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17995404 No.17995404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>create extremely boring game that forces you to do repetitive tasks for tens of hours to level up or get a drop

> retards get addicted to watching pixel numbers go up on a screen
>charge 11 dollars a month for years

>make millions of dollars off of brain dead addicts

>> No.17995408

Seriously why doesnt everbody do this

>> No.17995415

Do it yourself and show us hows its done.

>> No.17995440

I like to farm, so fuck you, everyday in farming

>> No.17995461

Its unironically the greatest game ever made

>> No.17995488

Got ranger boots from med clue scroll today frens. Gz plz

>> No.17995528


>> No.17995532

funnest game I've ever played, finding lvl3 noobs to do slavelike tasks for 100g an hour and making a huge spread on that was delightful

>> No.17995630

If you could make something equal to RS you would deserve millions of dollars. But of course you can't and nothing of its caliber will probably ever appear again

>> No.17995706

this game was an accidental masterpiece, created by a family of three autistic boy-genius children who created this when the public consensus was that nothing of this scale could be achieved on the web in a browser based way.

i like to play it while i do uni work, or my full time paid job.

>> No.17995716
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>Reddit spacing green text
Major faggot detected

>> No.17995719

hey any of u can give me some items on osrs. I am fresh player started last week on free to play thanks. IGN = nebu3 !

>> No.17995736

Point and click games are a dead genre.

>> No.17995859

>this game was an accidental masterpiece
Indeed it was, too bad it went to shit when IVP bought Fagex over.

>> No.17995943

Based, as usual

>> No.17996126

Did you actually just start osrs?

>> No.17996178

cuz programming an MMO is very difficult, and for every 1 successful game there are 10,000 failed ones?

>> No.17996229

Here’s how you make a successful game: the more you can troll in it (that doesn’t include killing or kicking other players) the higher the chances people will play.

>> No.17996267

They do. They're called gatchas. The market is saturated.

>> No.17996535

Cause it's hard. Albeit I do want to make an mmo but not as my first commercial game. Already making a multiplayer game and it is a pain getting things working right. At this point artwork is my next big hurdle as it is a slow process. Gotta make it look good and right.

>> No.17997221

Everybody did do this and most of them failed. Back in the early 2000s there was a huge MMO boom from companies chasing World of Warcraft money and most of them only lasted a few years. The market only supports a small number of MMOs at the same time.

>> No.17997250

You could literally make noob players your slaves lmao.

>> No.17997279

the game is popular because it allows players to make games within it
staking is its own game
luring is its own game
the game died when they removed the ability for players to make their own adventure and it’s the same reason 2007 servers are dying now
the game is run by reddit and popular youtubers that make expose videos against bots and cheaters that hurt their feelings

>> No.17997318

All started with removal of wilderness. The addition of the ditch also hurt but didn’t kill luring. Bounty hunter craters killed honor pking. Everyone became NH spastic faggots

>> No.17997331

as a 23 year old this game was my childhood, I started playing at 8 years old kek, I grew up on this shit and consequentially the internet. I remember an anon telling me to check out 4chan when I was 10 fishing next to seers and then /b/ raised me from 12-17. osrs was wild west internet and the wildy was the best expression of that. that nostalgia is missed and will never be brought back no matter how hard jagex or the community tries

>> No.17997351


>> No.17997380

RuneScape in 2005-2007 was actually the best time of my life

And I've fucked 10/10s and done pretty much all drugs

Seriously, if you didn't get addicted to RS during your early teens you haven't lived imo

>> No.17997390

>tfw you didn’t get to be a cowboy in the Wild Wild West but you did get to be a lurer/pker in RuneScape

>> No.17997453

People don't "get" RuneScape
It not only successfully ticks off Maslow's hierarchy of needs
The aesthetics of early rs were perfect
The graphics were unique and had a lot of soul

The community, market and world were really alive and thriving

Castle wars, pest control etc all have a special place in my heart

Nearly endless endgame (rares, merch, xp to 200mill)
Varied things to do, something for every play style and personality

Fucking insane. It wasnt a game, it was life. An introverts heaven.

>> No.17997464

as a fucking 10 year old I was social engineering retards and killing them for loot with other 10 year olds, it was a blast lmao. I never even went full autist on it with leveling/questing, the social interaction/trolling/"riots"/racism was enough to be memorable to even today. I made an account a few years ago between school/jobs and went full aspie, got to level 70 some with 90 wc and a fuck ton of quests out of the way but it just didnt feel the same as if I'd had that in the old days (which I would've creamed my pants for with stats/quests and gold)

>> No.17997478

this is mostly true but now pvp and pve have very high skill caps and it's not an afk fest late game

>> No.17997560

The subreddit is cleansing the game of what made it special. Competitive interaction (not only, but mainly pvp) is mostly deemed toxic and shunned. The “roleplaying” aspect has been phased out by solitary activities ie skilling, ironman, pvm. The reddit utterly despises the competitive nature of Pking. So, the PvP playerbase is dying, and with it (what reddit doesn’t realize) is also what makes runescape exciting, it’s life force.

>> No.17997596

Even Mod Mat K said on his livestream that they intentionally ignored pvp updates for 18 consecutive months. This game would be nothing like it is today if it weren't for pvp. Fucking faggots doing the same shit over and over with bossing and skilling those are the real NPCs. PVP is fucking dead anyways. There is no bringing life back into this game. It has run its course.

>> No.17997606

Literal NPCs ruining runescape’s reality and actual reality outside of the internet world

>> No.17997630

Anyone remember the alching gathering that would happen at Camelot ? Good times

>> No.17997672

Yeah that's where I'd train up my sick ass pures. I'd also go alch in front of edge wildy while watching pkers and showing off to everyone else that I'm alching like a SiCk pure.

>> No.17997700

this is extremely true. People only hear about runescape and world of warcraft when in fact there's a fuck ton of MMO's that are dead/closed the servers.

>> No.17997734

Ive been playing WoW classic for awhile but honestly game sucks. Completely shoehorns you into playing a certain way and the raids are boring and stressful. Basically retard wrangling. I guess it might be OK if you are a NEET. Runescape is just a more soulful game.

>> No.17997859

I locked in a valuable name on a few servers in Classic. Played up until about mid twenties and then completely dropped off. It's quite surprising to me considering I was anticipating Classic's release for some time. You explained exactly how I felt by the way in terms of how it felt playing again. That's probably why I stopped.

>> No.17997931

Don't kid yourself. It was never good, it was just early and accessible and is now riding on nostalgia - it's fun in that regard but it isn't even a game.

>> No.17997940

Good poast

I redditspace on purpose just to piss off my fellow basement dwellers.

>> No.17997956

Ultima was better
Asheron's Call was better

>> No.17997972

>hurr /b/ was never good
Nostalgia haters can get fucked. It was good for the mindset you were in then. There is no objective judgement of a subjective experience/fondness

>> No.17997985

Yeah, I felt like an idiot when I was trying to kill a crocodile along with 100 other niggers trying to do the same thing. Everyone's WoW story is essentially the same, even more so now that the gear and class optimization is all figured out. Everybody just doing the same shit. Runescape sets you loose and you just wander around and figure it out. That's what makes it great.

>> No.17998011

I used to do this in a Minecraft server I played on.

>> No.17998013

>Everyone's WoW story is essentially the same, even more so now that the gear and class optimization is all figured out. Everybody just doing the same shit.
This is so true. How old are you?

>> No.17998022

Elaborate because you sound gay or they’re hookers

>> No.17998033

Fuck off.

>> No.17998039

I just wanna be a massively successful game company like halt and catch fire. Without the weak link females.

>> No.17998074

You can blame Reddit, but it was more the GE that killed the game. It completely eliminated any need for interaction across various player verticals - you don't even need to switch worlds to sell your runes, arrows, food, or ore. 90% of the fun (in my opinion) came from the interactions you would have merching.

>> No.17998089

It was objectively never a well-designed game.

>> No.17998104

yup. I am one that also thinks that the grand exchange fucked that game. It made it more "streamline" by removing the need for social interaction like you said, son.

>> No.17998142

I really love the re-release of wow classic it's really more about being part of a cohesive team than the actual mechanics
Patience and persistence is rewarded and I like that.

>> No.17998153

wow classic's already dead faggot.

>> No.17998172

the GE was actually fine and redditors, led by the youtube celeb cabal, were vehemently against it
they wanted basically an in game forum to post listings tied to names so people could be blacklisted and presumably make way for popular meme name accounts for attention
regardless, the game survived the GE
what it has not survived is
>the lack of pvp updates
>jagex staff ignoring pvp suggestions,
>jagex staff responding to ecelebs “exposing” pvp cheaters by removing those pvp aspects entirely
>reddit petitioning nerfs to pvp NPC drops because pvp is unfair
>reddit petitioning for easier transportation methods “because we’ve played the game long enough”
>reddit realizing they can hold the game hostage until they get a neutered bank standing update
>reddit holding an update hostage until some third worlder named gentletractor releases his suggestion
>reddit rejecting new skills because they’re tied to other ones
>reddit delaying pve updates so they can argue about item aesthetics
>reddit petitioning certain item drops be removed from the game because it’s not an optimal gameplay strategy
and yes all of this plus more has happened. this isn’t some ordinary “muh reddit” scenario, they’ve quite literally destroyed the game

>> No.17998178

The 4th Coming was better

>> No.17998180

Lol ok tell that to my guild running 6 raids a week on Westfall US.

>> No.17998190

wow classic has less active players than retail and retail is offering 2+ months of double experience to all players
tells you all you need to know

>> No.17998201

RuneScape and WoW were good back in the days when blacks and Hispanics didn't have internet connections. Now it just sucks dick because all the third worlders don't have to go to a public library to play anymore

>> No.17998202

I remember when this game was social. Conversations while fishing or woodcutting were pretty fun. It's hard to make friends on this game now

>> No.17998203

Nah classic is dead now even retail has more players which is just sad.

>> No.17998292
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This is why Verasity will 100x.

>> No.17998519

The GE ruined the game. Get a clue new fag

>> No.17998710

I must be old. Never played RuneScape. I was 19 when it became popular, had moved away from my hometown and was busting my ass with a construction crew making bank. No regrets, I remember the times fondly. Had some crazy shit go down. Had a p4 computer that I built around 03 that I lugged around as I moved but never really used.

Played EverQuest, enjoyed the hell out of it. That game was brutal. Still can remember people yelling "train to xxx!" in chat as they ran to zone borders and anyone who didn't get well clear got brutally steamrolled by the chain of NPCs who gangbang aggroed anyone in range as they chased the poor bastard to the zone line. Sometimes you didn't even call out train and deliberately ran next to lower level noobs just to watch the slaughter. Good times.

>> No.17998773

You can objectively suck my cock

>> No.17998802

this game took my life from me. this game stole my social development years.

>> No.17998808

The GE completely killed the game. If it were removed, people would use zybez marketplace again tho

>> No.17999023

>adult still plays pretend
you deserve death escapist

>> No.17999032

stock market simulator for zoomers

>> No.17999089

Dude listen though. I played that game for years, I've won some and I've lost some

Let me tell you that the risk of scamming, in a harmless environment like this video game, makes the game fun in a way, because you have to be extra careful. It's an aspect of the game that should exist

>> No.17999200
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Still the best gaming experience I've ever had was was when I was hard grinding in with Lineage 2.

>> No.17999371

> not enjoying a boring repetitive game with hoarding pointless xp
neurotypical get the fuck OUT

>> No.17999465

OSRS still is the best game objectively I ever played hourly wise and the emotions it brought up. Not too long ago I binged it for like 6 months nonstop. Like every waking hour after work and then like 16 hours per day on the weekends until something clicked and the 6 month sub of membership was over and then I just never continued playing. If I get laid off I will probably start playing again.

>> No.17999668

Based and VRA pilled

>> No.17999670
File: 32 KB, 229x291, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw started playing on a botted main that got unbanned for no reason 2 months ago

>in parallel to working from home, I afk slayer and other shit all day

>just got my first ever whip from abby demons

feels great bros, finally can fulfill my childhood dreams

>> No.17999730

they ruined smithing though

>> No.17999781

My account is garbage in terms of GP and lvl but I can get the 10 year cape thing now. Do these things add value and can I sell my account for decent cash or is it a lost cause?

>> No.17999797

Gz lad. I got wizard boots yesterday. Not bad, but you did better!

>> No.17999824

They do already, on a massively simplified scale, and which ones succeed is as random as whether someone gets the gay lotto item they wanted. It's mostly fueled by asian subhumans, btw, so you can thank them for this development as well.

>> No.17999854

No, worthless sorry. Even max accounts are like $250

>> No.17999985

It's the highest grossing genre in the world right now, dumb zoomer.

>> No.18000024

> implying it's not simply a copy of Ultima Online

>> No.18000044


>> No.18000077

Gotta agree

>> No.18000158

>tfw you'll never play during the golden age of RS

>> No.18000269

what is it specifically that instills such immensely pleasurable nostalgia when i recollect the time i spent playing this game during the golden days? i can recall only a few specifics about the game and what i did when i played it. what i recall most is a feeling of immense comfort and belonging. why was this game such perfect escapism for a lonely young man? its a shame i grew so bitter i cant even enjoy video games

>> No.18000284

I unironically have a game design degree and I wonder what you mean by this?

>> No.18000325

No it didn’t you can do both at once, I did.

>> No.18000338


agreed. the best time of my life was playing this all day on school holidays.

>> No.18000540


Idiot. OSRS has a better economy than real life right now. I'm storing all my money in RSGP. It literally holds value.

>> No.18000561


>> No.18000909

>I unironically have a game design degree
Well there's the issue mate. you're fucking wasting your time

>> No.18000980

I'm sorry, but did the economy already collapse? Oh, that's right. The decision hasn't even been made yet. In fact, it's only midweek. Does not 20% unemployment count as a collapse? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the market is still open? The traders are in NYC right now and they have been the best stock market people for how long now? They're fighting one of the worst virii of all time and they're feeding off the lack of support from the Mainstream media. But you know what? They're still fucking trading. America is one of the best fucking nations on earth, we dropped 2 more and would have dropped 2 more if Japan hadn't surrendered. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Dow hits 30k and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Fed just pumped 2 trillion dollars into the economy and cut us all a check. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Dow topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like America because its free. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to trun the Fed, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing

>> No.18000987

add me in game potattomato1 to give me free stuff. Lets go 4chan biz

>> No.18001155

Based and rs-pilled