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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18016329 No.18016329 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18016342

Flush yourself down the toilet

>> No.18016371

If you never sell
You never make a loss

>> No.18016385

time to harvest some losses anon.

>> No.18016395

Meh youre only down 20%

>> No.18016402
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>> No.18016406

dumb tranny

>> No.18016419
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>> No.18016448

You fucking idiot for selling at a loss.

>> No.18016451


>> No.18016484


Why? Bitcoin is international, so even if your country goes to shit so long as some other countries rebound then bitcoin would go back up. You just sold your money insurance for pennies.

>> No.18016518

I bet you told retards who bought at 19k the same thing

If USA economy goes to shit all countries will and either way I JUST WANT TO MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY A LAMBO

>> No.18016610

it's ok bro just buy back at 3k

>> No.18016625

All the other economies have been fucked for long time already, USA will only catch up to the rest and chinks will be the new overlords.

>> No.18016644
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>> No.18016648

Also just HODL BRO !!!

>> No.18016676

Dude to buy that much crypto on robinhood would be quite the feat. Selling it would be a som bitch

>> No.18016686

I would literally be down more if I didnt sell

>> No.18016712
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>he sold this early

>> No.18016715

>following stranger's advice on 4chan.
You deserve to get burned, retard.

>> No.18016733

Why are these strangers calling me a retard for selling, should I have held?

Bloody monday is tomorrow fool

>> No.18016754

> Having 400k in robinhood

>> No.18016781

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.18016787

No shit. Its only insured up to 250k

>> No.18016810

You realize if they BK while i have crypto or stock I dont lose anything right?

>> No.18016817

Hah, you fucking retard! Buy into OneOK if you wanna make some of that back up

>> No.18016836

based af. dollar-pocalypse incoming

>> No.18016837

People here held chainlink for almost a year as it went from $5 to $1.40 and back to $2.30 before going back down to $1.50-$1.80 multiple times.

No shit you lost 20%. That's what crypto does.

It just goes down down down down and then like ten days out of the year it has face-melting mega pumps.

>> No.18016863

Actually the opposite, you lose everything and they tell you this before you buy crypto.

>> No.18016870

What? I thought it was like stock where they simply transfer it to another broker

>> No.18016891

You could've bought a lambo but you got greedy, nigger.

>> No.18016897

Yes you should have held. You only incur a loss if you sell. Think long term. If civilization doesnt collapse, the big 3 (BTC, ETH, LINK) will recover 100%. Stop thinking short term.

>> No.18016899

>Spend all money on lambo
>Cant afford insurance
>Cant afford to live
Great idea

>> No.18016909

>I sold
That's your mistake.

>> No.18016911

Also just HODL BRO !!!

>> No.18016913


>> No.18016915

Fuck off ben you kike

>> No.18016923

That's why you hodl onto the rest and bag in, but you got greedy.lmao just buy the dip

>> No.18016941

When I bought bitcoin. Robinhood didn’t even exist yet

>> No.18016944

Also that's not even a big loss. Were you here a week and a half ago when BTC dropped from 6k to 3.8k in like 2 hours? Fucking bananas dude. I held my link through that shitshow and lost 50 fucking percent overnight.
(I woke up. Saw that, shit myself and BOUGHT MORE because with crypto, it is fundamental that you understand what it does and its potential)
Yes black monday 3 is tomorrow but again, as long as civilization stays around there will be crypto.

>> No.18016956

I thought I saw a notice saying there's no insurance whatsoever when I was going to try buying on there

>> No.18016968


>> No.18016984

At least OP sold before monday crash. Unlike most of the bulltards on here.

>> No.18017006

I'm trying to help you nigger. Read white papers. Don't use robinhood for crypto. Don't buy XRP because some mongoloid told you it was good. Crypto is long term speculation for huge gains. This isn't some boomer 3m share where you gain a 10% return in 30 years. It's a game where you have to be blockchain and tech literate, find a coin or token that you believe has the technology to change the world and go in balls deep and HOLD HOLD HOLD. That's the secret. Fudders fud because they expect to get rich overnight and sell at the first dip. If you're there, you don't believe in crypto and shouldnt put your money in it

>> No.18017009

Its not funny

>> No.18017018

It'll never recover

>> No.18017032

Crypto will never be more than a meme coin used by pedophiles and drug dealers

>> No.18017038

It's hilarious. Get wrecked, kike.

>> No.18017050

Do you not watch it? It was obviously gonna tank.

>> No.18017059

Lol did you think the biggest industries in the world started R&D heavy into blockchain integration just to scrap it and say "yeah never we dont want to cut costs lol" after an economic depression? As long as civilization remains and we aren't in some fallout shit, crypto will be fine.

>> No.18017079

weakling detected

>> No.18017093

Says the idiot who doesn't understand it. If you understood it you would realize that price fluctuations are normal and that we're entering a recession and there is mass capital flight from the market right now.

Id2020.org - initiative by the rockefellers, Bill Gates, big dick institutions to give everyone a digital ID via blockchain technology using hyperledger. You're either retarded or trolling if you believe that old meme

>> No.18017111

What this Anon said

>> No.18017121

fuck you for drinking the shitty pajeet kool-aid.

>> No.18017161

Fuck you faggot, I should kick your ass
I listened to people on here, I thought maybe they werent retarded but I was wrong

Can you imagine a currency that is constantly gaining and losing value in the double digit %? Me either because its retarded and wont work. I can see retards standing on line waiting for their bits to be worth enough to buy milk

>> No.18017162

BTW expect bear market and stagnation for like a year before corps get their shit together and start adopting blockchain tech to stay competitively relevant. It's honestly inevitable as every system used by companies can be improved drastically with it. We have a few years imo of up and down shit until a massive boom cycle that would make 2017 seem like a small candle in comparison.

>> No.18017166

I've been saying it on here for fucking years.


For some reason, you chuckle fucks think that crypto is some kind of outlier. It's not.

>> No.18017189

What's wrong with that is that if you actually had 400k to invest, you wouldn't be using robinhood. You just sold me your coins at a discounted price, thanks!

>> No.18017214

lol that's your problem

>> No.18017233

Based and accurate. Great post Anon!

>> No.18017234
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Are you a boomer? You must be old as fuck. You have no idea what you're talking about if you think BTC is all crypto is. And you aren't even right about BTC either. Look up DeFi, Ethereum, blockchain cloud computing, use cases of Bitcoin, read the white paper, read the Eth white paper, look up what a smart contract is and you'll realize how dumb you sound. But I guarantee 100% that you won't just because you're up your own boomer ass thinking it's 1968 and you know better. Keep losing money boomer, I don't even give a shit.

>> No.18017249

>if you actually had 400k to invest, you wouldn't be using robinhood.

It's more like, why was he stupid enough to put 400k in Robbinhood.
Robbinhood is like baby's first broker. You accumulate a nice little account, then you transfer to a big boy broker.

>> No.18017315

I should use some shitty broker that charges me 7 dollars for the same service?

>> No.18017333

You cant have a currency be the norm if its value keeps changing as much as crypto value changes.

>> No.18017345

Why do that, why would I start paying fees for shit when I dont need to?

>> No.18017351

If you have 400k, you're not day trading, struggling, or caring about a $7 fee.
At that point, you're caring about quality of service and broker stability.

>> No.18017371

Why wouldn't you just eat cheap McDonald's everyday for food?
Sure, the quality sucks, but the menu looks nice, right?

>> No.18017372

This guy is fucking retarded. No idea of what risk management or portfolio management is. You should be posting how you wipe your ass with losses. I lost fucking 20k in literally 3 hours last year and made triple back back in october when it hit 10.5.

You always hodl BTC no matter what and make a separate fund for trading.
Trading is not the same as investing people.

>> No.18017394

What makes the other brokers better? I hear most of them have a delay from the actual price unlike robinhood that shows you what the price is at that time. Also that 7 bucks a trade adds up. 100 trades is 700 bucks, fuck that

>> No.18017408

If you come here asking for free info you should invest heavily in dash before the crash.

>> No.18017411

Yes im sure everyone who bought bitcoin at 19k years ago are bout to make their money back

>> No.18017413

Robbinhood fucks you with market price displays, don't kid yourself.
Any broker that allows kids to leverage as high as they do, screams stability problems. In the end, they will be the one's holding the bag.

>> No.18017425
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you suck shit at crypto and you don’t have a good reason to keep living goodbye retard

>> No.18017461

Robinhood doesnt let kids leverage more than 2x
>But muh glitch
They fixed that and ive said a fortune with their no fee trading

I cant wait for crypto to die

>> No.18017490

It's an asset that can't be confiscated if you try to travel. Governments can take your gold or cash. They can make default on bonds. But with crypto they can't do anything. They can take your laptop or cut off your Internet but as long as you have the private key hidden in cold storage, no one else can get it.

>> No.18017498

You didn't sell, did you?

Crypto is not for the weak-handed. You're always betting MONTHS from now at least, ideally years.
Don't think of this as an "investment" to be later sold as dollars. It is about the ownership of crypto.

If you're in it for the "monies percentage go up" then be prepared to weather out some big storms

>> No.18017527

Yes, ill pay for my hotel room with crypto and tip the bartender with crypto. I use to bring 50k in and gold when ever I traveled and they kept taking it, you are a genius man.

>> No.18017584

Not only that, but they went down on one of the most important trading days in recent history.

>Fixing glitches
I'm a professional developer. Why they didn't cover their product with various tests is beyond me.
Why is it that no other brokers have these issues?

>> No.18017596


>> No.18017606

Who cares, im saving money in fees, like I give a fuck about kids abusing glitches and ruining their own lives

>> No.18017621


>> No.18017647

That's all fun and games until:
1) Robbinhood is forced to bankruptcy by their shitty userbase, and your positions are liquidated
2) Robbinhood servers go down *again* and you're forced into a shitty position.

I don't know why you're so attached to the idea that ONLY Robbinhood does zero fees. Other brokers out there provide that same service, with more stability.

>> No.18017656

crypto is not like stocks that have real tangible value, it's easy to look at a stock and safely invest in it because you can assume it will have real world value, for example it was a guarantee amazon would eventually get big because ebay used to be fucking huge and amazon in its infancy was basically ebay 2.0
the problem with /biz/ retards is they try to view crypto as something tangible and valuable but it's not
it is a CURRENCY and you can't just invest in a fucking currency and hope you get rich
you have to constantly flip it and basically work it as a full time job so you can inch your way up little by little through small gains

trading crypto is fundementally no different from trading normal real life currency, people who view it as a "hold till I get rich" scheme are retarded, literally nobody has every retired off of etherium or other crypto, the only people who got rich were mass bitcoin holders solely due to a fluke

>> No.18017671

Im covered up to 250k if its cash in the account and im covered for everything if its in stock. You realize this yes?

>> No.18017690

>I'm covered up to 250k
So, why would you put 400k in Robbinhood?

>> No.18017697


>> No.18017702

Because I buy stocks?

>> No.18017719


>> No.18017725

Let me spell it out for you.

If you are covered up to 250k, why would you be willing to take a 150k loss on Robbinhood's failure just to save on fees? (not even counting that other brokers offer zero fees too)

>> No.18017726

Kek, people only tell you to buy because you're their exit strategy.

>> No.18017727


>> No.18017728

>boomer nigger is mad that he lost money investing when lots of people would be dumping because they need money because shits closing down due to gook flu

so were you just a nigger and bought a over priced shit coin like bitcoin or were you a yuppie faggot who went for bitcoincash or were you a nigger faggot named sambo coon tarbaby the 3rd and went for a known scam called binance who was caught scamming people?

>> No.18017743

So hypothesis is, in the near future, BTC-USD price will be driven by volatility in the USD.

>> No.18017748
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Just buy ETH. So many projects using it are getting released now.


>> No.18017750

>RH investor

i expect nothing less

>> No.18017758

I just started BUYING, why are you selling dude it's low as fuck.

>> No.18017765

>On March 7, Horizon announced that it had secured $5 million in a fundraising round led by Initialized Capital — the investment firm co-founded by Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian.

>> No.18017768

is there any way to place a put on btc? because i would like to do that

>> No.18017769

It would be a 150k loss in any broker you fool and if the money is in stocks i lose NOTHING

>> No.18017775

Reminder that you should always buy extremely high. Typically plan it out to be the moment before a massive stock market crash.

That's when you sell. You make the absolute most bank, every single time. Retard.

>> No.18017791

Fuck off asshole
Are you sure about this?

>> No.18017793

I really can't tell if you're being intentionally retarded or not.
I laid out reasons why Robbinhood has a HIGHER RISK of failing as compared to other brokers.
All you can say is "Meh fees", which other brokers also offer, and "IT COULD HAPPEN ANYWHERE".
Look, I use Robbinhood. It's ok for what it is, but I also understand its weak-points. I'm definitely not keeping my retirement with such a company.

>> No.18017804

Because black Monday is tomorrow

>> No.18017808

I think that you're just trolling or are underage now.

>> No.18017815

That's what I'm saying hahaha
But it's our fault for giving bad advice.

>> No.18017818

Robinhood makes about 600 million a year in profit so im not worried

>> No.18017863

Almost any broker app you fucking retard, please do it at 100x leverage for maximum effect. You want maximum effect don't you putz?

>> No.18017872

Come on man. If they were making 600 mil in PROFITS, then they could fetch much much more than their 5.6 Bil valuation they got in their last round of funding.

OH YEAH, that's right. They REQUIRE funding. They can't just use the money they make.

>> No.18017893

All it takes is one autist and a box spread to wipe out the market cap of Robinhood on margin

>> No.18017913

This guy gets it.

>> No.18017929

I dont understand, you saying they are lying?

>> No.18017959


Just look for yourself.
And this is just a dumb wikipedia page.

>> No.18017968
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why are you panic selling? Unless you have been HODLING for more than 4-5 years. Don't panic sell Crypto. I'm accumulating ETHEREUM/ALGORAND because i believe both will or eventually address scalability, attract millions of devs and will bootstrap independent digital economies. Invest in the long run, crypto is too volatile for short-term trading. JUST DONT SELL WHEN YOU ARE PANICKING. TURN OF YOUR PC

>> No.18018051

What am I looking for?

>> No.18018065
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>> No.18018071

A brain

>> No.18018097

What is wrong with you

>> No.18018112

I'm sitting here wondering the exact same thing about you....

>> No.18018129

Just fucking tell me what to buy

>> No.18018179

Some rope

>> No.18018191

Why rope? Is rope expected to sell like crazy? Which rope company?

>> No.18018218

>how's my little wolf of wallstreet today

>> No.18018324

Listen, with the assumption that you are not trying to play a fool for humor, he's telling you to commit suicide because you're acting like such a retard. I'd advise not doing so, but rather lurking more so that you can improve your experience as a 4chan user.

>> No.18018360

Yeah I know thanks kek

>> No.18018385
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>buying crypto

>> No.18018396

BTC drops on futures. You just felt our black Monday dump... it crashed (along with Dow futures) immediately upon announcement of the failed stimulus bill last night. We’re just waiting on stonks to react tomorrow, probably immediately upon open. Bill will be re voted on 15 min after market open. There’s your trigger for next move. Lots of push to get this done ASAP so we will see.

>> No.18018420

I heard they are delaying the vote since dems voted no

>> No.18018424

whats wrong with robinhood for holding?

>> No.18018468

If Robinhood goes BK your crypto gets wiped apparently.

>> No.18018543

suddenly losing 1000 dollars doesn't seem so bad, thanks anon

>> No.18018795

>listening to /biz/

>> No.18018815

>telling me to buy
>i sold
kek faggot we didn't tell you to sell did we ?

>> No.18018874

Lol at all the retards getting baited itt

>> No.18018902

lmao mobile using faggot
get fucking owned pussy

>> No.18019200

20% down and you are crying about it. Pussy.

>> No.18019337

Is this a good time to invest in crypto/BTC or has the train already passed?

>> No.18019529

Based. That's why I'm super comfy with my phat link stack, average buy in at 37c. Don't give a fuck if it drops even 50% in one day because I know in the next 5 years it's mooning massively. The fud doens't work because I understand it fully.

>> No.18019602

BTC wont see 1000x gains any time soon unless we enter hyperinflation, but then we have other things to worry about. If you want to make it in the coming 5 years, invest in crypto projects that provide real world value and have solid fundamentals. It has never been a bad idea to invest in crypto around a bitcoin halving event, but you shouldn't take anything posted on this board as investment advice

>> No.18019614

the whole point of blockchain is to own your keys
if you're not interested in that there's literally no reason to buy crypto instead of stocks. you're just compounding the risk of a third party holding your funds with the risk of a highly experimental and controversial technology

>> No.18020459

buy again and wait

>> No.18020971

why the fuck did you sell, retard?

>> No.18021025

Keep your bags so I can support mine thanks.

>> No.18021107

>big three
>shitcoin link

Big two you mean?

>> No.18021136

Crypto credit card that instantly converts coins to fiat. There's tons of them.

>> No.18021224

Should have been here during January 2018. It was a hilarious bloodbath full of wojaks, myself included.

>> No.18021284

not any that are proper...

I'm all for crypto but people really have to see past the dollar signs. I want to do it but it would take forever.

>> No.18021289

You’re trying to day trade half a million dollars when you could make $3000/mo minimum on that money without doing anything at all and you’re worried about $700? Must be inheritance you’re throwing away, sucks that you have no self control.

>> No.18021304


Nigger what are you doing, now is the time to buy. Prices will go up this week. Then you sell at the end of the week when they are high. Then you wait a week for prices to drop again. And you buy more crypto for the same money.

>> No.18021313

It will go down even more, buy at 4.8k

>> No.18021347
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Child's play.

>> No.18021395

It's BTC, ETH, XMR you moron.

Link is a scamcoin and anyone still holding it is going to lose everything.

>> No.18021614
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Bitcoin is a 5-10 year hold as a put on the old financial system controlled by the banking cartel.

You shouldn't be anywhere near investing if you have bitch-weak hands and don't even understand the value proposition of what you are investing in.

>> No.18021762

Raoul Pal is bullish on Bitcoin.


>> No.18021836

Now's your time to invest in bottle caps lol

>> No.18021998
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>> No.18022049
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>> No.18022075
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Gold guys/girls - you’ll be fine too.
should I buy shares of gold mines or physical gold?