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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18008175 No.18008175 [Reply] [Original]

>marketing director
>Bakkt CEO
>USA Senator
How did she do all that in 4 years?

>> No.18008184

Multi hundred millionaires shouldn't be in the Senate

>> No.18008201


Voters are dumb. Republicans like to buy elections and network.

>> No.18008204

married to this thing

>> No.18008229

in the words of Nickelback
>she didnt make it this far just shaking hands

dont know who this is tho tbf

>> No.18008252

Women shouldn't be working.
Women shouldn't be in positions of leadship other than in her own family.
Women shouldn't ever be in political positions of power.

>> No.18008260

maybe he didnt look like a hentai villain when they met

>> No.18008284

Vagina. Clown world.

>> No.18008302

she got appointed to Senate, she was not elected and will probably be voted out next go around

>> No.18008310
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>> No.18008344

someone should tell them they can suck the corona out of people through the dick

>> No.18008389
File: 2.12 MB, 360x280, EEC6B875-C1FA-4307-B2EE-9432E06F74CF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wife of the NYSE chairman

>> No.18008396

Pure coincidence that many CEOs and other executives began resigning in mid February, goy

>> No.18008398
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STFU, she's conservative aka /ourgirl/

>> No.18008399
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>> No.18008455

Life is easy when you wed the head of the NYSE

>> No.18008462

She propably has lots of important jew friends.

>> No.18008486

What does she conserve?

>> No.18008511

> Husband is president of NYSE
> All of this was just natural for her
> Definitely not arranged by powerful families
Look up the royal bloodline theory. The candidate with the most royal blood lines has won every single presidential election, including Trump over Hillary. Both have tons of royal blood lines, Trump just had a bit more. It's really a simple and logical theory.
> Emperors of Rome traced their blood back to Egypt
> Kings of Europe traced their blood back to Rome
> Global leaders trace their blood back to European kings and royalty

>> No.18008552

That bitch with the black hair could get it, my god. My dick doesn't love anything more than bitches who think they know something and fucking them like the holes they are and hnnnng that bitch is ripe.

>> No.18008560

>How did she do all that in 4 years?
not by insider trading, that's for sure

>> No.18008582

indeed, just a cohencidence.

>> No.18008607

>Political outsider
>Market insider

>> No.18008650

>networks with jews
>married to a jew
>supports a jewish political party and our debt based country

hitler would have punched you in the face if you said that to him and we was alive standing in front of you.

>> No.18008699

I hate women. They never contribute but actuallyt only take postions that fill their images.

Fuck I really hate women. How to control anger against women biz?

>> No.18008721

>women turning onto literaly anti biological creatures if they have money

Not suprised desu, women are a literal cancer upon us

>> No.18008749

>by us means
>means she is literal isreali cock

left in us = good in my good. Antyhin elseis just pure iresrali cope.

>> No.18009104

>no sense of personal responsibility
>lip service to morals
checks out

>> No.18009244

I called my financial advisor during the CEO resigned headlines.
He didn’t know. I pulled out of everything Feb 21st.
He called me last week to congratulate my investigation.
Shady punk ass motherfuckers.

>> No.18009311

Why not? They're clearly more qualified than a lot of the retards there. But I agree she shouldn't be because she is a woman. Also if you're not a land owning white male you shouldn't be able to vote in this country.

>> No.18009379
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fuck monies buy everything

>> No.18009399

Conservatives are cancer

>> No.18009448


I’m sure you’ll get a lot of people who support your idea ;^) Maybe you should run for office

>> No.18009477


>woman politician

Yeah she sounds really traditional

>> No.18009573

BAKKT is going to take Bitcoin to the moon. LLLLLLLLLLOOOL. These fools were probably shorting it.

>> No.18009653

Why would the chairman of the NYSE settle for something like that thing? If he wanted a hot, blonde trophy wife he could have easily gotten one from Eastern Europe.

>> No.18009696

can confirm except that the local media is praising them and every interview the prime minister compliments herself for her "strong leadership" during this crisis even though all the needed executive orders came late according to all the experts.

Tl;dr it's a fucking mess here in finland due to these dumb nigger-loving whores

>> No.18009722

She probably sucks a mean cock

>> No.18009768

and that trophy wife comes with blonde curls, boobs, legs and no brains.

>> No.18009777

Her Husband is one of the most powerful guy in the world.

>> No.18009824


>> No.18009892

Senators shouldn't be elected anymore, go back to how it was pre 17th amendment .

>> No.18009958

Insider information. Same reason Grant's son-in-law married his hideous daughter, just to corner the gold market, causing a recession in the 1860s. Power is more tantalizing than sex for those on the very top.

>> No.18009973

Yeah, an improvement over this ugly looking cunt

>> No.18010246

Conservatives are only good for guns and maybe the economy if they're not pussies, everything else they're awful at.

>> No.18010796
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>How did she do all that in 4 years?

>> No.18011778


>> No.18012186


>> No.18012281

Yea, how else would anyone think it works?
Surely they don't think elections are real.

>> No.18012377

They were elected then too, it was by the state legislature.
However, you are correct. It isn't a position designed for popular vote. That's what the Reps are for. They serve two year terms, because the people are stupid and might fuck up, so two years is all it is.
Senate is the more deliberative body. Handles the more serious shit. 6 year terms, because they're supposed to be elected by the state legislatures.
There are zero people in D.C. representing teh states. The people are over represented, the states are not at all.

>> No.18012408
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They're not even that good for guns. Most of them idolize Reagan who signed the Mulford Act and FOPA. All it takes is a leader to change their mind and conservatives all do a 180.

>> No.18012732

ay dios mios....
el puta madre gato...
el chupacabra...
el diablo.....

>> No.18013623

Her wealth obviously, and she's good at it. What's funnier is media stopped talking about it once Feinstein (D) got caught doing the same thing

>> No.18013656

she is so hot

>> No.18013665

Hitler wasn't a conservative. If any political doctrine can be said to belong to the Jews, it is without question neoliberalism.

>> No.18014224


>> No.18014882


>> No.18015712

Consider the fact that she is likely to end up in prison real soon due to insider trading, then ask if how she did it really matters.

>> No.18015744


Sucking dick is like picking stocks, you find the right one and you /made it/

>> No.18015786

insider trading doesn't automatically result in prison. look up martha stewart for example

>> No.18015879

very good

>> No.18015881

Money and power begets money and power . Its the reason why children of rich people tend to end rich themselves, if you have the connections and capital given to you from the start its hard not to succeed .

>> No.18015907

Her fucking husband is a jew.

>> No.18015932

She blue the Jew?

>> No.18015991

I’m gonna go head and also guess there’s a significance in the second button being undone and the chain necklace...

>> No.18016035

she pulled herself up by her bootstraps. Chop chop wagies. You got 4 years too.

>> No.18016048

I bet she pegs good ole Jeffrey.

Trophy wife is Melania Trump.

>> No.18016054

capitalism is dysgenic

>> No.18017272

>Her husband's wealth

>> No.18017298
File: 204 KB, 900x973, 1581992571308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't this dumb bitch do something to pump crypto if she has interests in it? She could fuck a couple of the old boomers in the Senate and get them to support a crypto stimulus bill

>> No.18017540

>ow did she do all that in 4 years?
shes a jew thats how

>> No.18017553

fag detected

>> No.18017585

Apparently they believe that since they're throwing themselves at men now.

>> No.18017588


>> No.18017599

slurp slurp

>> No.18017643

>dog chain

>> No.18017957

Hope you are against trump and are third option them