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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1796925 No.1796925 [Reply] [Original]

>The Trump rally is already priced in

Looks like you fags were wrong, banks, metals, industrials and many other cases, up Bigly

>> No.1796932

oh noes! le Chrump boogeyman actually didn't do harm! le reddit librul army was wrong! quel surpris!

>> No.1797186

Hasn't done any good either. The current rally is completely based on bullshit sentiment mostly surrounding "muh trickle down" policies that:
1. Won't sustainably grow the economy
2. May or may not be enacted
3. Haven't even been fucking defined

>> No.1797201


Reddit pls go

>> No.1797234

>le Chrump boogeyman actually didn't do harm!
Well, he's making rich people much richer.

Do you think West Virginia coal miners voted for him to make California millionaires into multi-millionaires? Did southern whites vote to make their Delaware corporate bosses even richer? Did the Ohio housewife vote to make New York elites even more powerful?

Cuz' that's what's happening.

>And I'm limiting this to the stock market, because this isn't /pol/. He's an unmitigated disaster in all other areas.

>> No.1797245
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>priced in

now, that's a hilarious finance meme amongts many others