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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1802594 No.1802594 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any actual rich people here other than janitoranon?

>> No.1803630

I'm 24 with $60K saved. Not rich but better off than most of my peers.

How rich is janitoranon?

>> No.1803644

Yeah, on a site with a huge userbase like 4chan, odds are there's at least a few rich people here.

All that said, again it's 4chan, so odds are the active majority here are poor losers.

>> No.1803666

Inherited, so it doesn't count.

>> No.1804007

I have 5 BTC, not too bad for a NEET

>> No.1804318

Sounds like me. Still feel poor af.

>> No.1804346

Yes I have around 21 btc.

>> No.1804354


I'm poor as fuck, but I've got good savings.

>> No.1804471

I am. Thank you Trumpcoins.

>> No.1804480
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Am I rich?

>> No.1804483

I'm rich in the love of my family - and you CAN'T put a price on that.

No, you neet.

>> No.1804484

How much do I need to make before I'm rich?

>> No.1804523

I'm a NEET but I found a hole in a bitcoin gambling website 2 years ago.
I managed to get about 75 coins off them.
I spent about 30 coins since then, and gambled my stack back up to 100.
I don't know what to do with my life, think about killing myself daily.
For now I continue being a NEET slowly spending my bitcoin.

>> No.1804539

can I have said bitcoins if youre offing yourself?

>> No.1804545

can I have said bitcoins if youre killing yourself

>> No.1804560

can you order me Amazin Kindle?

>> No.1804601

What's that? How much?

>> No.1804608

It's an ebook reader.


>> No.1804611

lol what fucking website?

>> No.1804613


put the money to a good use perhaps? Invest it into something tangible or travel?

>> No.1804674

There's ihaz

>> No.1804683

$41K @ 20 here.

feel poor af aswell, even tho im literally insanely far ahead of everyone i know

>> No.1804704

Obviously cash out quick before their ponzi scheme closes.

>> No.1804749

Depends, are you going to spend it on a video game, animation, whatever in order to turn those poor 5 million into 5 billions? Ok that's exaggerated, but you can at least get 50mil so you don't go bankrupt when you try to finance a project of your own.

>> No.1804758

I can imagine nocoiners will still saying this kind of stuff in 2078.

>> No.1804764

I have 200K at 24. Honestly there is no point where you feel rich. That's the secret. They're just numbers. You have to accept yourself.

>> No.1804781

I meant from the website. Not bitcoins in general. If he managed to scrape 75 bitcoins from a gambling website before he had time to notice, he better cash those out into a bitcoin wallet quick before the website falls apart from their mistake.

>> No.1804809

You're such a liar. Otherwise you'd have at least half a bitcoin to give to a good trader who can turn it into 300 bitcoins.

>> No.1804848

yup, ive had that feeling aswell
>maybe itll be nice when i hit 10k
>oh ok
>maybe 20k?
>ok what about 40k that gotta be good
>i swear to god if i hit 100k within the year ill be estatic
now i guess we just wait and see for that disapointment

>> No.1804859

Pretty much. My next goal is 300K and then 450K. I think i'll be satisfied at 450K because I can live off the dividends by then but I know I won't be happy.

>> No.1804881

yeah i have the same feeling, basically once i own a house and own my own car, plus enough money to live then maybe ill be ok?

>> No.1804893

my silly dream is own land in Texas or similar area, ranch in a prairie if such places exist.

>> No.1804895

Money is a never ending pursuit.

Why do you think multibillionaires still try and get more money? They could never spend all that money, but they aren't happy and want more.

The only way to be happy with the money you have is to inherit millions. If you're gradually earning money you won't be satisfied with any number.

>> No.1804986

how did you do that senpai? poor college student here who just lost 1000

>> No.1804996

how? an inheritance?

>> No.1805002

can you teach me your ways? swaggaspare@gmail.com

>> No.1805007

Satan trips checked

>> No.1805028

My goal is early retirement though.

If I can retire early, I'll be happy. Really simple.

>> No.1805036
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>Are there any actual rich people here
There used to be. There also used to be glorious threads with useful and intelligent advice on investing, business, taxes, and law.

The roleplayers drove them off.

>> No.1805070

>we wuz glorious n shieeet

>> No.1805077

Does /biz/ have a collection of essential reading with regards to investing?

or in general economy, btw. if anyone can answer my question in this thread >>1804485 I'd be really happy

>> No.1805149

bump for this

and who is pimple?
is he real?

>> No.1805509


well said.

It's real weird when you have $100k and for a moment you think you have some power, then you sit down with a few people that have millions and then feel poor.

>> No.1805514


Inherited though right?

In either case. Do you do a lot of traveling? I think that's something that would change in my life if I had more money. I'd be taking like 5 or 6 trips a year.

>> No.1805515

£125k at 19 here.

I was a very smart kid, and have been a successful internet marketer from 16 onwards... probably did too many drugs whilst my brain was still developing though and as a result am not so smart anymore.

I could become a millionaire with a years worth of effort, I know it, but my income from marketing is 100% passive, and I just don't care to expend the effort to make more money.

>> No.1805529

iPhone came out when I was 18, had a feeling it would change the world, put 15k from my student loan into AAPL

Dropped that shit in 2015 for 1.1mil

>> No.1805532

I'm 20 and am pretty poor right now. You could hire me and I could manage some stuff to push you into the millions. Whatever you'd want me to do. If you don't want to put the effort in, I will! I need a job, so that's really all I'd ask of you. Just a job.

>> No.1805559

Sorry guy, the only money-making venture that I would embark on now would be to build an analysis system to do automatic trading -- and that wouldn't be to make money, but to learn about natural language processing. I really do believe that the only thing worth spending a lifetime working on is bringing about AGI.

>> No.1805567

offer is on the table for anyone in here.

>> No.1805585

~15k of that my parents gave me (dads company did well this past year so instead of paying taxes on retained earnings they bonus it out to the employees/me and my sister)

~8k i had from saving up for the past two years, have a IT job at 15.5/hr and worked a lot last summer/winter while still living at home so 0 expenses.

then the rest i have earned from weedstocks (canadian, fuck USA weedstocks) investments

keep in mind this is all CAD. plus im just a generally frugal person, gf has to convince me to buy new clothes/shoes for myself

howd you lose the 1k?

>> No.1805588

no fuckin way, i wish i could hit something like this

>> No.1805613

How much do you need to start investing? Im new here.

>> No.1805617

fell for some check fraud because i'm a dumbass and made a lot of assumptions since i didn't know how banks actually worked (and i needed money to pay for rent bad). someone messaged my school email posing as a company with a job offer, so i thought it was legit and thought they were using me for money laundering or under the table stuff when they sent me the check. i did the $1000 (maxed my bank allowed to be withdrawn in one day) for them then was like yeah this isn't right and went silent and stopped replying to them. they low key threatened me saying i won't get away with it if i don't send the rest of the money excluding my payment then a few days later threatened to kill me since they had my address. so yeah, i was like well, i'll take the rest of the money and move since it's more than obvious they aren't a real company. took a closer look at the check later, turns out it was fake the whole time. so yeah, they fucked me out of $1000 knowing I'm a poor college student then threatened to kill me for even more using my information. i was hoping the money was real for a long time since the dude seemed quite angered i wouldn't send the money

>> No.1805631

how do the mentally handicapped survive college?

>> No.1805639

are you in canada? TD its 0, though broker fees are 9.99 per trade so i would save atleast 1k in cash before starting

if you want to learn the basics
>inb4 plebbit
just read the faq/sidebar and you will be on the right path

>> No.1805640

Don't get stars in your eyes just yet. Unless there was serious reinvesting or additional capital, buying the lowest of the lows after the iphone launch in 2007 (read: ~$18) and selling for the highest of the highes in 2015 (~$132), the principal increase would have boosted his $15,000 to $110,000.

That's leaving dividends and additional investments aside. Still nice, but nowhere near his claim. That was over 8 years, average income would make that in 3-4 years. Difference is it's an investment/passive.

>> No.1805650

Janitoranon here.
I don't consider a net million rich.

you probably shouldn't either. Where I live it's upper middle class. Anyone that owns a home outright here is probably a millionaire.

>> No.1805652

I'm American.
Thanks I'll check that out.

>> No.1805655

yeah i didnt know numbers on apple so i was super suprised

>> No.1805668

calling it right now. outright bullshit.

How'd you end up paying for that semester?

>> No.1805736

Fuck you. Im 20 @ $58k.

But still feeel poor.

>> No.1805758

I feel man, we both doing great tho

>> No.1805791

No it didn't. /biz/ was always retarded. Stop lying.

>> No.1805823

>successful internet marketer

>> No.1805898

>I'll be happy
Yeah right faggot.

>> No.1805905

legend says Taylor swift uses these here forms. Lurking amongst the /b/'s & /pol/.

>> No.1805908

how are you making that much money? are in construction? were you a child prodigy?

>> No.1806011


>> No.1806021

Tonald, is that you?

Get on discord!

>> No.1806024

80k at 18. Not really rich, just well off.

>> No.1806026

27. I don't make a very big salary but, net worth approaching three quarter mill. Literally living off passive income(sustainable, brick and mortar business). Drive new European Luxury SUV.

Is that rich?

>> No.1806034

howd u do it?

>> No.1806039

Having a good group of smart guys who are also trying to make money, make some good decisions, get lucky. I have a good portion in stocks, aswell as a co-owner of quite a few buisnesses.

>> No.1806049

damn at 18 that's impressive, all my friends do is play vidya w me

>> No.1806056

Lol thats all i still do. I dropped out of highschool and dont plan on going to college, just get your friends into making money, show them the potentials, ive gotten alot of people into trading and investing, and then you have another person beside you who can find different areas and opritunities for you to take.

>> No.1806069

No. I'm the same age as you and have the same net worth but I make $250k and drive a Porsche and even I'm not rich.

Anything < $300k is still middle class.

>> No.1806084

I'm ten years older than you, have multiple millions, and drive a Ferrari.
Compared to the people who live around me, I'm not rich either.

>> No.1806464

What happened with iHaz?

>> No.1806476

In a world of blind monkeys, the one-eyed chimp is king.

>> No.1806693


Turbo wagecuck or independently wealthy?

>> No.1806933

Got about 100k liquid, and 320k invested - 25y.o.

>> No.1806957 [DELETED] 
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If I was rich then I would have saved the animation, music and video game industry since 2010.

I would have bought 4chan and made it an actual fun place without cancer that spread out of /b/.