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1796704 No.1796704 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here a teacher or used to be one?

Did you get transferred around before you found a steady position?

what determined where you went next and can you request a location?

>> No.1797564

It's a different system in England you can choose where to apply . But just please do something else with your life.

>> No.1797626

>Did you get transferred around before you found a steady position?
Yes. The old teachers called it The Wheel like in Conan.
They'll send you to the shittiest possible schools as a baptism of fire.
IF you can hack it they'll most like transfer to another, worse, school (that's how I got stabbed by scissors).
Only once you've "Paid your dues" do you get to determine where you go next IF they'll accept you.
You see, everyone want to work closer to home, in a nicer school that has prestige or at least not kids lighting shit on fire every other day. The DepED can't afford that so they grind young teachers down until they break. If you manage to survive you're looking at an 80k+ per year job with benefits.
I now do relief teaching at Private/For Profit schools with religious names, and tutoring rich little shits on the side.
I'm making six figures gross easily, it took six years though.
>But just please do something else with your life.
Ignore this anon, obviously not cut out for the job. Let real educators do the work, not losers who couldn't get a job otherwise or are has-beens.

>> No.1797927

thanks for answering btw,
so you must have an idea on how the system works??

by the sounds of it, it doesn't really seem like you can request a location, would this be the case? If so would you know if they can be transferred to the same place after already moving away?

>> No.1798044


What state you in nigga?

>> No.1798799

Wow real educators

Real educators love poor resources, vuts, overly entitled parents, high accountability but low creative freedom and low respect. They thrive on the shit wages too.
Get a data entry job it pays better and it's what teaching is now.

What a fucking idiot you are. Like teaching hasn't changed for the worse over the last 15 years.
How would you encourage any young anon to go into it?
What's the pay off? The kids are nice and you get holidays all of which you'll work through except the last few weeks of the summer?

>> No.1799253

>it doesn't really seem like you can request a location, would this be the case?
Not quite. You can AND SHOULD put in your preferences (from Ideal, and I mean like TIPTOP Ideal, down to one you're happy to "Do Time" at) because otherwise, like in the military, they'll put YOU where THEY need YOU.
>If so would you know if they can be transferred to the same place after already moving away?
Given the amount of bureaucratic red tape it's entirely possible. fucked I know.
>Had a buddy move away for better opportunities, suddenly he's seen as an "Item" coming from the place he moved to. They pay him to come back, subsidise some cost and pay him more than if he had stayed and taken the exact same job.

>Wow real educators
Yup, of which you clearly aren't one :^)
>Real educators love poor resources, VATS, overly entitled parents, high accountability but low creative freedom and low respect. They thrive on the shit wages too.
Pretty much. However dumb teachers don't leverage that shit and pivot to be better the moment they can. So yes, the difference is between Real Educators and """Real Educators""".
>Get a data entry job it pays better and it's what teaching is now.
Nah, lacks the satisfaction I have rn.
>What a fucking idiot you are. Like teaching hasn't changed for the worse over the last 15 years.
And yet we've made leaps-and-bounds as well. Yes certain systems are hamstrung and going to shit, but see point two. I technically have "European" training (Masters of Pedagogy from Finland) and I can apply that regardless of what system the school operates in. It's not hard buddy.
>How would you encourage any young anon to go into it?
I talk about the awful stuff first, then I tell them they're crazy. Once those people leave, I then tell them the realities of the job, that usually weeds out a few more. Lastly I tell them all the amazing stuff and how to maximise their benefits. This applies to you last point too.

>> No.1799266

lets just take the time to embrace this beautiful GIFt

>> No.1800410

Yea I started 8 years ago with black kids. Now I make 88k in a white cushy school. Transferred to the white school after 3 years in the ghetto. New york city here.

>> No.1800520

I always wanted to be a football coach for kids so becoming a teacher was almost a must in my state (we don't hire full time coaches like pro football breeding states do).

So I went to Uni to become a science teacher. My first job ended up being a math teacher at a middle school. Middle school kids were terrible. They were old enough to know what sex, drugs, etc. were, but still acted like 5 year olds. I did that for 3 years. Left because there was never any openings for coaching in the athletics department. I was out of teaching for 2 years working as a bartender. I did some more schooling part time to get some more certifications primarily in athletics. Ended up getting hired as an Earth Science teacher at a school that was primarily black, but they had a coaching position for JV football. This is my second year here.


>Did you get transferred around before you found a steady position?
Not forcefully.

>what determined where you went next and can you request a location?
Already posted. And you can apply for other positions within your school district usually, but you don't really go to somebody and say hey transfer me there.

>> No.1800526

In Murrica you struggle to get your foot in the door and typically wind up in a shit school at first unless you have some "friends" who can hook you up. Then you can hop around once you're tenured.

>> No.1800996

Those who can't do, teach

>> No.1801172

>Those who can't do, teach
So you can't do anything AND you're a NEET?
Sure showed me friend :^)

>> No.1801205

Did you do the fellows program? How bad was the first couple years?

>> No.1801256

How the fuck does the whole hiring process of teachers even work? I always thought it was just "apply to this school" and that was it, because the money for teachers came from property taxes and was done locally, not federally? Or when people say "transferring" do they just mean in that school district. I don't know, the school district I went to only had one high school.