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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18002335 No.18002335 [Reply] [Original]

The Jew fears the indoor chicken farmer.

Peak self-sufficiency achieved.

>> No.18002351
File: 3.73 MB, 2106x1347, 1555027489014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, you gotta step up your indoor coop game.
Pic related.

>> No.18002412

Yep that one is truly based, but hey, at least I am doing by part. Are you?

>> No.18002417

Itz only smellz

>> No.18002421

Stick it to the man

>> No.18002427
File: 427 KB, 686x526, 1583396774757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.18002429

are you brewing the next avian flu?

>> No.18002444

Why not outdoors?

>> No.18002488

>ynr literal bioterrorists are on /biz/

>> No.18002556

The Jew fears what he can not control. An indoor chicken farm is not only protected from the outside elements, but also safe from theft, wildlife and the Jew.

>> No.18002581


>> No.18002589

>just let everyone know about your chickens, goyim
>we won't try an tax you :^)

>> No.18002613

I found the Somali Chicken Farmer!

>> No.18002654


>> No.18002682

Any guides to get started on this?

Grocery was out of chicken again.

>> No.18002683

Like chikun nuggets

>> No.18002694

The landlord fears the indoor chicken farmer

>> No.18002709

yeah. fears you single handedly weaponizing bird flu.

>> No.18002737

For obvious reasons, there has been no guide as of yet. This indoor food self-sufficiency method must be kept secret, and reserved for only the most based.

>> No.18002805

1. get eggs from ShartMart
2. put eggs under light
3. ????
4. indoor chicken farmer

>> No.18002864


They eggs from the grocery store won't work right? Or will they?

>> No.18002881

give it a try

>> No.18002897

beat me

>> No.18003015

Probably not, but I'm sure there's some chicken farmers who are subservient to the jew who could sell you some eggs for a few shekels

>> No.18003267

The cock will sing in the morning
mfw goyim wont b3 abl3 2 sl33p

>> No.18003469

Haven't you ever tried planting seeds from a piece of fruit you were eating? It's the same idea, really.

>> No.18003549


The chicken eggs need to be buried?

>> No.18003841

I recently raised some chickens in a large box, you basically have to since they can’t survive cold weather and need a heat lamp. Now they live outside in the coop I built. They do smell though and caring for them is tedious

>> No.18004659
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>> No.18004832
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>3.73 MB

>> No.18004935


>> No.18004975


>> No.18005020

file size limit is 3kb for trannies

>> No.18005024

I'd rather die.

>> No.18005484

some experiments on youtube have down 1/40 organic eggs actually hatches

>> No.18005539


>> No.18006040

someone plz post the indoor bee farmer pic