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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18021729 No.18021729 [Reply] [Original]

>Save up 200000 euro
>Buy 10 apartments
>Rent them all out at 250 euro/month
>neet it out for the rest of your life with 2500/month

>> No.18021745

by the time you save up 200000 the apartments are worth 20000000000 euros

>> No.18021751

i'm a virgin and have never had a sip of alcohol nor smoked a single cigarette but that pic looks comfy asf

>> No.18021781

where do i find 20k apartments + no taxes, maintenance fees etc
u need 2m for this not 200k

>> No.18021786

also, only retards would think that it is take home cash, completely ignorant of upkeep and maintenance, fees, rates, property taxes and income taxes

not to mention chasing up niggers and othersubhuman trash deadbeats for rent while they make a bonfire with your furniture in the middle of the living room

>> No.18021801

Eastern Europe

>> No.18022024

Gotta check the lease bro
It'll run out if they are cheap

>> No.18022067

lmao, no
t. eastern euro

>> No.18022076

you are just not eastern euro enough

>> No.18022106

OP is retarded and this thread is filled with poorfags

>> No.18022138

>tard tv

>> No.18022182

Yeah why can't everyone just be parasites

>> No.18022200

wow, brilliant

>> No.18022244

200000 euro only gets me half an apartment in the real world and to do that I'd have to resign myself to living in Europe.

>> No.18022267

there are no 20k houses in Eastern Europe maybe in some fucking village where all industry is dead. Real estate is cheap in Eastern Europe is a meme. In major cities you pay as much as you would in any European city maybe slightly cheaper.

>> No.18022283

I literally live in one right now

>> No.18022413

Even apartments in Turkey cost 50k euros

>> No.18022430

Lol where you find a apartment for 20k??? And even then you have to do office shit with all the paper, apartment controll and insurance

>> No.18022457

These are the idiots who venture pol

Lmao low iq life

>> No.18022564

>Bonfire with your furniture in the middle of the living room

>> No.18022641

Not liquid and if there is any geo-risk like war in Eastern Europe or shit like this virus where you can't rent to tourists you are fucked. Also, apartments loses value over time since amortisation exists.

It's just a bad idea overall. Better buy S&P500 on a dip.

>> No.18022711
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>> No.18022836
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 8A3D88B1-A7AC-46D8-9FC1-28CE1B58C84C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll take ((what are taxes))), maintenance and hassel for 100 Alex

>> No.18022873

You're not missing out. It is fun at first and then you look back at the time you wasted and hate yourself

>> No.18022871

I fucking live /biz/ so much. It's addictive.

Where else in the real world or internet can you find
talk SO decoupled from any sort of reality, that you wonder to yourself, as you laugh and cry, "are these people actual 8 year olds?"

From retards thinking a scam token based in the scam capital of the known universe, SOMEHOW STILL, believing they're going to be the new global elite, to penniless vodka-slavs asking "why not just do something that's never been doable with money you'll absolutely never have?"

Love it!

>> No.18023091

>esti retardat.

>> No.18023117

>never had a sip of alcohol nor smoked a single cigarette
Keep it that way.

>> No.18023200

That actually happens more often than people would think.

>> No.18023529

salty coins and milk

>> No.18023784

Becuase tenants are subhuman scum that constantly trash the place, which you need to pay for repairs, and you can't kick them out or get money from them because "muh human rights" as if those animals qualify as humans. Good luck in ever seeing a profit in this day and age.

>> No.18023794

That's my plan.

>> No.18023829

That's why you rent exclusively to young girls in uni.

>> No.18023913

Friendly reminder this is what /biz/ without crypto threads looks like.
If only you knew how bad things really are in that image.

>> No.18024004

De unde pula mea faci tu rost de 200k euro, retardule? Ai vreo idee cati ani trebuie sa muncesti in strainatate ca sa strangi banii aia, sa nu mai zic in Romania? Sau crezi ca o sa ti-i dea banca dupa ce le explici planul tau maret?

>> No.18024007

Prized real estate right there bro. You'll get shitloads of cockroaches wanting to rent out your 1 room "apartment".

>> No.18024047

>sa muncesti
>in strainatate
Who's the retard now?

>> No.18024048 [DELETED] 

(((Discord))) banned the /biz/ server, get in the new one bros
discordb gg kjGsbrW

>> No.18024202

De unde faci tu 200k euro in Romania, bai proasta satului?

>> No.18024241

Maybe if you buy in an abandon village that’s main road in made of dirt

>> No.18024429

>in strainatate
>in Romania
>proasta satului
When you don't get it, but you also think you're smart.

>> No.18024464


>> No.18024536

because buy to let mortgages are the cancer killing the west and you will get the rope for it

>> No.18025599

Ah. Nicolae Guta. Best artist

>> No.18025657

Invata sa vorbesti, cretinule. Si raspunde la intrebare.

>> No.18025708

Banks know how many mortgages you have. It gets harder to get them unless you can prove you can handle it.

>> No.18026418

Alcohol and cigs is bs, but a good blowjob and a tight, warm and wet pussy is as good as life can get.

>> No.18028416

Where the FUCK would I find apartments that cheap??