> No.18037565

You know what is a good entry point ? The current price of OGN.

>> No.18037650
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>> No.18037692


>> No.18037713

Absolutely disgusting. Only coombrain virgins like that shit.

>> No.18037898


>> No.18038335

How much does a session with her cost?