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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 118 KB, 1100x550, VRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18016525 No.18016525 [Reply] [Original]

Am I crazy to think Verasity is going to be the biggest up-trend in crypto, due to the gaming industry, Corona virus, and general FA / TA? E-Sports took a little tiny bit of a drag, but it's still the strongest industry to overcome this shit. Gaming will literally thrive.

There is no reason this won't go fuckin' parabolic in the next few months.

>> No.18016580

You aren't crazy we just need Bitcoin to stop fucking us so alts can run

>> No.18016748

This is why I have a 5M suicide stack of this shitcoin. This dump is maniacally amazing for my accumulation.

>> No.18017875

Easy 10x when shit turns around.

>> No.18017889

20M VRA marine here.

>> No.18018474

The dump really is a blessing in disguise for this whole market. Only day traders are burned really.

>> No.18019311

> B A T vibes
I've unironically got 4% of my portfolio in this

>> No.18019587

Dude, you are gonna be rich as balls.

>> No.18020515
File: 347 KB, 580x608, 1572413702233.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all are anon, we all are literally going to make it

>> No.18020711




VRA is the new Link ?

>> No.18021150

Unironically, probably not but it is worth having a stack like this because it will definitely out perform most coins in the golden bull. Look at how normie friendly it is. More like the next XRP desu.

Be like these anons

>> No.18021400


>> No.18021728

What about UOS. Holding that too?

>> No.18022144

Thanks just sold my BAT for this. VRA is the key to a girlfriend. Heard it in my Discord.

>> No.18022188

Ocean Protocol moon will blow this out of the water.

>> No.18022729

No. Nobody is holding UOS anymore anon. It's over for 95% of shitcoins, and VRA is not one of them.

2 Asian girlfriends, so I hear. Asians love gaming shit, especially if it makes money. Japanese.......



wew. ngmi

>> No.18022977

Rest in pieces hope you aren't holding UOS. That thing has fundamental issues.

>> No.18025145


like what?

>> No.18027207

>next few months

More like next few hours/days Anon. The big announcement is ready and just waiting for the partner to get their shit together and post it on socials.

>> No.18028103

WUT. Tell us what you know

>> No.18028146

What even is this shit? I though Ultra was the next big thing concerning blockchain/altcoins and gaming.

>> No.18028164

worthless piece of shit scam

>> No.18028175

Ah I see this unknown shitcoin has become the new Link.
What fun to watch you retards spiral in and out of horrible despair for the next three years until you give up and fade quietly into the background of alcoholism and suicidal tendencies.