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18003179 No.18003179 [Reply] [Original]

Democrats: Trump did nothing and it’s all his fault
Trump Jan. 29 : assembles Coronavirus task force even though China had been minimizing Covid-19 for all of January.

Democrats: Trump is doing NOTHING!
Trump Jan 31 : Blocks air travel from China


seriously, what clown world do we fucking live in?

>> No.18003285

>muh DEMOCRATS ;_;
You need to grow up if you honestly still believe in political parties.

>> No.18003304

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.18003317

Clown world

>> No.18003355
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>> No.18003375

>assembles Coronavirus task force even though China had been minimizing Covid-19 for all of January.
Assembling a taskforce is not enough to stop it.

>Trump Jan 31 : Blocks air travel from China
While the virus is in the US already, no sufficient testing and no real measures to prevent the spread any further.

Seriously, what Trump does in the US is one of the few things I like to see in the news. Because it is so hilariously retarded and watching a train crashing into a wall in slow motion.

>> No.18003406

I’m not for either dems or Republicans. I’m pointing out that they are trying to crash the economy even more and use this as an opportunity to make trump look bad so they can win the election. It’s sickening, really

>> No.18003441

That’s literally called “trying to reduce panic”

If you weren’t retarded you would understand that he was trying to keep people calm

>> No.18003507

No, it’s not enough to stop it. But it was something. Saying that he was doing nothing is grossly exaggerated.

Yes, it was already in the US, but China kept telling us everything was fine. Blocking air travel prevented a fuckton of chinks from entering the US around that time.

>> No.18003516

>he was trying to keep people calm

While also making it blatantly obvious that groups like the CDC had to tiptoe around not contradicting him as he claimed that everything would be handled in a few weeks, wasn't a big deal, didn't push for more tests to be done, and outright said he wanted to keep people on a cruisliner because taking them off 'would make the numbers go up'

Don't speak of incompetence as "trying to reduce panic"

>> No.18003587


get off Trump's tiny dick, faggot

>> No.18003606

Imagine thinking trump was the only elected official that underestimated the virus.
Imagine thinking Trump doesn’t take advice from all of his health professionals that surround him and speak to him on a daily basis.
Imagine thinking we’re weren’t all caught off guard and that we can blame one single person for all of this
Imagine being generationally inbred throughout so many generations that your mind works like anon’s

>> No.18003608


Yes sweetie it was the Democrats who told trump to ignore the problem and tell us it would go away on its own.

>> No.18003610

No one gives a shit about trump democrats or basic bitch American politics you have a board for this

>> No.18003620


sounds good to me, fuck the economy and fuck boomers

>> No.18003626


Kek you bootlicking faggot. You moved the goalposts from “he was just telling people to keep calm” to “well yeah he was caught off guard but so was everyone”.

>> No.18003638

>as he claimed that everything would be handled in a few weeks
he did not fucking say that.

>> No.18003644


Literally no heath officials were saying this was gonna go away quickly, and Trump was saying it would be gone by the end of April. Also it's amusing you think Trump actually listens to health officials when we've had Fauci directly contradicting him before during some of these briefings

>> No.18003650

Except the air travel ban came about a week too late to matter. Chinese New Year was on the 25th. And as we all know, it's so very important to let all the chink university students return from holiday in the mainland so they can continue their schooling and replacement of our workforce.

>> No.18003653

derp.. orange man fix everything.. what’s one more bankruptcy when he’s already in for 7?

>> No.18003664

>Trump Jan. 29 : assembles Coronavirus task force

what was it like Shane McMahon, Mike Pence, and James Woods?

>> No.18003668
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>Sunday, March 22th, 2020
>STILL falling for this guy's bullshit

We fucking deserve it at this point.

>> No.18003669


He literally had President Kushner handling it. Trump is a puppet.

>> No.18003670
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Actually, cunt, the Democrats are as much to blame as anyone else.

>> No.18003673
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Democrats bad...republicans good. Kek, fucking pol/tards still playing the wrong game. The only winners here are the anons who take advantage of this golden ticket and grow as much wealth as they possibly can. This is 6th inning where we clean up and retire early boys.

>> No.18003676
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"the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero"

>> No.18003677

/pol/ is that way: >>>/pol/

>> No.18003683

Kek airlines voluntarily stopped flying to wuhan before the flight ban. Then he sat for 2 months doing fuck all

>> No.18003685


Damn these goalposts have moved by a mile.

>t-trump was just telling us to keep calm
>well yeah Daddy got caught off guard but so did everyone!

This is your brain on MIGA

>> No.18003695

>“Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases — 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.”
>“There’s a theory that, in April, when it gets warm — historically, that has been able to kill the virus. So we don’t know yet; we’re not sure yet. But that’s around the corner.”
>“I think every aspect of our society should be prepared. I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”
>“[W]e have a very small number of people in this country [infected]. We have a big country. The biggest impact we had was when we took the 40-plus people [from a cruise ship]. … We brought them back. We immediately quarantined them. But you add that to the numbers. But if you don’t add that to the numbers, we’re talking about very small numbers in the United States.”

>> No.18003702

explain to me how, Biden, of all people is to blame.

Noe one has seen him in like 8 days since his first attempt at a livestream where he wandered off-set mid sentence and started arguing with a coat rack

>> No.18003703

Kek, trump trying to close borders for four years for no reason...now when it actually is the right thing to do people won’t believe him. Mother fucker haven’t you ever read the story of the boy who cried wolf?

>> No.18003725

Remember the time he tried saying that the democrats invented the coronavirus news to get him impeached?
Then on fucking friday he opens his stupid mouth.
"What do you say to the people who are scared. Can you provide them any reassurances?"
"I say you're a bad journalist"

What kind of shit show did we even get in on?

>> No.18003767

I loved the tard-right reaction to that

>Can you believe how fuckin RUDE that reporter was?????? Stating statistics!?!?!?! Who does that???????

a million times more sensitive and bigger snowflakes than any SJW kid.

>> No.18003782

You're as much to blame for this as Trump is, faggots.

>> No.18003785


Trump apologist's heads are exploding right now. Just last month the corona virus was a democrat hoax. Now its the scapegoat for Trump's failures, an existential threat. They can't tell up from down right now.

>> No.18003818

I've actually had people try to defend that to me and honestly I can't get into that kind of retarded headspace of thinking a reporter asking if Trump will make a statement is a bad thing.
Like, he seriously should have done a nation wide announcement at some point to reassure a fucking terrified and increasingly ill populous that the entire might of the U.S. will be brought to bare on this. Instead he has poo poo'd and acted too little too late. My company is owned by a german metrology company and they shut us down until further notice on monday (paid) because germany had already gone onto lockdown, which has helped. But this dipshit just keeps making things worse.

>> No.18003821

I’m not saying Biden is to blame. I’m saying that when he calls Trump a xenophobe, it proves that he also was minimizing the issue

>> No.18003831
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>> No.18003837

bullshit, of course you support this whole partisan charade. fucking cringe man, youre low-iq as fuck if you believe any of this democrat republican bullshit. fuck off back to /pol/ MAGAt

>> No.18003859

That's called the "Being an ideological purist" bad faith argument. It's a form of the ad hominem fallacy and shows that you don't actually have any argument other than "Yeah? Well this guy bad too"
Nobody fucking cares. Trump fucked up and Trump support around these parts is thin on the fucking ground.

>> No.18003897

>Even worse, in 2018 the administration disbanded its own global health security team, which was supposed to make the U.S. more resilient to the threat of epidemics. This unfortunate decision was part of a reorganization that former national security adviser John Bolton carried out shortly after arriving at the White House.

>Bolton eliminated the National Security Council’s global health security and biodefense directorate, and reshuffled its team of world-class infectious disease experts. In response, two highly respected leaders in the field – Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer, the NSC’s senior director for global health security and biodefense, and Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert – left the White House.

This is the feminazis' fault!!!!!

>> No.18003920

So, obviously, by all of the cucked responses, Italy, Spain, UK and all these other countries that are exploding is also Trump’s fault as well. Right? Because they are just as fucked as we are. It must be because of Trump “not doing anything” for 3 months, right?

>> No.18003922

The funny thing is that reporter lobbed him the biggest floater down the middle, and instead of hitting it out of the park and making himself look good/sympathetic, he just doubled down on being a douche.

Trump literally could have given some cliche answer like
>In this difficult time I know there will be lots of you who are scared and worried, but we are doing everything to limit the spread among american citizens, and I implore all of you to remain calm in this time of uncertainty. Stay home if you aren't feeling well, limit your exposure to public areas. etc etc

People would have loved that shit. Like, he could have used that question make himself look like a calm leader in the face of adversity lol, I just don't get it

>> No.18003931

it's hard to describe how full of rage i am at this situation and how trump allowed it to become a full-blown crisis. same amount of rage goes out to everyone who didn't take it seriously. or still don't. look at taiwan and south korea - both countries took this virus incredibly seriously from the very beginning with aggressive testing and containment measures and now they both have the situation under control. the vast majority of their people can go on with their normal daily lives.

but not us. no, we have captain dipshit claiming at the beginning that it's a democrat hoax and eventually moving on from that to doing absolutely nothing - just sat there proclaiming it would go away on its own by spring. down from 15 cases to 0 in no time he said... because he's a fucking expert in germ theory apparently. all the while there was ample warning and preparation time to do something - this did not come out of nowhere. he dismantled the NSC's entire pandemic response team in 2018. did he get it back together after being warned of an incoming pandemic in the month of january? no, he fucking did not.

we have businesses halting operations, people being put out of work through no fault of their own and not getting any help from the people that put them in this situation due to their negligence, incompetence and cartoonish greed. legit sociopathy. and obviously all of the unnecessary death and suffering of those afflicted, including a high school friend of mine who died at the age of 34. he was an awesome guy.

and don't worry everyone, this shit hasn't even begun to pop off yet. give it another month or two.

fuck anyone who supports him.

>> No.18003957



>> No.18003979

I didn't say he was blameless you ESL fucktard. I know /pol/ lives rent-free in your head, but do try to read for once in your life.
I said you're just as responsible as Trump is. You had the option of closing the borders to the infected countries when this happened, and you didn't do it. Literally step 1 of a global pandemic is closing borders. But the tards who run your party decided that their reputation as the progressive saviors of the world was more important than locking out a deadly disease from entering the country.

>> No.18003982



>> No.18003983

He already gave answers like that for 2 months you concern shill, he even gave some in the same press conference. They're ignored.

>> No.18003999

Trump caused the other countries to get infected and he also crashed the global economy as well.
I'm a very smart economist.

>> No.18004005

Which one was that?
Can you cite a source where he reassures a scared public that they're doing everything they can?
Meanwhile in the rest of the world:

>> No.18004049
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Also while I was searching:

>> No.18004054

Im not a shill, I have no stake in your country's political affairs. Im not american. It doesn't take a genius to see that he's going to be receiving questions like that for months more.

If he already answered similar questions, just keep giving the same answers. Lashing out at a reporter doing his job makes you look like a moron

>> No.18004089

Week as

What's their stance now? "Trump didn't act fast enough because he hates babies!"?

>> No.18004108

“We do have a plan and we think it is going to be handled very well. We’ve already handled it very well. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) is terrific. Very professional…” is not a reassurance to a scared public. And it's countered a few weeks later by:

Also mind you that Trump didn't actually begin acting on that comment for 2 fucking months.

You're reaching

>> No.18004131


Trump is trying to drag it out right now. The worse thing for Trump would for this to resolve in the next few months, then Trump has nothing to blame for his shit economy, nothing to fear monger about for re-election. That's why Trump 180ed on corona. Hes not saying its a hoax anymore but something he can take advantage of. He wants to spin it like we're at war and use it as a scapegoat to blame his failures on.

The financial collapse from Trump's terrible fiscal policy and monetary policy will last years regardless of corona, and Trump needs corona to blame.

>> No.18004174

tl;dr nobody wants to read this shit shut up fag go kill yourself

>> No.18004213

>Here it is, he said it in January


Oh you're saying he's a politician?
Listen my point is that he's not blameless, and he absolutely did fuck this up. At the same time any politician would have fucked this up. Every political party was using this for political gain at the exact same time.
If you think the party that was declaring that it was racist to ban travel to a country that was suffering a major outbreak, you're wrong and probably underaged. Too underaged to remember H1N1.

PS: Here's another a few days later that you'll ignore

>> No.18004215

> Only includes words
> Not actions
> When he banned flights from China to the call of raycis from the left back on February 3rd.
> Implying if he had raised the alarm you wouldn't be criticizing him for starting a panic
Can you at least admit you'd bitch about him either way?

>> No.18004226

I'm seeing now that there are a few democrats crying on twitter to invoke the defense production act, but Trump has already said he will do that. Hardly his fault that government bureaucrats are dragging their heals like always.

>> No.18004243

.....Are you stupid or something? Or do you just have terrible reading comprehension?
I mean the latter is likely because you are a /pol/tard but I need to actually know this: "Are you, in fact, stupid?"
Because everything you just said right now denotes a noted LACK of intelligence.

>> No.18004319

why do you even argue with these people dude? trump tried to shut down our border literally his entire presidency and has been told "no" every single time by a vindictive, incompetent, and frankly evil conglomeration of bureaucrats, political opponents, etc. Every single move he makes with regard to securing this country's border is second guessed endlessly.

With respect to the current situation, he did in fact attempt to shut down all travel with China **very** early on during the outbreak, and was called a racist and denied as usual.

He tried to take the smart option early and got denied. The only real mistake he's made re: corona is not using the defense production act to mass-produce tests and declare martial law to shut down big cities and forcibly quarantine people. But as you can imagine if he did these acts the same people who tell him he can't control the borders will again try to deny him.

We have a serious problem in this country. It's not Trump.

>> No.18004332

You're not even typing like you're an intelligent species. You're typing like a cave-dwelling troglodyte who hasn't ever listened to a politician speak. I already know you're stupid. Way too stupid to look at a statement, realize that it was boilerplate smoke any politician would say, and then google it to make sure that he didn't say it before issuing a challenge to find it.

You said this:
>Which one was that?
>Can you cite a source where he reassures a scared public that they're doing everything they can?
I said this:

You were wrong.

Time to own up to it instead of mewling about semantics. Or don't. I don't expect you to make a clear post and instead make some mush-mouthed deflection and goalpost moving.

And on the topic of "Why didn't he do travel bans sooner!?" Guess which party was bitching about travel bans being racist all the way into mid FEBRUARY

>N-no, my special politician who wears the blue shirt would have done something completely different and prevented the spread of the virus into the US.

I'm waiting for the markets to open and I'm bored.

>> No.18004410

>we weren’t all caught off guard
The fuck we were, I follow the fucking news.

>> No.18004417

No, you implied that was a reassurance. When I quoted precisely what he said to a press interview he never once gave reassurance and then went out on a fucking rally and contradicted it with the video I linked. Then when pressed he attacked the fucking reporter. You literally only have your specific narrow interpretation which doesn't actually pass a single smell test and literally everyone here has called you out on it.

Is your head up your ass for the warmth?

>> No.18004475

>muh go back to pol
>muh fallacy!! muh fallacy!!
>wasting people's time asking for sources to tangential bullshit
>being a smug faggot
You should genuinely kill yourself.

>> No.18004504 [DELETED] 

And you should probably get off 4chan.
This is an 18+ site.
Reported for being underaged.

>> No.18004522

I blame China. Xi should have told Trump how to run the US. Its not fair to Trump that he was born with an extra chromosome. Xi should have offered to run the US for him.

>> No.18004582

You don't need to wear a blue shirt to actually listen to experts instead of contradicting them and offering feel good bullshit entry single time you open your mouth.

First it was gonna go away by spring, never mind how germ theory works. Then he started promising shit we never got. Like the Google test website. Or free tratment, and not just free tests. Or enough testing kits and supplies to go around. Or this fucking treatment that he's fixated on that has ZERO solid evidence of effectiveness and HIS OWN HHS SECRATARY HAD TO CONTRADICT HIM ON LIVE TV TO GET THAT OUT.

This is a fiasco. He can't be trusted to give us anything useful, because even when he does, it almost seems like a happy accident amid all the fuckups.

Why are the networks still airing this crap?

>> No.18004605
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>leftists are full of shit
Literally every time.

>> No.18004624

dilate, leftypol subhumans

>> No.18004632

Shut the fuck up poltard.

>> No.18004641

>for no reason
Imagine being this absurdly crazy and stupid. dilate

>> No.18004648
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>Economy crashes and the response to a once in a century pandemic is completely bungled
>Republicans control every major branch of government

>> No.18004665

Jump off a bridge, commie retard. Hope you're not white.

>> No.18004675

>The Democrats want this economy to BURN
Shit me too

>> No.18004680

This is why people tell you to fuck right the fuck back off to pol.
You gotta go back.

>> No.18004682
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This couldn't possibly be a work

>> No.18004703

Back to Israel jew

>> No.18004704

>80 iq commie "liberals" that has flooded the country with brown parasites for decades and almost ruined the country
>really upset at the drumpf, even though he handled the crisis better than 9/10 of western leaders
>completely drunk on marxism
>thinks he has 50 more iq than he what he really has
I wish you'd realize that you're too dumb for politics. I hate your guts and wish you were dead.

>> No.18004710

mmm wish she had a juicy cock

>> No.18004723

You think we don't realize you are a think tank shill?

>> No.18004734

>The financial collapse from Trump's terrible fiscal policy and monetary policy will last years regardless of corona
You're compltely braindead, leftypol/r/politics. How do you even get this warped?

>> No.18004737

kys mossad

>> No.18004744

>offering feel good bullshit entry single time you open your mouth.
for fuck's sake you moron, that is LITERALLY HIS JOB. keeping morale high in times of crisis is LITERALLY HIS JOB.
>First it was gonna go away by spring, never mind how germ theory works. Then he started promising shit we never got. Like the Google test website. Or free tratment, and not just free tests. Or enough testing kits and supplies to go around. Or this fucking treatment that he's fixated on that has ZERO solid evidence of effectiveness and HIS OWN HHS SECRATARY HAD TO CONTRADICT HIM ON LIVE TV TO GET THAT OUT.
I think we both understand this, but for readers of the thread who might not - you are intentionally missing the point. The President is doing everything in his power to try to mitigate this, and is trying to be upbeat and positive in his press conferences and talk up his successes and future potential successes because, again, it's his JOB to do that shit. Also, the treatment he's talking about DOES have promise - there is peer reviewed research that indicates it could be a major factor in controlling the impact of this disease.

You are a vindictive little cunt and can't see the forest for the trees. The President of the United States is doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing in times like this - staying up to speed on research, freeing up funds and working with state/local governments in emergency response, closing borders when appropriate, staying abreast of medical research that could help control the emergency, and reassuring the public.

>You don't need to wear a blue shirt to actually listen to experts instead of contradicting them
You are a fucking idiot dude.

>> No.18004745

That was always the plan m8, you think they care if 'some people die' as long as they get what they want?

>> No.18004749
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>nothing to fear monger about for re-election
>open borders and "diversity" are great things
You fucking retard. Find a bridge and jump off it.

>> No.18004752


>> No.18004758


>> No.18004771
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Far-leftist loon, all your dem candidates love antifa, censorship and open borders and hate freedom, whites and sane people. How are you not commies? You're completely deranged. Go back to r/politics.

>> No.18004801

they are NPCs perverted by Satan. They can't help themselves but destroy this realm and name not a true Hell

>> No.18004809


You're in denial man. Load up on those shorts and puts. You'll be retired in a year, especially if Trump wins and fucks the country even more. Might as well profit on it though.

>> No.18004813

>80 iq marxist that only cares about gibs calls someone else immature
>fuck freedom, fuck the country, fuck whites, fuck the economy
>i want my gibs
>would probably push his mother into traffic if someone dangled a small handout in front of him
People call you leftists soulless subhumans for a reason. Now fuck off.

>> No.18004830

why would they hate trump so much if he wasnt an actual threat? ive never seen a politician hated by lefties and the media like trump is

>> No.18004842

>muh drumpf is responsible for corona
>ignores that he's handled it more forcefully and quickly than practically every single western country
>and that everyone's screwed

>> No.18004877

>why would they hate trump so much if he wasnt an actual threat?
Because he's a thread to them and their plans to turn the country into commie mexico, you incredibly stupid person.
>thinks leftists are people
>many of them believe this thing, so it must be true
lol and yikes Must suck to be this retarded.

>> No.18004913

>everyone who isn't /pol/ is a lefty

>> No.18004915



>> No.18004922

They hate him because they have been trained to hate him since July, 2015, Anon. The elites hate him because he is trying to remove the corruption from the media and government.

>> No.18004930

i've long said that fundamentally the problem with marxists and marxism in general is that they are more materialist than even the most ardent lasseiz-faire capitalist. these people are obsessed with material wealth, they do not give a fuck about the human soul or even conceive of humans as having souls (because they themselves are soulless materialists.)

marxism is taking the worst aspect of capitalism - a soulless, materialistic, and cold inhuman treatment of living breathing people, and amplifying them a thousand times over.

>> No.18005032


>Trump, the NYC slumlord billionaire heir who gives 50% tax breaks to billionaires.
>Elites HATE him
>Employes his son in law as shadow president who says "its just the flu" bro and fucks everyone but its not his fault

Imagine aually believing this, being someone watching Fox News, the biggest mainstream news networking who shills everything Trump does 24/7, and thinking the "corrupt" media hates Trump who is your guy!

Its hard to believe Trump apologists can be this mentally cucked, I mean how many times can the guy bend you over and fuck you dry before you realize you're being taken advantage of?

>> No.18005080

Do these democrats you speak of live inside your head?

The problem isn't that he isn't doing shit, is that he spent too long being a dumb cunt pretending it's some democrat hoax for him to lose the election. Instead he could have acted like a fucking president and taken it more seriously and got ready sooner. Assembling some taskforce isn't doing shit, it's just getting your pals together so you can shoot the shit about what you could do if this hoax turns out to be real.

>trump is a racist for blocking chinese travel
Literally nobody is saying that. The only thing people criticise him for is his recent attacks on China. Blaming them for the virus and calling it "China virus". Despite it originating in China, it's not a bunch of fucking slant eyed gook virus cells.

It's autistic af to go on TV and blame chinks for it, because it accomplishes nothing. The virus doesn't suddenly go away if you make a bunch of low IQ republicans hate anyone with slightly narrower eyes. Focus on dealing with the problem, not being a fucking petulant child, whining how it's everyone elses fault.

Somehow the surrounding countries handled it pretty fucking well, by getting ready before the shit even started spreading. But the UK and US just likes to close their eyes and hope if they can't see it, it's not happening.

>> No.18005084

Trump also disbanded that pandemic control agency 2 years ago.
Funny that. It's like he's gonna use this to postpone the election indefinitely.

>> No.18005229

>trying to remove the corruption from the media and government.
>gives gigantic tax breaks to billionaires who are responsible for that corruption
>removes regulations that stifle large corporations and gives favorable treatment to foreign dignitaries who spend large sums of money at his properties
Anyone who sits in the oval office only ever got there due to corruption and engaging with it, and not a single soul who ever left that office did so with it less corrupt than when they entered

>> No.18006022

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/249597998