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File: 138 KB, 1500x843, steve-bannon-natsec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18016926 No.18016926 [Reply] [Original]

I'm conflicted,

On one hand I want to watch everything burn, on the other hand my parents are moderately wealthy and invested in real-estate and I don't want my inheritance getting fucked up.

Anyone else know this feel?

Is there a way to crash the US economy without having the housing/real-estate market get fucked up?

>> No.18017338

Stop being so selfish. Nothing good is about to happen.

>> No.18017377

Real estate will recover even if it collapses by 50%. Unless you plan on immediately liquidating the real estate the second they kick the bucket.

>> No.18017380

I'm conflicted, my parents owe 400k on real estate but I also want to watch things burn and somehow not have the loan called in at once because their bank collapsed, what do? Squatters rights I suppose.

>> No.18017383

Fuck you

>> No.18017392

Based Bannon

>> No.18017397

Has anyone else realized Bannon is right about most things? He even predicted Bloomberg entering the presidential race.

>> No.18017463
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 1457160352410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro. A couple weeks ago my mom was telling me her retirement accounts were down about 100k and when I suggested she move to cash/bonds for a bit she said she had lost too much already to sell and would just hodl until it went back up.

>tfw apparently a significant amount is invested in Boeing

>> No.18017479

uhhh anon....

>> No.18017480

Yup, just watched my dads 401k and investments go from $900,000 to $350,000 lmao

>> No.18017641

Boomers, wwtl?

>> No.18017666

Bannon is a strategic and political genius, seriously, listen to the guy talk politics. He got Trump elected and then he ditched him and threw him under the bus to surround himself with finance jews

>> No.18017692

Ah, I see the master is quite proud of his apprentice

>> No.18017859

How old are your parents? If you're going to be older than 45 when they die, then fuck them. There's no point in being alive once you're a middle aged man anyway, I couldn't care less about any inheritance which I would hypothetically receive so late in my life.

>> No.18017901

Unless you have some kind of chronic health issue, there's no reason why you shouldn't be happy and healthy up to at least 60-ish.

>> No.18017945

He's comfy af to listen to, dude is a fighter