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17976220 No.17976220 [Reply] [Original]

All the panic, lockdown, lost economic activity is about keeping people isolated so the virus spreads slower so the curve can be flattened so that boomers don't overwhelm the intensive care wards so that the death rate for boomers can hang down around 0.5% instead of around 5% (worst case scenario with no medical treatment). Boomers are about 30% of the population, do the math and that's about 5 million crusty old fucks' lives on the line. The difference between the 0.5% and the 5% scenario.

As literally everyone follows the herd and orders more closures, shelter-in-place, and lockdowns, and as the economic cost draws on and starts totaling in the hundreds of billions of lost economic activity month-by-month, even the most bleeding-hearted are going to start wondering at some point: is it really worth the lost economic output just to save a few million boomers' lives?

>> No.17976243
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If we're talking about saving 5 million boomers costing us $200B a month in lost revenue, that comes out to a cost of $40,000 per month per boomer. It's going to be costing us upwards of $500,000 per year to keep boomers on virtual life support, slowing down the infection rate so they they can feed in and out of the intensive care wards in an orderly fashion.

Surely at some point you have to run the numbers and realize it's not worth saving the boomers. Regular people are suffering during lockdown, they're losing jobs, income, getting cabin fever and becoming depressed. At some point, it just makes overwhelming sense economically for everyone to come out of hiding, cough in each others' faces, everyone gets sick and stays home for two weeks, then we're over the fucking thing and can go back to work. 5 million boomers die but so what? The money keeping them alive is better spent elsewhere.

Am I nuts? It makes no sense by the numbers. Assuming lockdowns go on for a full year, we are essentially taking $500,000 for each boomer in America and setting it on fire. Just to keep them a little more safe.

>> No.17976277

>is it really worth the lost economic output just to save a few million boomers' lives?

Well considering that they're the ones with you know a lifes worth of knowledge and wisdom needed to run large companies and governments I should think so.

>> No.17976317
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We're spending is being done in USD....its fine, eventually we will transfer over to a full crypto economy so it doesnt really matter what we do to our current Fiat. let the boomers have it, it'll die with them.

>> No.17976325
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hope you faggots enjoy lung fibrosis and AIDS

>> No.17976337

If they've hit 60 or 70 and haven't sufficiently passed that knowledge onto others by that point, fuck if they're liable to do it when they're 80 or 90.

>> No.17976348

I agree. I don't think the economic damage is worth it. Also, don't give fat people ventilators.

>> No.17976361

Coronavirus is modern day Chernobyl. There are countless parallels to draw.

>> No.17976382

If it wasn't corona, it would have been something else. The economy was built on a fragile house of cards, lad.

>> No.17976383

Grandfathers in their 90s have wisdom and life lessons to pass down to grandchildren.

>> No.17976405

>costing us $200B a month in lost revenue
I mean, what's the alternative? Stop coonsuming? Stop flying halfway around the world to gangbang trannies? Stop living in shithole cities where you breath other people's subway farts for 2 hours every morning and evening? STOP EATING AVOCADOS???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT THE HECKIN AVOCADORINOOOOOOSSSSSSSSS!!!!! WHAT NOT THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE!!!!

>> No.17976408

Is it any surprise that boomers, the group most synonymous with ridiculous conspiracies, would push severe lung damage to scare millennials? Most people suffer NO DAMAGE OR ANY REAL SYMPTOMS.

>> No.17976417

Even if you let all the boomers die the economy will not recover, tourism and entertainment is just killed people is afraid of social gathering. Economy is just death jimmy

>> No.17976449

And I haven't even gotten into the extent that boomers have hoarded generational wealth and manipulated the economy in such a fashion as to permanently impoverish the generations that have come after them. There must certainly be some additional net economic good in freeing up millions of houses and senior-level jobs for the GenX and Millennial populations who have been getting hypershafted with skyrocketing rent and stagnating dead-end-job wages for decades now.

Frankly on those counts it would probably make good economic sense to just bump off 5 million boomers right now, pandemic or no pandemic.

>> No.17976476
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This isn't about saving boomers as much as it being a scapegoat for the elites to blame for the failed economy. Between having to push interest rates down, repos, bad stock/bond purchases, and pumping the bubble up any way they could, the Fed and out government completely fucked the economy over the last 20-years. The recovery following the 2008 recession was a total lie; it saved banks, huge companies, and the rich from losing their asses. Meanwhile the middle class lost its ass more and more, the poor become poorer and homeless, and life continued to go downhill for more and more of us.

This is the literal endgame of all that. The way the market has been plunging one day, and surging the next day despite the world burning more and more is completely inorganic; this is the elite getting one final windfall before the entire system collapses and we'll all be holding the bag while we blame "ma virus!" for the mess we'll be in once the last case of Corona is resolved. This decade is going to be a very, very bumpy ride, and I have to imagine it'll spill into the next as well. One thing is for sure, is that the system we'll have after all this will look nothing like it did before, nor will life after this resemble what it did for the last 50-years.

>> No.17976512

If everyone just got sick and got over it (with the vulnerable populations summarily dying) there'd be nothing to be afraid of anymore. No reason for air travel and hospitality not to recover at that point.

Hypercomsoomtion is dumb, but so is grinding all sectors of the economy to a dead standstill just to accomoddate a handful of elderly, entitled fucks.

>> No.17976517

>keeping people isolated so the virus spreads slower so the curve can be flattened
>He fell for the Coronavirus storyline
They're keeping everyone isolated so there aren't Nationwide protests and riots about the billionaires and government looting the economy.

>> No.17976552

Very nice HQ OC post Anon.

>> No.17976557

>They're keeping everyone isolated so there aren't Nationwide protests and riots about the billionaires and government looting the economy.

Those will probably come after the virus has taken it's toll. When people realise there is no economy left.

>> No.17976571
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>The entire covid-19 conspiracy
>boomers will think this is about them not their 401k

>> No.17976599

Yeah, shit's fucked mate.

>> No.17976635

I don't think the two theories are incompatible. I think the virus is real, a true black swan, and certifiably dangerous to boomers. It's also definitely true that most economic gains of the past decade have been a mirage and coronavirus is an ideal scapegoat to crash the economy over without having to blame the culprits.

The only snag is that the culprits are, in fact, the vulnerable population in this scenario. Yes you have the hyperbillionaires who can just fuck off to their private islands, but much more so you have tons of upper class and upper middle class boomers who have been beneficiaries of all this financial fuckery of the last decade, but not so much that they can afford a private bunker and personal security detail.

I think boomers are terrified because they are so close to finished with pulling the perfect con, crashing the economy forever and riding away into the sunset with all the gains. They just have to survive the cause of the crash first. Hence why there is such a coordinated push now to literally end the world economy for 1-2 years while we bunker down and let this virus trickle through our population at mach 0 when it would make so much more economic sense to just blast through it and try to get back to business in a hurry. If boomer elites with their fat cartoon sacks of money were to die at the 11th hour, their economic scheming of the last few decades would all be for naught.

>> No.17976649


its not that they haven't taught anything, its that the young are retarded and have no life experience. without the older generations around to look upon, and take orders from, we'll end up with some faggots with dyed hair, tight pants, asshole piercings, and 3 genders trying to lead complex financial institutions

>> No.17976729

Is not dying part of their plan?

>> No.17976775

>If everyone just got sick and got over it (with the vulnerable populations summarily dying)
The problem with that, as OP noted, maybe 30% of anons 30% of the population then need ICU hospitalized. At the same time. Which obviously can't happen. I honestly doubt they'd sacrifice any 5m part of the population willingly (no, srsly) - and if Boomers are the ones making decisions, which they are, these Turkeys are definitely not gonna vote for xmas. The key issue will be, how much patience the rest of the population who are suffering from the measures 6 months from now will have, bering in ind, these 'Boomers' will be their parents, grand-parents, whatever - part of their families

>> No.17976797
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>> No.17976849
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>> No.17976978
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What we need to do is take a Latina with a sexy ass brapper, like pic related, and infect her with COVID19. Boomers won’t be able to resist paying her to fart in their faces, this will infect them and they will all die off leaving the world in a position to come out of hiding and resume daily life.

>> No.17977002

we absolutely need to let boomers die, nothing of value would be lost, we would save money on all the gibs they take from us, and also free up empty houses

>> No.17977022
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Based and genocide-pilled

Reminder to all the boomers: everyone of you scum sucking shitbags that corona-chan doesn't claim is getting fed to the guillotine

>> No.17977035

>boomers are the ones with knowledge and >wisdom

Have you met a boomer? They are the stupidest people. They don't know how to use technology past the 80s, that's why they couldn't set the clocks on their vcrs until it became automatic. They make horrible personal decisions (such as divorce, drugs and etc). They make horrible business decisions which is responsible for economic bubbles (yeah, I want to put some money into the dot com boom mr broker and no I don't know anything about tech companies).

We will be better off without boomers in every metric.

I can't wait to take one of their homes for free. Affordable housing solved.

>> No.17977063
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I think the plan was always that this would be the final bubble, the "everything" bubble, which would allow them to dump us into oblivion and buy the world for nothing, then immediately transition to a smart contract based economy and effectively lock in the NWO for eternity. You could use the transparency blockchain provides to justify the sweeping societal changes that would follow and there would never be a bubble this size again that could threaten the established order. A similar analogy would be if you allowed illegal voting for generations and then the moment that demographics shifted such that the desired victory was guaranteed, you lock it all in using actual voter ID laws or a blockchain-based equivalent. From there, you just need to seize weapons somehow and keep fucking with everyone's hormones and we would have been living in pods and eating bugs in no time. One thing is clear to me, Trump managed to get elected at an extremely critical juncture and there has been an enormous struggle between elites atop Mt Olympus ever since. They literally never thought they could lose. I'm not sure if corona was planned to be used right now or if it has been redirected by US intelligence as a black swan or even if it was released as a desperation move since 2020 elections were looking hopeless and Trump has been systematically dismantling all of the old world trade agreements and power structures despite having everything and the kitchen sink thrown at him by media, unelected bureaucrats, NGO's, foreign gov'ts, etc.

>> No.17977092

>And I haven't even gotten into the extent that boomers have hoarded generational wealth and manipulated the economy in such a fashion as to permanently impoverish the generations that have come after them. There must certainly be some additional net economic good in freeing up millions of houses and senior-level jobs for the GenX and Millennial populations who have been getting hypershafted with skyrocketing rent and stagnating dead-end-job wages for decades now.
>Frankly on those counts it would probably make good economic sense to just bump off 5 million boomers right now, pandemic or no pandemic.

Your preaching to the choir brah. The wealthiest middle and lower classes in history and what do they have to show for it. "Duhh, my best investment is my house"

>> No.17977131

>nor will life after this resemble what it did for the last 50-years.

Life already doesn't resemble what it did in the last 50 years.

That was the point of the "make america great again" slogan. It has been a horrible downhill slide economically for anyone whose name isn't stein or berg.

>> No.17977145

This is pruners cope. I'm not taking advice from someone in diapers who can't remember their children's names

>> No.17977162
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Fuck i need to go watch again.

>> No.17977233

>these 'Boomers' will be their parents, grand-parents, whatever - part of their families

I don't think the family bonds are as strong as they once were. The stein and berg media has been mocking family values to the gentiles since the late 60s.

More and more divorces. More and more, not talking to that family member again.

The end result; most people don't care much about their families anymore and wouldn't make a sacrifice for them.

>> No.17977261

>we absolutely need to let boomers die, nothing of value would be lost, we would save money on all the gibs they take from us, and also free up empty houses

Agreed. Lets start the revolution. A free boomer house for all. No more globalism either. It was a core part to the problem.

>> No.17977327

boomers are by definition worth it because they are the ones with both purchasing power and political capital. this system isn't made for anyone outside of boomers which is why it is being frozen to protect those it values. leverage into the void is the end result of boomer exploitation and will persist for at least another 20 years.

>> No.17977727

>this system isn't made for anyone outside of boomers

Then why do orcs and foreign invaders get gubberment gibs? Why does the democrooks try to pander to orcs and foreign invaders? There are plenty of other groups the system caters too.

>> No.17979090

>90 years old
>grandchild is still a literal child
Your math is off. Your mind must be going, pruner

>> No.17979614

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

>> No.17979673
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look up what the SARS virus did to young people

>> No.17979694

this virus aint just putting elderly in the hospital.

half the cases in cali that require hospital care are people younger than 40

>> No.17979753
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This. It isn't just about money or greed either. The economic downturn that a continued lockdown would cause could make the great depression look like a joke, and take as long or longer to crawl out of. Millenials and zoomers would almost uniformly lose any chance at a good, productive life for themselves, and would be reduced to the level of serfs. Is saving the lives of people who will croak in 5-10 years anyway worth stealing the lives of a generation?

>> No.17979810

How do boomers vote?

>> No.17979847

this. we need to get some insurance people to run cost analysis for trump so he can executive order all this to end

>> No.17979877

Yep we got this handled gramps dont worry