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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18027487 No.18027487 [Reply] [Original]

I told myself 2 weeks ago that I would start buying stocks when the Trump Election Day DOW level of 18,300 was breached. Now im hesitant because this does not look like a bottom

>> No.18027513

the bottom never looks like the bottom at the time

>> No.18027537

Buy some now and buy some later if it drops more. Don't try to predict the bottom or you will miss it

>> No.18027538

17500. Screencap this.

>> No.18027584

average dollar cost into stocks NOW.

Example: If you have $10k and want to buy BA, use 3k now, 3k next week, and 4k the next

>> No.18027678

What positive news has there been?
Has there been any change in sentiment toward the virus?
Has there been a reversal of any sorts?
Are jobs returning to the people, and unemployment numbers retreating?
Have any developments been done in raw statistics that show less people are being infected opposed to more?
Has Trump figured out that he's actually supposed to be a president and not a snakeoil salesman?

>the bottom never looks like the bottom at the time

>> No.18027703

chicken shits like you always miss out waiting on the bottom too. literally bullish.

>> No.18027748

This. Everyone’s trying to catch the return to normal pump convincing themselves that the major violent dump we just had is a somehow healthy market movements

>> No.18027776

The "pricing in" sure happened pretty sharply.
Unless you think either
a) the full impact of the coronavirus is priced in already
b) they're gonna discover a vaccine tomorrow
how could this be anywhere near the bottom

>> No.18027859

just buy the dip bro

>> No.18027908

You are assuming the market is acting rationally right now. Bulls believe they've oversold and "priced in" more chaos than will actually happen. Personally I think we are approaching a bottom, but not there yet. I think around 16k.

This board has atracted a lot of /pol/ doomer fags. Once Italy starts flattening, the world will begin to calm down.

>> No.18027950

The question is, while you're waiting for positive news, what if unexpected extremely positive news comes out and immediately markets jump up 7% and go above your 18,300 target? That's why you should put at least some % in on the basis of your price target, and reserve some % more and re-assess your targets in case there are further drops.

>> No.18027977

bottom is 5k

>> No.18028021
File: 97 KB, 718x960, btfotrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC zombie apocalypse when ?

>> No.18028190

By the time Italy stabilizes, wiermerica will be exploding.

>> No.18028261

Timing the bottom to the degree of specificity you seem to be hoping for is impossible. Even in swing trading where you are timing the market to a degree, you won't buy the exact bottom nor will you sell the exact top. A garden variety buy signal off a sharp decline like this typically forms at least 5-10% ABOVE the bottom. Goal for swing trading is to capture 50%-80% of the rising trend, somewhere around there. This works because, by waiting for confirmation price action on your TA you create a high percentage chance to profit. You do that over and over and over you can beat the market most of the time and be well defended against sharp drawdowns and crashes.

If you want to long hold, start averaging in now. Put in more once a month.

>> No.18028302

DCA in

>> No.18028556

if u made a plan then you should stick to it

>> No.18028593

you made a plan. stop being emotional

stick to it pussy

im starting to buy now as well

>> No.18028643

>follow an uninformed plan blindly, don't adapt to new information

great advice

>> No.18028689

Honestly, I wouldn't even consider going long on stocks till the dow reaches 10k, seriously you guys are going to lose the shirts on your backs