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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18021717 No.18021717 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18021727

so the fed is going to end up owning EVERYTHING, not just all the money

why, that-that's BRILLIANT!

>> No.18021736

Thank god we have the good guys at the fed on our side!

>> No.18021738

Any suggestions how I can hold my poop in for a longer duration of time? I'm trying to conserve. It makes me feel full longer so I use less food and obviously less toilet paper since I'm down to my final roll and it's sold out everywhere.

>> No.18021785

Start by having sex

>> No.18021892

Can it actually work? I know the meme about "real communism hasn't been tried", but this type of state ownership seems different.. a new kind of communism, perhaps the real one?

>> No.18021925

Look at Japan. That’s what they did 20 years ago. They have a zombie economy

>> No.18021954

from having seen multiple seasons of "alone in the wilderness" or whatever the english name is for the reality survival show.
eat fish, and avoid fibers of all kinds.

>> No.18021996

based and redpilled

>> No.18022113

like last time, this will work for a good hour and then we are back to normal lol

>> No.18022190

The FED is a private institution

>> No.18022225


>> No.18022296

The government just goes: Let's capitalism this shit so hard we actually own it all lol.

>> No.18022319

Use a bidet

>> No.18022325

Japanese style Neo-Fascism

>> No.18022341

Do you have any good sources to read on this? Not doubting you, it's just that what's available on say Wikipedia regarding Nippon's long recession seems vague

>> No.18022368

>the government owns the entire market and controls it by its policy
>this is still capitalism
Dude trust me

>> No.18022412
File: 472 KB, 419x476, 5343545345435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking retarded but does it mean they just gonna straight up buy stocks now ?

>> No.18022486

yes sir

>> No.18022583

so how is that not just communism ?

>> No.18022603

market gonna crash today, just watch

>> No.18022610

I for one welcome our new commie overlords

>> No.18022627

where is the money coming from?

>> No.18022636

because the companies own the government, not the other way round.

>> No.18022644


>> No.18022653


>> No.18022669
File: 31 KB, 568x540, images - 2020-03-23T195704.116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crisis has been averted.
You can get back to work now wagies.

>> No.18022673

Damn, is this the fabled invisible hand?

>> No.18022680

Where can I put my cash then?
I hate this world.

>> No.18022686


>> No.18022691

nowhere, it is fucking over (srly)

>> No.18022703

They are.
The USD is going to become a piece of shit in the process by the way.

Define "working".
What will happen is that all the rotten companies which should have been killed will be kept alive.
This will clog the market as they are basically preventing more efficient and less fragile new companies to take the spot.
An awesome way to make your economy less innovative, more stagnant and fuck over the younger generations.

>> No.18022736
File: 38 KB, 574x574, 1584218282358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As one final fuck you, Boomers are now mortgaging every generations future for a few more years of easy living

>> No.18022847
File: 8 KB, 250x202, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it mens that the privately owned FED is going to buy American megacorporations using printed money while the proles get calmed down by helicopter money that comes from their future taxes?

>> No.18022872

another sell signal lol, they think the bear market can be stopped

>> No.18022981
File: 88 KB, 700x467, photoshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multimillion dollar business
>they're so big they must be doing something right
>complete and utter failure after one month of business stopping
>gibs me dat fed
mean while
>be joe blow
>be hard working american independent contractor because plumbing is sick
>100k yearly income
>drops to zero overnight
>j-just work harder poorfag
/bizfags/ will defend this

>> No.18023066

well yes, definitely, if they pump trillions directly into stocks, they will stop it from falling

>> No.18023069
File: 30 KB, 883x522, Screenshot at 2020-03-23 13-17-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
