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File: 68 KB, 1200x800, c0481846-wuhan_novel_coronavirus_illustration-spl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17968365 No.17968365 [Reply] [Original]

627 deaths in the LAST 24 HOURS in Italy, a new record high.
At USA population levels this is 3417 deaths in 24 hours and that's assuming linear growth instead of exponential growth that is more typical for infections.
Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA and the number still hasn't stopped growing.
Lombardy's urban population and density is NOTHING compared to most urbanized areas in USA.

If you think what happened the past month is a bear market, you have no idea what's coming.

>> No.17968398

>Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA
Nice cope europoor

>> No.17968420

>a large portion of people won’t accept this because it means the lord and savior Trump will not be re-elected

>> No.17968432

wow its nothing

>> No.17968443
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>> No.17968455

italy was forced to cut costs by their german superiors.

if the virus doesnt kill italy, the euro will and they know it. italy will exit euro zone within the next 12 month

>> No.17968457

Adjusted for percentages and not total numbers the fatality rate has been similar everywhere the US included

>> No.17968478

>Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA

>> No.17968480

all countries are following their chart, it's just italy is 2-3 weeks ahead of everyone

>> No.17968516

How the fuck are people still getting sick there with such a strict quarantine?

>> No.17968527

And 99.9% of those deaths were from old fucks.

>> No.17968542

I don't want overreact, but this could be the end of capitalism.

>> No.17968554
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>durr hurr if medicine is socialized it's automatically BETTER than high cost medicine elsewhere

>> No.17968584

there's gonna be literally people infecting everyone and dying in the streets because your retarded healthcare system is so expensive

>> No.17968590

this is the 14 day window being in affect. we're now on the back half, the people who were asymptomatic carriers are starting now

>> No.17968592

The kill zone seems to be 40+ but it has killed a good share of the young now as well

>a 48-year-old woman who worked as a supermarket cashier in Brescia and died at home after developing a high fever at the beginning of this week

>a 47-year-old Army of Carabinieri emergency number command center operator in Bergamo who had been hospitalized in intensive care

>> No.17968756

>Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA and the number still hasn't stopped growing.
Don't forget that obesity rates in Italy are below 15%, and above 50% in America.

It will be a massacre.

>> No.17968945

Day of the pillow combined with day of the treadmill

>> No.17969040

Both systems weren't properly prepared for a full world-wide pandemy, turn out the whole world was short-sighted

>> No.17969071

Based chink bioweapon

>> No.17969211

>be Italian
>on average you're a 45 year old boomer
>There's a 1 in 3 chance you smoke cigarettes
>a much larger chance you've been a smoker
>get rekt by a respiratory ailment
Who knew? Why didn't anyone tell me it's not the cigarettes that kill me but the complications associated from perpetual lung butter?

>> No.17969589

>be american

>> No.17969622
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>better healthcare
USA has the highest amount of ICU beds per capita in the world you fucking retard. USA will follow Germany's trend of lots of cases but less deaths than Italy

>> No.17969699

Americans are literally twice as likely to be obese compared to Italians.

>> No.17969744



>> No.17969749


>> No.17969770

Obesity is bad but not as bad as smoking. Smoking cigarettes is unironically one of the worst things you can do for your health. Americans are living longer than any generation that smoked regularly even though we're fatter than ever. Plus it would be good to see the morbidly obese go full morbid.

>> No.17969802

Highest average IQ in already smarter than average Europe.

Americope is fucked beyond belief. You cant even pay for the test ffs.

>> No.17969809

the mortality rate entirely depends on how fast the virus spreads if it overwhelms the capacity (and the us capacity is nothing compared to the potential patient numbers this virus can reach in 3 weeks) the dead will keep on piling up.

us may have 50k respirators total but we are talking about millions that may need it.

>> No.17969814
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>we are surely in a bear market
>short bitcoin
> get liquuidiated


>> No.17969858

This. The average Italians is by far more healthy than the average American, considering that transfat is illegal in Italy.

>> No.17969982

watch out for the virus grandpa

>> No.17970015

>smoker cope
>Yeah but I least I'm not fat! That makes me healthy!
That has literally been the go to cope for smokers since they first found out it was bad for you because tobacco is a stim and kills appetite and boredom at once people smoke as a form of dieting and they still die young. There is no such thing as a healthy smoker and smoking directly attacks the same organ as Coronachan.

>> No.17970020


Most people have insurance or Medicare/Medicaid, and those who don't can't be denied care. Every severe case will be treated at the highest level in the West. Sorry doomer.

>> No.17970048

Trump just passed free testing smartass

>> No.17970080
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>> No.17970089

Re read the post then feel bad.

>> No.17970178

>Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA
This is bullshit

>> No.17970264

What is up with Americans and smoking? You guys are all obese with the beetus but nobody smokes

>> No.17970332

Boomers smoke still. The young people vape or smoke weed which is still as damaging in relation to this virus

>> No.17970335

100% not, US hospitals are woefully prepared

>> No.17970391
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>> No.17970464

hahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 2,7 hahahahhahaha

>> No.17970514
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>It Is NoT oNlY dAnGeRoUs FoR tHe OlD
>peOpLe NeAr 50 aRe AlSo iN dAngEr
The average age on this board is bellow 30 gramps

>> No.17970574


>> No.17970617

yeah but US have a lot more of ICU beds so it's all good

>> No.17970627

Big ad campaigns for 30+ years to kill it
Marijuana and vaping still don't even come close to historic highs of American tobacco consumption. Used to be like 70% admitted to smoking at least casually and as much as 50% of high schoolers smoked cigarettes. Lmao when my dad was in high school in the 70s they had smoking sections for students and the teachers lounge billowed smoke like a hookah bar according to him. Smoking was so common that one of the most popular grade school projects was to make ash trays out of clay at the end of the year so you could give it to your dad on father's day.

>> No.17970691

i thought the virus didnt like africans? itally should have been fine

>Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA
free /= better you retard

>> No.17970743

Americans still have no idea what's coming for them. Trump is doing his best to underplay the virus and pretend everything is under control, just so he can bump the economy a little bit, but New York will be a fucking graveyard in a week.

>> No.17971106

>kills boomers
>sterilizes male zoomers
this virus is a godsend

>> No.17971136

doesn't exist, just a control mechanism
virus hoax starter pack

>> No.17971310

The fact you think Americas health care system is better than Italy's just proves how much of an ignorant cuck you are. Sure, if you have millions you'll be treat like a king, but the common person, good fucking luck. Also, before you spread your stupidity, fucking look it up you actual cancerous fucktard.


>> No.17971388
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>still trying to wag meaningless bureaucratic bullshit "rankings" in people's faces while Italy is getting absolutely categorically SHREKED by their lack of health or health infrastructure

You can start casting stones when literally any other country is getting destroyed like that. Right now Italy is a very, very distant last place in the Coronab Owl. Or winning..depending on how you look at it.

>> No.17971526
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>> No.17971561
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This shit differs so vastly, it's hard to tell who is telling the truth and who is lying. In this case, China doesn't seem too out of place.

>> No.17971567

oy gervalt

>> No.17971597


Diamond Princess had 100% of passengers tested, there is your baseline

>> No.17971855

What the fuck is wrong with Italy? Their death rate is absolutely insane.

>> No.17971891
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Almost 1 in 10 chance of dying.

>> No.17971905


>> No.17971970
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>The observed excess of deaths is not completely unexpected, given the high number of fragile very old subjects living in Italy.

>> No.17972000

The air pollution in northern Italy is like the worst in Europe. Also very old population. There's going to be a lot of empty flats in Italy soon.

>> No.17972045

And what were the rates on diamond princess?

>> No.17972067

This is VERY antisemitic

>> No.17972117

Yea that's probably the best number to go off of. Except we don't know how many of those people committed suicide due to having to be on a cruise for this long.

>> No.17972139

And that's a good thing.

>> No.17972171


Death rate of 1%, more like 0.5% when age-adjusted (mostly boomers on the ship). So that's the best case scenario for this disease.

>> No.17972283

Boomers love cruises, no one committed sudoku.

>> No.17972311

italins are still out and about. 9000 were given citations, fines etc for being out.

>> No.17972375

It's because they love to hug and kiss and did this while the virus was rampant. Also older population who are more likely died from it

>> No.17972415

real data

>> No.17972438

gonna swoop down on a bolzano housing market like a mf condor

>> No.17972485

we probably won't have an election once martial law happens

>> No.17972486

no we hit the bottom, the dump happened because everyone realized how serious coronachan was, now they know it might kill them and their mom so it's priced in, also the fed is printing free dollarinos everyday, so chainlink will be worth 100$ eoy, but so will a cup of coffee...

>> No.17972558

"Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. glad we closed off all european travel.

Italy has worse healthcare, 3x the population density, and more old people.

>> No.17972580

I'm telling you this
In my region, Veneto (where Venice is), if someone has got infected, they decided to test the family, neighbors, coworkers, in order to stop "micro hot spots"
A mini version of what they have done in SK
It totally worked
in my town of 40k people, only 15 cases man And it was one of the first to be quarantined.
I respect your love for your Country, but a private healthcare system isn't the best start for a pandemic like this. I don't think you should put a spot price for things like this. Otherwise, it's like the market for water in the desert.

>> No.17972611

In some areas, Italy has undertested

>> No.17972684

US has better healthcare, if you are filthy rich
Otherwise, eh, cuck

>> No.17972753

>Cuba, 33rd
Yeah ok commie cuck
US has like 6 times the ICU units of Italy. Who the fuck cares about a "Bed" especially when you are not serving the elderly, aka the people who need care.

>> No.17972763
File: 142 KB, 900x515, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like (((someone))) is literally chemtrailing dem Italians

>> No.17972774

We've already instituted drive thru testing at Wal-sharts in a public/private partnership. Americans just posture that they're hardcore an-caps. When shit hits the fan we instantly go full public-private partnership and always have historically.

>> No.17972860

The private sector is loving the virus

>> No.17972891
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Yet another demoralization thread. Brains on the wall now faggot

>> No.17972947

aerial photography

>> No.17973013

Lol, you should have left a wide free margin.

>> No.17973025

Central banks and a fiat currency make sure capitalism was never actually a thing. Privatising profits and socialising loses.

>> No.17973057

>get to cut work staff, get payroll taxes slashed, trillion dollar bailouts that have little to do with the effects of Coronachan, and on top of it all are rewarded with joocy government contracts and back scritches to fight the virus
Yeah, it's "priced in" alright and here's the receipt and don't forget to tip citizen :^)

>> No.17973109

They even give a tip after being born,lol

>> No.17973173

Most of italy is over the age of 60

>> No.17973206

>Italy has BETTER healthcare
Bullshit. Italy has third world socialist medicine, where you only get acceptable treatment if you have the money to get in a good hospital for the wealthy. Here in America, any bum off the street has access to fucking space age medicine. We give million dollar heart transplants to fucking gangbanger hoodrats (a famous case wound up dead in a gunfight shortly thereafter).

THAT is what it's like to have so much wealth that even our shitiest hospital is 1000x your's europoor.

>> No.17973248

its over
bodies are literally piling up in the streets as we speak
government is sending in white coat death squads to burn the bodies and keep the virus from spreading
stock markets in free fall
all stores, shops, businesses shuttered indefinitely
webcams from italy show women and children wailing in the streets
its an unbelievable level of carnage destruction and suffering
literally a new airborne superAIDS
stay at home and wash your hands frens this is gonna get ugly

>> No.17973596

Are people dying from a fever that's too high or not being able to breathe?

>> No.17973613

Not as bad. I've been to Italy. Literally everyone smokes.

>> No.17973653
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how much money does the fed need to piss away before deficittards learn?

>> No.17973713

Amerifat cope
Smoking is good for you

>> No.17973774

Is jogging alone outside ok

>> No.17973777

>better healthcare in europe
lol you sure you want to trust hospitals full of guys that barely made it through Albanian Med school?

>> No.17973792



The ability to walk into a hospital and receive subpar care is equivalent to not receiving care. The only difference between Italy and the US is that in the US you know for a fact that you're fucked if you're poor instead of having the illusion of some social safety net thats secretly made out of wet toilet paper.

>> No.17973810
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It's just the 5G Flu bro

>> No.17973890

>Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA
Why does this myth perpetuate?
Free does not equal better.

>> No.17973991
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Just a flu bro, just dca bro

>> No.17974033

Yeah, spending 10 years hooked up to life support as a old boomer fuck wasting millions of dollars = healthy. Lmao fatties

>> No.17974062

Insurance doesn't guarantee you it'll be paid especially when an out-of-network doctor fucks you over. Dad has top-notch insurance and had a +$2000 ambulance bill when I was hit by a car.

>> No.17974068

>Most of italy is over the age of 60
less than 15% retard

>> No.17974072

a lot of burgers go to cuba to be cured

>> No.17974107

Same thing for smokers. They just sit there wheezing with an oxygen tank and a hole in their neck for years until they finally succumb to their lungs slowly filling up to the tippy top with fluids and you drown from within.

>> No.17974111

alone yes but 2 meters must be kept from anyone passing by

>> No.17974120


>> No.17974139

until complete lockdown in a few days yes. if you live in a remote area without cops is ok

>> No.17974146

Interested in this. I love going on walks in the park next to me but I live in a really dense area with 53 confirmed cases as of yesterday.

t. Orange County

>> No.17974161

lmao no. We will continue to get cucked.

>> No.17974174

I have never in my life heard of this and I worked in healthcare for a decade, and my family and my in laws have been in healthcare their whole lives.

Not saying it's not true, but again, this will be huge news to everyone you tell it to.

>> No.17974180
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Fucking newfag phoneposters

>The WHO rankings have been subject to many and varied criticisms since its publication.[citation needed] Concerns raised over the five factors considered, data sets used and comparison methodologies have led health bodies and political commentators in most of the countries on the list to question the efficacy of its results and validity of any conclusions drawn. Such criticisms of a broad endeavour by the WHO to rank all the world's healthcare systems must also however be understood in the context of a predisposition to analytical bias commensurate with an individual nation's demographics, socio-economics and politics. In considering such a disparate global spectrum, ranking criteria, methodology, results and conclusions will always be an area for contention.

Find another one. This shit is likely not evidenced based. I'm not saying America's healthcare isn't shit, but what you listed is also fucking shit.

>> No.17974204
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>> No.17974225

Maybe because Bush, Obama, and Trump have done nothing to improve it. Hell, just fucking expanding Medicaid would've done something better than whatever the fuck is going on.

US hospitals have to go lean cause they can barely make a profit if anything. This is just evidence of how flawed the regulation is here. Too much where it shouldn't be, and too little where it needs to be.

>> No.17974251


>> No.17974252

You're fine if you're alone, even for it to spread by breath you're only looking at 1-2 meters, viruses need hosts to survive and air is where it's hardest to survive

>> No.17974266

If I can recall correctly, you need to be with a person for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.17974267

basically you chances of catching something from respiratory droplets at that distance are very slim. but one must observe wind also. don't talk while passing other people especially not towards them. just wave with your hand or nod.

>> No.17974380

nah, no other country was dumb enough to go around in january with hug a chinese person propaganda from italian gov officials

>> No.17974397

An interesting example. Thanks for sharing.

I'd be hesitant to say Cuba has better healthcare than the US based on the existence of a single drug however.

That would be analogous to saying England has the best food because you can't beat cucumber sandwiches with tea.

>> No.17974400

It's bullshit, the virus replicates nearly immediately and can be detected with a swab test in just a few minutes

>> No.17974555

>china population is 1.3 billion
>80000 infected
>3000 dead
it's a giant nothingburger

>> No.17974599

Guinzo greaseballs definitely don’t have better healthcare than that of the USA. Any other Western European country, and I’d believe you. Italy is a primitive country full of greasers.

>> No.17974614

if you don't allow it to spread sure, otherwise let's take a 5% mortality rate and that 70% of people get infected that's 91 million dead

>> No.17974668

I've saw in some doc that a lot of people goes there to be cured for common illnesses too, because they can afford it, instead of their country in which they get charged too much.
Cuba healthcare is solid btw, some cuba doctors went to help in europe too, for covid problem.

>> No.17974825

Italy has the 2nd oldest population in the world and everybody there smoke 40 a day from the age of 12.

>> No.17974879

Kek even colombia and morocco have better healthcare than the us dumbass.
Italy's healthcare is top notch

>> No.17974898

>strict quarantine?

>> No.17975163

Nope. Greasers do NOT have better healthcare. I’m half Italian myself. Italy is a primitive country. And I guarantee you that no one would pick a Moroccan hospital over an American one.