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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 1024x930, 1575759264219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17995703 No.17995703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright I forsee another huge dump moving to stable coins until the April dump see you niggers then for almost free Links

>> No.17995715


omg is this real? how do i profit?

>> No.17995717

is that a tranny?

>> No.17995740

Women age like milk. Men age like a fine wine.

>> No.17995761
File: 181 KB, 1080x1248, 1580080628552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By only pumping and dumping 18-24 year olds

>> No.17996293

Going Mgtow

>> No.17996332

What happened to average white girls?

>> No.17996357

i'd like to bounce each of those tiddys in my hands and watch them plop around, if you know what I mean

>> No.17996497

>omg is this real? how do i profit?
>take teenage girl
>make her the pop icon of an entire generation
>let her go once you find another
>keep tabs on her
>let her get fat and old
>sell body positivity
>sell fat acceptance
>Child Model 1-16 Status: Success
rinse and repeat each two years to keep investigators off your back. each child star becomes the next central icon for your media outlet pump/dumps. you ave about 60 years of revenue through growing, long-term interest of constantly aging child-star musicians/actresses/instagram models/twitch gamer girls/escorts/front desk assistants

>> No.17996642

Crazy bitch doesn't brush her teeth. Look it up.

>> No.17996656

>almost free

Good luck swinging from .01 to .02

>> No.17996689
File: 11 KB, 196x257, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was a fine piece of ass in the 90s I tell you that. I still remember hanging out with friends and discussing who's more fuckable? Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, or Christina Aguilera. I always picked your mom.

>> No.17996908

Elaborate please

>> No.17996932


>hehe which famous lady is more fuckable hehe

God gen Xers are just as bad as boomers lmao.

>> No.17996933

God I hated those conversations. We all made our top 10 list and when it came to me I couldn't name a single celebrity I would want to fuck because I was autistic and thought about code and shit more than that kind of thing.

>> No.17996981

>Xaroomers sitting around in some dingy room smoking pot and clove cigarettes and either listening to early eminem or nirvana talking about which spice girl they want to fuck cause haha damn celeb chicks dude

>> No.17997032
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>> No.17997061


Remember the guy who called every he knew girl ugly but was obsessed with celebs? Never touched a pussy in his life of course.

>> No.17997105

Right picture she looks heavily pregnant. What's with /pol/ incels being anti-abortion while also attacking the image of an older woman who's obviously pregnant?? lmao


>> No.17997142

Are you a fat cow too? I've seen pregnant women in much better shape. Put the fork down fat cunt and maybe someone will want to fuck your shitty slit, I'd rather stick my dick in a beehive

>> No.17997176


>> No.17997214

Would rather have my wife looking like that while she's popping out healthy babies than some bulimic bitch watching her figure for social media.

>> No.17997292

kek. how old are you now? did you finally put the benis in vagine???? or have you acquired wizard powers?

>> No.17997319

White women age poorly.

>> No.17997326
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>> No.17997350

Why the fuck do you think thin women are considered most attractive, you retard?
When they pop out babies they gain weight....but then go from thin to normal sized
Normal-sized bitches pop out babies, and go from normal-sized to "WEEEEEELLLLLLL.....WELL IT'S THE BIIIIIG SHOW"

>> No.17997384
File: 11 KB, 474x281, D23FE0B1-B910-4C20-B670-8F3CD31EDE06.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women age like milk. Men age like a fine wine.
Yeah I’m thinkin he’s based

>> No.17997420
File: 54 KB, 620x324, jessicasimpson-620x324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this stupid
She's old but nowhere near that fat. As I said, OP's image is purposely misleading the angry hoards of mgtow and incel alike.

>> No.17997624
File: 78 KB, 220x292, Image1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no regrets

>> No.17997664

yes. as is >>17995761

>> No.17997674

She WAS that fat
Yes, she recently lost the weight, but she has tons of money and time to do it. The average woman doesn't, and stays like that for life

>> No.17997692

She was pregnant... You faggots will understand when you finally have sex

>> No.17997693

>heavily pregnant
Uh, anon

>> No.17997767

I fuck white high class women. They sure needed this. Y'all so called clever boys are weak. All u think about is money And how your white necked fathers have betrayed humanity by killing off their own. Look at Europe. What a fucken joke

>> No.17998236


What’s that?

>> No.17998256

how can a person be as dumb as you. you don't need tons of money and time to lose weight

>> No.17998282

Then explain why you haven't done it yet, you fat bitch

>> No.17999453

gross, wont have a baby never

>> No.17999491
File: 16 KB, 128x128, anhero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, is Jessica Simpson

>> No.17999510

Most women don't gain that much weight during pregnancy.

>> No.17999535

16-20 year olds

>> No.17999563

holy shit britney spears really let herself go

>> No.17999578

stable coins only offer additional risk and no benefit over usd why are you stupid?

>> No.17999592

Thankyou :)

>> No.17999599


>> No.17999604

Can confirm
t. 50 y.o. chad with a fat wallet & a fatter dick

>> No.17999651
File: 86 KB, 650x488, 1520720653003-int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17999740

now that's hyperinflation

>> No.17999806

more like this please

>> No.17999823

based and family pilled.

>> No.17999956


>> No.18000006


>> No.18000080

neither does 99% of 4chan

>> No.18000106

that pic is why you should never hodl

>> No.18000113

lol or the guy who called every girl ugly then had an ugly gf

>> No.18000131
File: 257 KB, 1080x1404, CFB92985-A77F-4C57-A6F0-0061E93D4159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18000135

can confirm the graph is overstating for beta male. Its actually lower than that

>> No.18000975

>When you hold assets for too long

>> No.18001012

who the fuck could live like this. i couldnt keep my room that disgusting if i tried

>> No.18001137

Kids I grew up with, at least half of them -- their houses were like this. Guess what percentage are dead from overdose?

>> No.18001231


>> No.18001250

Hydroxycholorquine cures coronavirus
You already missed the bottom
Elon musk said 0 cases by late April

>> No.18001261

Why do you say this? How big of a dump?

>> No.18001293

dont drag mgtow into this you cuck. they avoid females and mind their own business and yet dumb retards like you clump them in with incels constantly cuz you didnt actually research them and just heard some roastie you're orbiting call them incels once and went well if she said they are they are. no wonder you cant get your smol penis touched

>> No.18001304

Christina, not even a contest

>> No.18001319
File: 28 KB, 128x128, pepeLa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting the snake oil salesman


>> No.18001330

Gamecube controllers make this pic look old, but don't be fooled. There is Yeezy Beluga 2.0 shoe between the rubbish on front of the TV.

>> No.18001362

>Reddit watermark

>> No.18001373

No it isn't, beta males are still more attractive than the bottom 50% of males. They have jobs, friends, social life and everything is in order except that their status is not that high

>> No.18001385

>Elon isn't part of the Illuminati

>> No.18002257

Sounds comfy desu.

>> No.18002283
File: 125 KB, 644x966, sei_50929913-b0ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18002318

neck yourself zoomer faggot

>> No.18002354

why do cracker and beaner girls just give up after age 18?

>> No.18002382


>> No.18002391

How do I profit on this?

>> No.18002400
