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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17987279 No.17987279 [Reply] [Original]

So this thing will kill all the boomers, huh?
That means the economy will be inherited by

Gen Xers
>Potheads that never actually made any money in their lifes.

>Entitled little bitches that have never made any money on their lifes and are just waiting for hand-me-downs


We're fucked, aren't we

>> No.17987324

Fuck women. Put this disgusting slut in a cage and viciously beat her whenever she gets out of line.

>> No.17987363

thx faggot

>> No.17987370

I really wish this crash didn't attract a bunch of /pol/tard incels

>> No.17987402

>Gen X is just a bunch of burned out stoners that glorified being pieces of shit and doing the least amount of work possible
>Gen Y is entitled as shit and thinks they deserve the world on a silver platter for everything they do
>Gen Z is just a bunch of kids going through their edgy phase who glorify putting out the lowest-quality content possible
We were fucked from the beginning, Boomers are shitty but at least they know how to handle money and are predictable, I have no idea what the fuck a Gen X and Gen Y driven economy with a Gen Z underclass is going to look like

>> No.17987415

woo look at this edgy incel seething he cant get a girl to touch him without it involving rape posting his le edgy le underage fantasy posts about female treatment.

>> No.17987441

Ok faggot.

>> No.17987443

>Boomers know how to handle money
love this meme

>> No.17987459

Yeah I meant relative to Gen X and Gen Y, kek. None of the current generations really know how to handle money outside of the Silent Generation stragglers

>> No.17987469

We’ve already see it: Theranos-level grifters and WeWork style managerial incompetence.

>> No.17987491
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> I have no idea what the fuck a Gen X and Gen Y driven economy with a Gen Z underclass is going to look like

>> No.17987553

the problem with your theory is that GenX's are not the children of Boomers...they are generally the children of Silent Gen.

Millennial's are the children Boomers...they are going to wind up with all the money.

>> No.17987646

When old people die young people inherit their wealth, so we won't have to work anymore. But nobody will work and after a generation of that the planet will be fucked. Basically zoomers are the cursed generation, millenials and xers were blessed by based god.

>> No.17987662

we would get all the boomer wealth. the neets would be the ones to make it as we can make money we just need the capital (and we don't want wage cuck for the initial large amount)

>> No.17987678

Oh fug, you might be right

>> No.17987714

beautiful tits

>> No.17987734

cringe and incelpilled

>> No.17987754

This is not really correct as most Gen-Xers have boomer parents with some Silent Gen overlap. Also Millennials are divided between having both Boomer and Gen-X parents. Also most Boomers are poor even though most of the wealth is owned by Boomers so most Millennials will end up not inheriting fuck all as well as probably not having a Boomer social safety net in old age either.

>> No.17987770

Everything boomers touched turned to gold. You could support a family of 4 pulling a lever with a highschool diploma. Boomers are lucky niggers

>> No.17988059

And they saved little to none and reverse mortgaged their house. Kill em all.

>> No.17988929

Absolutely based. Don't let any trannies tell you otherwise.

> *hits pipe*

>> No.17988985

they literally just had to pass SOME of it on to their kids

fucking failures at life

>> No.17989026


>> No.17989069

You're thinking about this as though every millenial will get an inheritance, which is a very narrow part of what will happen. OP is talking about the general distribution of assets that will now be freed to exchange hands after the asset holders die.

>> No.17989267

>t. has never spoke to, let alone dated a woman
They’re all the same. It gets so tiresome.

>> No.17989291

and how are boomers better than any of these

>> No.17989390

If boomers hadn't been so shitty as parents we would have every new generation with better understanding of economy, but instead they choose the path *ughh dunt take druggs, listen to govmint, just find a job dud, at my age everything was better, heavy metal is dat devil song, etc* when I grew up I realize most advices boomers gave me were totally unfitting into modern world and a good portion were useless since we no longer live in 1970 anymore, almost 60% knowledge of economy i have I learned it on my own

>> No.17989435

women are subhuman mutts that secretly wish to be raped and dominated.

>> No.17989452
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The world will be inherited by those who offer the weak a radical solution

>> No.17989460

Fuck you zoomer you spastic ignorant piece of shit. You will be millennials’ slaves

>> No.17989469

first post BASED post

>> No.17989479

It’s why if you treat a women bad she actually gets wet and wants you more because it shows to them that they are inferior and therefore admire your superior dominance

>> No.17989489

They never ever grasp the concept the economy isn't static. They didn't believe they have to pass anything because they believe every generation would have it as easy as them, if not even better. That's boomers mental planning for you

>> No.17989496


>> No.17989498

This only works if you’re attractive and good at sex.

>> No.17989506


>> No.17989524
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>> No.17989597

somewhat true, but you will never make it. true biztards are the horniest and greediest motherfuckers there are. That's the mindset you have to adopt in order to make it.
>he's just a tourist from pol/reddit
go back

>> No.17989610

>The Silent Generation: the generation following the Greatest Generation and preceding the baby boomers
>Boomers: so-called due to the boom in births (baby boom) in the years immediately following the end of WWII, i.e.: 1945-1955
>Boomers had kids in the late 60s-70's: Gen X
>Gen X had kids in the late 80's-90's: Millennials (Gen Y)
tl;dr: You're a fucking retard, stop posting anytime.

>> No.17989633

End your life zoomer, you're worse than any generation, fucking trash.

>> No.17989636

About damn time I'd say

>> No.17989703

A lot of Baby Boomers famously put off having kids until the late 80s/early 90s, one of the nicknames for Gen Y is even the "Echo Boom". Things used to be a lot more linear but there's kind of a weird blend in Gen Y. Gen X being the kids of the Silent Gen is dead wrong though, they're more like the kids of the Baby Boomers that decided to have kids at the traditional age that people did.

>> No.17989973

Those traits aren’t divorced from putting a woman in her place. You can be a greedy, erect sack of shit and still keep your thot in line. At least until she decides to cheat or become even bitchier.

>> No.17990476

call the motherfucking based dept right fucking now

>> No.17990489

based fpbp

>> No.17990556

Newfag they have always been here. Those gold and silver doomer schizos calling for a recession for over a year now are from /pol/.

>> No.17991046

Maybe because you're basic and only attract equally dumb broads. But you're too stupid to have thought of that...

>> No.17991106

This is true of all women. You will learn.

>> No.17991156

All the unironic boomer hate has gotten cringy as fuck.
Boomers are about as good and bad as any other generation

>> No.17991177

based and redpilled

>> No.17991383

Sell your PNK now. You are not welcome in our community.

>> No.17991451

Gen X millionaire here.

>> No.17991480

Most wife beaters aren't very attractive. It just werks, do it faggot

>> No.17991537

My boomer was born 53 and had me in 92, which I've been told is very late especially for his generation.