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17975889 No.17975889[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17975909

Every landlord and property value thread is a leftypol thread.

>> No.17975921

>inb4 butthurt landlords

>> No.17975930

No. Landlord are at best class traitors.

>> No.17975943

shitty land lords will get the rope first

>> No.17975942
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Too late, faggot. I already FPBP'd your shitty leftypol thread.

>> No.17975957

i do not care about landlords or rent-seeking
i care about niggers
when you have a solution to the nigger problem then we can talk /leftypol/

>> No.17975975
File: 36 KB, 800x480, whytheguillo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom and Pop Landlords
Stephanie, meet Pic Related.
your new occupation shall be filling baskets

>> No.17975977


>> No.17976002

Rent seeking is not work. Work is exercising effort to achieve a result. They only "work" when they stop getting their workfree result, ergo they are not part of the working class.

>> No.17976458

What's with you fags hating on a land lord?
Y'all signed a contract and agreed to pay a sum every month.
A virus or unemployment doesn't excuse you.
Pay your bills.
The wear and tear on my house doesn't go away because your job is gone.
Can't pay?
Then you should have saved up money.
I know y'all dumb ass's blow thousands on BS
$5 Starbucks, $10 subscription service, $1000 phone every year.

my renter paid up 2 months in advance because he's smart and prepared.
He now has a home to live in.
If you don't pay, I'll start eviction papers
Then put a lean on your wages if your dumb ass every gets a job again.

>> No.17976501

t. high leverage retard who probably would shit his pants if he ever didn't get rend due to the hundreds of thousands in loans he took out like a mong.

>> No.17976581
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>Neets don't get trumpbuxs and get told to fuck off


The absolute state of biz

>> No.17977127

My 1st and 2nd home are paid off.
I despise debt, so o don't have any.
If ur dumb ass don't pay, I'll throw ur ass into the cold wagie.

>> No.17977590

landlords are scum and deserve the guillotine

t. georgist economist

>> No.17977635

>why are people butthurt about being threatened in a time of crisis?

>> No.17977660
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>> No.17977695 [DELETED] 

Landlords are going to be part of the mass grave class in a few months

>> No.17977714

Landlords are going to be part of the mass grave class in a few months, just wait.

>> No.17977773

lmao how can landlords fuck up bad enough to still live paycheck to paycheck, just save some money for emergencies lmao
The smart landlords will pick up the retard landlords properties for pennies on the dollar, and probably get massice tax cuts and extremely cheap loans after the world starts recovering

>> No.17977854
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>> No.17977871

>purchase a scare resource to extort others who need to use it
>"oh why won't someone think of us poor landlords?"

unironically these people deserve the rope

>> No.17977892

Well maybe they shouldn't have chosen a life as rent seeking leeches.

Pick up a shovel boomer, there work to be done! You'll be paid the same as your millenial coworkers

>> No.17977976
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>A virus or unemployment doesn't excuse you.
But the law does

>> No.17978044
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God i cant wait for quarantine to be over and all these leftypol retards can go back to being invisible broke losers.

>> No.17978077

nice try rentier-classier.. you get the rope.

>> No.17978142
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>> No.17978153
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>Mom and pop landlords

>> No.17978187

Didn't they save for a rainy day?

I hear most landlords have at minimum 6 months to a year of savings to cover for just such an event.

Why don't they get a job?