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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17984519 No.17984519 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like this virus gonna hit USA hard, what should I invest in or short to make money in this market? I feel like lot of people will be jobless for no less than 6 month, and bodies of their grand parents and parents will start to pile up soon. That will probably cause more havoc in the markets. Physical silver and gold is all gone. Shops don't sell it. What else can make us some money?

>> No.17985074


>> No.17985161
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Completely, basically, fundamentally, you are missing the point. Everything points towards some sort of semi-communistic idea of a society, where individual wealth will have a cap on it. Move away or find a way to network yourself into corruption if you still want more money than the rest. Join a party or something.

>> No.17985178

Manufacture money printers and sell them to The Fed.

>> No.17985187

Go back to leftpol you miserable cunt with your make belive dreams

>> No.17985244

Yeah okay bud, you're going to see how little people give a shit about each other real fast.

>> No.17985262

The virus unironically doesn't matter. It will be over in a few months or a bunch of old people will die.
What matters is the millions of people who were just on the edge, barely making mortgage/car/health insurance payments, who because they weren't able to keep up their routine for a few weeks or months are now under water. Or who have lost their job and now have no plan as to how they're going to keep their home or put food on the table.
Desperate people do desperate things. And frankly speaking nobody on either side of the aisle politically has the balls to say we need to have a natural recovery, because that will involve some pretty hard pain in the immediate future which is something no voter base for either party is going to accept.
So people are going to look for the govt to save them. And there's only two ways we can really do that, both of which have the same consequence

Option 1
>bail out a bunch of industries with printed money
>put in a bunch of requirements that they don't fire people, provide sick leave, etc. things that sound nice on paper but are completely unfeasible if you have to actually run a a business
>continually bail out these businesses when they inevitably can't compete because of the terms of these bail outs
>print more money to fund these bail outs
>dollar tanks

Option 2
>print money and give it to people
>dollar tanks

Either way what I see in the future is the dollar being sacrificed in order to keep this shit show going for another few years. >>17985161 is probably right too, not a bad time to consider moving overseas.

>> No.17985308

No, everything points to a culling of the diseased and rotten elements of society and a period of rule by military strength.

>> No.17985324

whats the difference?

>> No.17985348

Big brained post

>> No.17985364

I wish you still had your echochamber.

>> No.17985405
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> shamelessly self bumping

>> No.17985414

Grow food & buy Bitcoin

>> No.17985424

For high risk, potential high returns.
>Cruise lines
For a safe stock that will go up through the crises.
>buy Kroger when it dips.

Pay attention to earnings reports when they come out.

I would avoid oil until Saudia Arabia stops throwing their temper tantrum.

>> No.17985430

>nothing burger
you are now here

>> No.17985468
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If Trump was scared enough of the leftpol to implement their ideas and give you money for FREE for fucks sake, then probably you should take it a bit more seriously too. You really think everything will just go back to the way it was before ? How about those opportunistic piece of shit twitter posts from politicians how unfair selling stocks before coronapanic was? The already mentioned free money? Eviction ban? Government bailouts for companies? Do you really need it all puzzled for you ? Or you still want to chase the Hollywood created illusion of the "BearTrader" who rips off everyone on the stock market and goes on with his life without getting hanged for it like life was some bitter an anti-Happy-end movie? The Revolution is real my dear fren, even I don't like the idea, but the normies are marching towards the neo-communism faster than most here would like to admit.

>> No.17985540

Get ready for the BEST years of your life!

As long as you have not been LEACHING your whole life..................

>> No.17985551

go back to leftypol faggot

>> No.17985555

CPE stock

>> No.17985588












>> No.17985620

UBI is capitalist not marxist. Giving out cash handouts is about as far from marx as you can get. Communism is about who owns the means of production. With cash handouts, Capitalism perpetuates itself past any potential revolution by keeping production in private hands while giving cash payments to consumers who no longer generate value except through the act of consumption.

/leftypol/ doesn't understand marxism, post marxism, or capitalism. Fucking retards, read a book for once.

>> No.17985922

What is wrong with it, it just falls to shitter

>> No.17986012
File: 352 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2020-03-21 12-24-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We all agree this is huge, but what about the timinig?

1.- Liquidity crisis. (we are here now) - months?, years?

2.-Deflation. until 2021?
Cash is value. P2P Electronic cash?

3.-Hyperinflation: Dollar and fiat collapse. Two years from now?

It is that way or not? is this an oversimplification?

>> No.17986114

Timetable may be accelerated as Trump does everything in his power to get reelected

>> No.17986181
File: 783 KB, 552x583, A B REAL AMERICAN10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the BLOOD is in the street: BUY!!!!!!!