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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 250x250, pepe-1527901039699-money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18020509 No.18020509 [Reply] [Original]

Two weeks ago I bought surgical masks for 130$ and today I sold them for 200$

>> No.18020516

Wow, you made $5 a day!

>> No.18020531

Also you are miserable.piece of shit profiting from those in need, have fun with your tainted money karma is a bitch

>> No.18020560

Go to Craigslist and search for people who need sanitizers, toiletpaper and surgical masks.
Check out if they female make them send their facebook or picture.
Cut a deal by fucking them is the only option.
Fucked 8 single moms so far without a condom.
Hope at least 1 is pregnant so I can be a father.

>> No.18020567
File: 338 KB, 800x778, 1583859805858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm selling homemade masks for 5 bucks each.

>> No.18020577

>making money off people dying and societies collapsing

>> No.18020592

So how much are you down on the month kek

>> No.18020606

big, if true

>> No.18020607

>profiting from those in need

Most people who are selling stuff are "profiting from those in need".
A baker selling me bread is profiting from the fact that I need to eat or I will die

>> No.18020608

OP is right, i used to warn them about how useless these masks are, then i said "fuck it" and i started to make money off retards by making them at home.
This society is shit, they don't deserve empathy.

>> No.18020613
File: 156 KB, 1282x1020, 1554371172634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also you are miserable.piece of shit profiting from those in need, have fun with your tainted money karma is a bitch

>> No.18020640

Based, how are you doing them?

>> No.18020692

My gov is confiscating them. If they catch you no refunds

>> No.18020701

I cut a rectangular piece of cotton, and i bound it with elastics for underwears using mom's stapler, and that's it.

>> No.18020727

jesus, thats worse than no mask

>> No.18020771

>Believing in karma

>> No.18020816

except there is no real need or virus or anything.
In order to be rich you need a lots of people make poor and you do that by suggesting to everyone else to imagine (lie) and then steel make profit from them. Only God can create something out of nothing , so obviously Gods chosen people work in The Bank. ...or not.
make $5 on fear that is nothing, take from people all their savings and property , be real winner create real losers.

>> No.18020820

Who cares, years of socialism has destroyed their brain cells, they are not able to think for themselves, they just want to "feel" protected.

>> No.18020828

Yes fucking your mother tonight

>> No.18020832

then those in need will just have to buy some more masks from OP

>> No.18020865

Haha. Got him!

>> No.18020888

You made insufficient dollars! Good job.
(Found 30 bucks on the street last month.)

>> No.18020892

Yes, society is collapsing. Now go search for an r/survival subreddit to help you with the upcoming mad max civilization

>> No.18020897

everyone profits like that
>profiting from those in need
capitalism in a nutshell

>> No.18020918

why people should care about each other collectively , look at others with social concern?
Lucifer say we should kill each other right now or immediately everything less is just insult.
Safety is in taking care of everyone so that will be no one to be afraid off.
No, safety is in crashing everyone down and take advantage of everyone else, it is domination power. Suck cock to your Boss and use that authority to oppress those who are weaker then you or have less power and influence. It is not free will, but forced effort of mind slaves, sex , violence, power , dominants hierarchy, greed is good , fear is destroying peoples health and well being... Yes we need booze and hard rock music.

>> No.18020939

t. nigger

>> No.18020962
File: 46 KB, 620x620, 1584410407335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you bought for $130, average price is $20-$50...

>> No.18021011

you saying wat you basterd bich

>> No.18021044

As i said, you retarded christcuck, i used to help others by telling them that masks are FUCKING USELESS, they didn't gave me credit so FUCK IT.
The only way to ensure their survival is to control them, normalcattle are still cattle and can't think rationally, expecially when everything is goes to shit.

>> No.18021116

the chink bots are here boys

>> No.18021149

nothing to see here just applying a little DEET

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>> No.18021154

Seriously kill yourself piece of shit retarded commie with 50 iq. Fucking retards thinks its bad to provide someone with what they need, how much of an imbecile do you have to be. “Muh selling is bad” “muh neoliberalism” fucking stupid

>> No.18021177

And that's exactly the reason you won't be allowed into heaven anon.

>> No.18021397

I'm not a commie but I kind of agree with the commie, this kikery is worse than them talking out of their ass about revolution and polution.