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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18005866 No.18005866 [Reply] [Original]

>shutting everything down through the end of March was supposed to slow the spread at the expense of wrecking the economy
>hasn't work

Come the end of March are they going to release it was horrible strategy and let small businesses re-open, or are they going to just extend the restrictions for longer?

>> No.18005884

You just know

>> No.18005903

No I don't which is why I asked

>> No.18005926

because people that have been infected a week or two ago are now being tested. There is a delay to the restrictions and poeple being tested.

>> No.18005965
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>he doesn't know

>> No.18005966

Can't slow the spread of something that doesn't exist

>> No.18005983

>>hasn't work

What are you talking about? There's no way to actually know if it worked until we see the ending graph of cases over time

>> No.18006052

Can I have your stuff when you die?

>> No.18006066
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>> No.18006109

as things stand, they will even double down on previous efforts. i expect that some countries will literally shut down with military patrolling the streets and shooting everyone in sight. it sounds retarded but given that we freeze the entire world because 90 year old boomers might die..well, you know it will happen.

>> No.18006623

There is so winning option.

>> No.18006723

They don't realize it'll accomplish nothing. They did it when only a handful of people in the US had corona and were contagious. A few weeks later maybe the original virus holders have gotten better, but many more new people have it, a lot more being newer cases which they are still highly contagious. Even a forced quarantine for a month will do nothing as a few people will slip the cracks and get it later and we're back at square one. Until it runs the course of the entire population we'll never be safe.

>> No.18006771


The whole point is to spread out people getting it over time as to not overwhelm our health systems

>> No.18006832

>the dog's dick

>> No.18007032

yeah but if we're cutting the legs off of our economy to do it, it's going to do a lot more harm than good
if we start to have 5%-10% of our workforce lose their jobs, and they can't afford healthcare for themselves or their families, more people are going to die than would have died from unrestricted coronavirus

basically this whole situation is a bad thing (some 80 year olds dying) that we are making into a disaster (self destruct the economy)

>> No.18007246

They by far have NOT closed everything down through the end of March. And the vast majority of the plebes have been so stirred to hysteria but also so misinformed of the truth that they have all massed in throngs at super centers and grocery stores. They have taken the opposite action of what they need to take, which is individual self isolation.

As far as small businesses being forced to close, this has allowed the largest corporations (AMZN, WMT, etc) to soak up more of the average commerce than normal in order to satisfy the demand this fear buying frenzy has created.

The government's plan, is to prop up the largest corporations at all costs, and to let main street deal with whatever happens to them on their own. If they cared how far spread the virus really was, they wouldnt be doing what is effectively next to 0 testing. This is undoubtedly very likely spreading through every community rapidly. We know that it is contagious enough, and that it can be clandestine in it's movements.

The asses with the most skin in the game are being covered, and the retail level population is being deluded about the truth about how much they really are going to suffer.

>> No.18007285
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heh nobody tell him

>> No.18007309

The actuaries at the large firms have already done the math on how much of the labor force will be lost. They don't care about the sick and elderly who are most vulnerable, because that isn't the labor force. And any one who is lost will be easily replaced due to the high levels of unemployment. They will be able to offer less and less the worse it gets. They're also cutting off access to dissent via the earn it act which happens to just be snaking through congress during this virus scare.

>> No.18007453

>they going to release it was horrible strategy
imagine believing this wasn't planned.
>Oh look an outbreak
>Kikes flip to section c subsection of 4293 of the book of problem reaction solution during world domination.
>Look goys the virus killed the economy, bad virus, look that way, don't worry we'll indebt you further & further, but don't forget who saved you from this bat flu thing. yes goys, evil bats & those blasted chinks did this to the economy.