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17980197 No.17980197 [Reply] [Original]

I missed 2017's crypto boom
I missed corona tanking the market

I don't know anything about stocks or margin trading. I don't know how to do it but I put all of my savings into a robin hood account and got a month free trial of gold so I can margin trade.

Please tell me the most yolo move I can make so I too can try to turn 2k into 150k in a week.

If I lose it all, I'll just kms because I lost my job a few days ago as well.

>> No.17980219

$JNUG calls

>> No.17980225

Call on oil. Its gonna soar, America wills it

>> No.17980241

>I don't know anything
Truer words have never been spoken. You're going to get absolutely ass raped in this market if this is your first foray into stocks.

>> No.17980247


I'm down on them but they're good till June, recommend holding or looking for a way out?

>> No.17980284

Dump em whenever you're content with your gains
Big spike in gold coming due to Fed pumping trillions into economy

>> No.17980317

What is this? It's down 95% since feb and can only go up?

>> No.17980326

Just buy GLD calls. Less risk still major upside. JNUG is a fucking putting it all on black

>> No.17980327

3x ETF tracking small cap gold mining companies. Do your due diligence but I have a position.

>> No.17980334

Buy airlines and restaurants and hold.

>> No.17980335

And make sure these calls are 3-4 months out.

>> No.17980344

YOLO gotta risk it all to win big

>> No.17980362
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Ok, so I'm looking at it now. can someone tell me what to do? Or what any of this means? I don't understand this at all, but I will yolo in the max I can which I think is $4000 based off having robin hood gold

>> No.17980366
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what happened in 2016?

>> No.17980370

Man take the weekend to read up on options the market is closed till Monday anyway

>> No.17980380

Buffet bought Delta and Kroger. You should buy Delta heavy and Kroger light. You're welcome

>> No.17980385

Reverse split probably

>> No.17980389

can you just tell me I'm so depressed that I might not make it until monday. I'm so fucked I can't even think straight

>> No.17980404

Bro im gonna be real with you money wont change that.
Calls are basically bets that the price will go up to a certain price by a certain period. Strike price is what you expect it to be by that time. Breakeven is strike price + the premium you paid for the contract. Premiums get cheaper the further away from the strike at the current price of the underlying, or as the contract gets closer to expiration.
TL;DR buy the $4 calls maybe some $5's

>> No.17980420


Read up or you will kys when you lose your money.

>> No.17980426

money would change that, I have enough money for april and may rent, and this 2k in robin hood, and that's it. No job, no future. Will actually maybe kms if this yolo doesn't pan out.

Why do the dates go from april 24, to may 1, to june 19, etc? Why are these specific dates selected?

If I buy some $5 calls, it means that I'm expecting it to go to the strike price ($6.62), and right now the price is $1.62?

And if it keeps going up towards $6.62 or $5 I keep making double the money?

>> No.17980446

Nah $1.62 is the premium, $5 is the strike price, the spot price is what it's currently at (like $3.5 i think) so it has to go above $6.62 for you to start printing. Also each contract is for 100 shares so you'll pay 1.62*100 per contract

>> No.17980479

Get yourself together anon! At this rate you'll probably be suicidal the moment it goes down 10% even if it's 3 months out.

Anon don't kill yourself! I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself anon.

>> No.17980510

Ok, I essentially earn nothing until it goes above $6.62, and after that, I get whatever the increase amount is times the number of shares?

So I have 4k (2k but robinhood gold gave me another 2k for margin) I can use, therefore I can buy 24 contracts (with 100 shares each at $1.62)?

So does that mean I own 2,400 shares of this stock? And let's say it goes to $10 in a month, then it will be worth $24,000, and I can cash it all out, minus my $4k, and walk away with $20k???

>> No.17980530
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options are very complicated and require days of research before dipping your toes in, let alone going all in on margin. you're saying money is the only cause of your depression, but judging by the thought process you've displayed itt, I'd say your biggest issue is stupidity. try not being stupid, it will probably solve your money problem and therefore your depression problem

>> No.17980541

I lost my job, no savings. I'm screwed.

It's alright, I'll just yolo and if it doesn't work out I'll end it.

>> No.17980548

You can sell the contract before expiration or if you exercise it you buy the number of shares at the strike price and the profit is the difference between the spot price and the strike price+premium, but nobody really exercises the contract. If you bought the 6.62 contracts and the price of $JNUG went to 10 you'd profit $8112 (10-6.62)*10*24

>> No.17980553
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You want yolo I'll give you yolo

SPY calls

For March 27th.

$250 Strike

As many contracts as you can buy, they're multiplied by 100 so you'll be able to buy around 8.

Good luck anon, I'm in it with you.

>> No.17980565

The next 12 months might be the most interesting period we've ever lived through. cant you feel the fragility of our current way of life atm? the entire world is locked down. hang around to see what happens anon, could be living in a crazy part of history if you don't check out too soon

>> No.17980569

You can't even gamble your way out of this with those free roulette money.
Here's a sure-win tips for everybody playing roulette.
>Buy every numbers except about 8 numbers randomly.
>every time, you win a few hundreds
>prepare about $10000, and play with $100 each bet on numbers
>Set a target and stop playing immediately after you reached the target
Easiest money ever.

>> No.17980572

Also you can't even place an order till Monday so read up maybe choose something different to YOLO if you want

>> No.17980582

We’re 3 or 4 months away from The Walking Dead and we’ll be there for about a year till they get control again. Job loss won’t mean anything when everyone’s lost their job

>> No.17980592

shut the fuck up man there are way better reasons to not kill yourself than to become a christcuck

>> No.17980596
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all in nano

>> No.17980612

I thought SPY Puts were all the rage right now with the market going down.
Monday is up in the air but I'm sure it'll be another bloodbath

>> No.17980615

Either this, or spread it out amongst fast food chains (MCD, RBI, WEN) and hold until the quarantine is lifted. Don't underestimate the country's will to stay fat and dine out by just lobbies shutting down. Drive thrus are bound to take in a fortune for a few months, if not go beyond their previous highs.

>> No.17980629

Target and Amazon are hiring a bunch of people right now, just wageslave to stay afloat and trade with your money to make yourself comfortable for a bit.

>> No.17980676

I don't have a car either anymore. was getting rides to work from my friend and he didn't pick me up on time so I got fired. By the time he told me he was going to be late I called a taxi service and they said it would take half an hour to get to me which was the same amount of time it was going to take him.

>> No.17980692

You're way too late and way too dumb. Put it back in your bank and hold, you will need the money

>> No.17980700

Trump won and everyone knew finally an America first leader was in power so the economy was going to be worth investing in. people got out of safe havens jlike gold which are traditionally held during times of anti-american democrat leadership and moved into corporate stocks for mad gains

>> No.17980703

Short BTC

>> No.17980802

i seriously cant wrap my head around options.

say i expect a stock thats now trading at $1.0 to be $1.50 by tomorrows close... how would options work for me to profit the most from this and get these crazy returns i see some anons getting

someone please help me if been trying to figure this out for so long

>> No.17980857

Okay, let's say you think Anon Corp is going to grow from a $1 to a $1.50 shareprice tomorrow. To take advantage of this, you decide it'd be really cool to lock in the $1 price for tomorrow. You pay someone a premium for a contract that guarantees you the right to buy Anon Corp for $1 for the next five days. This is a call option.

Now, if Anon Corp goes up to $2, you are suddenly sitting on gold because you can buy stocks for $1 (strike price) and immediately sell them for $2 (market price).

The reason anons make so much money on these, rather than just going up by however much you save which in this case is $1 per option, is because options are much cheaper than the stock. The option in our example may have cost 5 cents per share, meaning you could buy options for almost 25x more shares than you could outright buy shares. However, when you're successful as in our example, the options go up in value from 5 cents to $1 (the amount saved per share). Huge gains basically

>> No.17980866
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$RCL. It's not too late.

>> No.17980876

Oh, so option means "option to buy through xyz date?"

So call option with an expiry date is saying, "I have the option to buy stock from X corp for a set price until the expiry date, and sell it for higher than the set price during that time frame and keep any profits."

>> No.17980944

Seriously get a grip!

There's a bunch of homeless who don't suicide. Seriously go read the Holy Bible prefarably starting in the New Testament. You need food? Go to a food pantry and or get welfare. Go to a Christian Church I've heard they offer food at some as well. Housing issue? Go to social services they provide help for that. Or go to your parents home, that works too. No car? Just get some nearby job or take public transportation granted youll have to leave early and probably cant do it if the us goes under martial law. In which case there's a chance of 1k a month from trumps plans.

>> No.17980954

thanks a lot for clearing that up really appreciated. only one more thing... say i do buy options for 5 cents per share before the rise to $1.5.. how would you select the best time period of option for such a trade? and i can sell them for the profit well before expiry, correct? i typically only trade within 2-4 day periods, so would monthly options be suitable for this?

>> No.17980957

what broker do my eurobros use?
i also want to start using real stocks instead of shitcoins. looking ta degiro at the moment

>> No.17980979

(((Old Testament)))

>> No.17981034

>Oh, so option means "option to buy through xyz date?"
Yes, basically that's right. Call is an option to buy at a fixed price through a date. And a put is the option to sell at a fixed price through a certain date. Calls are for when you think stock will go up. Puts are for when you think stocks will go down.

Yeah no problem man. Generally, the closer the expiration date is, the less valuable the option. This is because less time = more susceptible to short term volatility and less time to find buyers to trade. So you generally want options about a month or so out. They are pricier, but as you noted you can trade your options anytime before expiry date and in fact 99% of people on biz are exclusively trading options as we don't have the cash to actually execute on the contract since they involve hundreds of shares.

>> No.17981050


if you want to figure it out then figure it out
people have to spend a lot of time learning you're no different
you COULD take our advice and just fuckin lose it all or you could try to make educated decisions

>> No.17981411

Ok, so when these WSB guys make like 1.5 million dollars, but they're still tied up in options... people have to BUY those options from them to realize their gains? As in buy the inverse of them (like if was putting, another person has to buy the exact and opposite call?)?

What happens if no one buys your options?

>> No.17981431

No, they can just sell their option to someone else who either has the cash needed to actually execute the shares or someone else who thinks the options will grow even more in value over time. Usually you can always sell your contract, but if you can't sell it and you can't execute on it then it becomes worthless and expires. So options are very risky, unlike stocks you can lose everything since their value can become 0 so quickly even if the stock they're tied to is worth something

>> No.17981444

Buy 2k worth of OGN, will be two dollars per token by may. Probably won't get you 150k but you will make money

>> No.17981484

oh, so that's why options get less valuable the closer they are to the expiry date, because there's less of a chance they will grow so people are less willing to buy it?

Then why would someone ever choose to buy an option that expires in april over say, october? If you can just sell it whenever you want, isn't more time better for you since you're less likely to lose everything and there's more time for your predictions to be realized? And also to bounce back your way if they start going the opposite way?

>> No.17981490

Think of options as leveraged trading. I had a 250 SPY call yesterday and the price dropped like 5%, and my option was down 50%. If the price went up 5%, I could have sold my option for 50%+ profit, sometimes more. Just remember you are not obligated to buy the underlying stock. You can buy options and just sell when the premium goes up, which is what 90%+ of options traders do. Please educate yourself first as it is very, very easy to lose 100% of your money.

>> No.17981494

Do you mean the world today

>> No.17981495

Don’t buy JNUG, gold is no longer a safe haven, it dumped along with the rest of the market.

Go all in on PFE, SNY, CAH or just buy SPY puts.
>t. Up 31k since feb 1st

>> No.17981500

This. Go read investopedia before you lose your 2k kek

You’re such a dangly

>> No.17981507

Because options that expire later are more expensive to buy, generally. You gain less if it goes up AND options prices will slowly decline over time, meaning if it is not going your direction you are losing money daily.


Watch this video in it's entirety until yoy understand it. Options trading is very complicated. Also read up on the options "greeks" 101.

>> No.17981514


>> No.17981568

>oh, so that's why options get less valuable the closer they are to the expiry date, because there's less of a chance they will grow so people are less willing to buy it?
Exactly right
>Then why would someone ever choose to buy an option that expires in april over say, october?
Well, if you feel strongly that the price will go down in the immediate term (e.g. knowing about corona virus in February) it can be a lot cheaper to get the options that expire soon, meaning you can get more, and make more money than you would have with less options that expire later

But yes generally you want options that expire in a good while for the reasons you outlined

>> No.17981587

Oh I see, so if you want to make a bigger gamble, you buy options that will expire sooner so you can buy more of them with your money.

How is the price of an option calculated in general, and also in regard to how far it expires?

>> No.17981597

I'm really going to try to do this right. This 2k is all I have, maybe I can make something of myself with it

>> No.17981601

JNUG is an etf tracking GOLD MINERS

That shits not going up.

>> No.17981621

Go to Investopedia. Read it.

Also don’t KYS when your options eventually go in the negative. For example, my SPY puts were -6k last Friday but I sold them for +14k Monday.

>> No.17981651

Ok lets say I have 2k in my account

I use 1k to buy spy puts, and go -3k from a price rise.

If it closes out, and I lose everything, do I essentially owe robinhood 3k, so they take my other 1k and i still owe them 1k?

I guess I mean, can I end up owing money?

>> No.17981669

>How is the price of an option calculated in general, and also in regard to how far it expires?
This price is determined by the market, supply & demand. There's a bit more to it than that since when the contract is created the writer assigns a premium to it, but that's not important for us right now.
>I'm really going to try to do this right. This 2k is all I have, maybe I can make something of myself with it
Do it, but *only if you are comfortable losing it all.* You could see your 2k become $500 on the first day, and if you puss out and sell because you don't want to see it go to 0, you may miss out on it going up to 6k the very next day. As others have recommended, I would say buy some puts on SPY expiring in May and just hold on to them for as long as the market is having down-weeks (don't sell it just because the market is green for a day or two, this will happen inevitably). Then sell on a day the market tanked and the value of your options sky-rocketed.

I'm off to bed, anon, but good luck and take care of yourself. I've been where you are and honestly things like trading (regardless of success) helped me snap out of it

>> No.17981675

>I guess I mean, can I end up owing money?
No. And don't trade on margin for now. Not worth it and takes a while to understand.

>> No.17981678

You didn’t miss anything, we’re about to go into a fucking massive recession.