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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17971531 No.17971531 [Reply] [Original]

Which stocks are going to recover the most, once late Arpil magically kills corona?

>> No.17971717

surely there is at least one reasonable anon on this board that has a basic understanding of statistics

>> No.17971729


>> No.17971959

alternatively, which sectors are doing the absolute worst right now? travel obviously, but who else that is not being given as much attention?

>> No.17972284
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>gas cheapest its ever been
>looming recession
>muskrat's last shred of credibility gone

yea, i don't think so anon.

>> No.17972351

What about Ford

>> No.17972445

implyin tesla is not the next bitcoin

>> No.17972892

wtf does that even mean?

>> No.17973286

U.S. Airlines

>> No.17973331

I would not bet on shale but would bet on oil generally. Also buy Disney. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up just buying movie theatre chains and making them mini Disney franchises across America.

>> No.17973364

i live in mexico and its hot as fuck in my city, virus still propagating, so i really doubt summer will do anything to coronachan

>> No.17973386

This depression isn't the Corona virus, it was triggered by the Corona virus.

>> No.17973405

look at their 5 year performance. not sure why tards keep pushing ford because its cheap. probably all they can afford.

>> No.17973428

exactly. it popped the bubble of a soaring high stock market built on trust and not value.

>> No.17973443

Same. California literally had the warmest February on record like summertime basically and now after only one week of cool temperate rain we're back up in the 70s and they're having us prep for the worst. Either Coronachan is a meme or totally immune to weather patterns. Both options are frightening

>> No.17973512

it's propagating alright, and it has been for some time now, given how long things have gone completely unchecked in the rest of the world. The point is that the threat of this virus has been vastly overstated. Just to give an idea of how widespread the virus is, 2% of the entire NBA roster has tested positive for it. That's a monstrous number, even if on average NBA players have more contacts than the general public, it's not by factor of a hundreds.

>> No.17974240

it's a meme. if it were really the killer that it has been made out to be, India, Brazil, Mexico, all of latin america would be have been ravaged by now. the only reason that cases and deaths are growing at an exponential rate right now is because a vast a number are already infecting and mass production of tests is just starting in the rest of the world.