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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17966222 No.17966222 [Reply] [Original]

Britain is now a communist country


>> No.17966240

Why does anybody on this world have to work anymore? Seems like each country can print infinite amount of money to pay the wages anway.


>> No.17966255

burn it to the fucking ground.
t. brit bong

>> No.17966258


>> No.17966267
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>> No.17966301

damn, as a "self-employeed" (crypto trader) have i been rekt? wagies getting free money, what will i get???

>> No.17966332

Хopoшo :^)

>> No.17966345


>> No.17966359

A fat dick, nothing at all. I pity you, I've just called my boss and he said this basically means 5000GBP per month for us for the next 3 months. My LINK stack will be very happy about that.

>> No.17966360
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>tfw gonna wait till last month of virus then take a free holiday on the state while my co workers have to pick up the mess left over from the panic because they bunked off work the moment it was announced
>mfw all the lay about scum who took paid sick leave for isolating early just got BTFO and lost a months wages
You say communist, i say incredibly based

>> No.17966434


>> No.17966452


Lmao at your kind. "crypto trader" what the fuck hahahahahahah do you even scrape by?

>> No.17966461


You understand why this has been done?

It's to stop people defaulting and companies collapsing, it's a smart move by all accounts.

>> No.17966519

waiting for the catch
there is always a catch with boris

>> No.17966545

inb4 everyone gets drafted to work for government whilst they're off normal work

whole country is on phone support

>> No.17966576

This is actually based. Ensures the people can still contribute to the economy they’ve helped grow over the last few decades. Truly only a system like capitalism can take care of people this way.

Well done bongs

>> No.17966607
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"The catch" is Rishi is in charge and Boris is off somewhere cheating on his fiance.

>> No.17966630

The catch? My pile of cash is getting inflated away to pay for this shit because 1/250th of a percent of the country has been pozzed by the commieflu

>> No.17966647

We've had this for ages

>> No.17966671

we aren't testing people

>> No.17966676

lol ok kike puppet

>> No.17966678

sounds like you should buy gold or btc/eth with your GBP :)

>> No.17966704

why contain it

>> No.17966711

you need testing, mentally testing if you don't was your hands you deserve to die

>> No.17966720

The catch is we will be paying for this new debt for hundreds of years to come.

>> No.17966740

I left my job a week or so ago to find a new place to live, now I'm unemployed. Did I just fuck myself out of gibs?

>> No.17966769

No, don't worry, robinhood Boris will take from the rich to give to the scum, you'll be fine

>> No.17966816

Lmao, unemployed for a week and I'm scum already? Damn.

>> No.17966827

It only applies if your company is struggling due to coronavirus. There's no free / extra money for the employee. It's just businesses being supplemented.

>> No.17966831

Lmao you goddamned idiot. They aren't testing anyone. People continuing to think like you do is exactly why were going to be hearing about corona orphans in a month. Especially all those dumbfucks that dogpiled at Disney world, the bars, and the restaurants.
It's also exactly why the inflation is going to continue and your money will continue to lose value. Every government that can think more than one step ahead probably already realizes whats about to happen in April for the masses of children with obese and older parents with their boatloads of preexisting conditions.

And to think, all you morons had to do was fucking listen.

>> No.17966869


>> No.17966889

Biz. My business has had a HUGE boom since this, and, we will not be asked to close.
People are coming to my retail business as its outdoors. My revenues are way up, and, its also my busiest time of year anyway.

They announced no VAT for such business, am i going to make a fuck load of money this year? Or will i be except for having such a good profit due to all of the influx?

I want to give my employees an even better bonus this Tax year if this is the case but can't get ahead of myself.

>> No.17966901

>Country is completely halted
>Lots of tax payer money not being used
>Country gives this money back to the tax payers

>> No.17966919

Jesus it'll be a bloodbath on monday

>> No.17966941


So many jobs here have been done from home for the past week and those people aren't even working. Now the actual essential jobs are being shown. 90% of people's jobs are complete fluff.

>> No.17966956


The markets don't even know how to react to this yet. the GBP is stable.

On one hand it ensures little layoffs, and if this al lends fast, the economy can pick up fast. additionally, people are still going to be able to spend as if nothing has changed. the economy the UK has taken long to grow may come off with little damage (people keep jobs, business pick up after).

This could in fact give the certainty the markets want.

>> No.17966972
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>each country can print infinite amount of money
Doesn't quite work like that with smaller currencies like the pound. It's going all the way down now

>> No.17966991
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>Employees get paid
What about the business owners, specifically small businesses.

>> No.17967004


>> No.17967005

>the certainty the markets want
Yeah, the certainty that the country's FUCKED

>> No.17967043

You pay retardedly high taxes already. Nothing wrong with giving it back to the people that paid it in the first place. This is what responsible governments do.

>> No.17967046

I meant more that a lot of peoples jobs are artificial. I had said job once, all I did from Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm was brown 4chan and do uni work. Every couple of hours I'd have to do some actual work for 20 mins but thats it.

Now I work in a superwarket distribution centre and it's 5am to 5pm non stop work.

One can be done from home because it's bollocks and the other can't because you're actually doing something

>> No.17967084


Even if this costs a trillion pounds (£15,000 for every man, woman and child in the country), that'll only be a 50% increase in the national debt for a country that already has quite a low debt-to-GDP compared to many others.

It'll probably take a decade to undo the damage.

>> No.17967136

its not debt if you don't pay it back for a century

>> No.17967189


>> No.17967194

Хopoшo :^)

>> No.17967217

Upper limit of £2500.

>> No.17967220

Have you considered having sex?

>> No.17967241

That's only for the government's part, the business can add to that as much as they like

>> No.17967243


>> No.17967256


It's not likely to be that bad.
I'm going to say they'll only end up paying people for March and April. May MAYBE.

There will be cuts elsewhere, but the reduction in Government spending while this is ongoing will also be of a help. if it prevents people losing jobs and businesses going, and also maintains spending, its worth doing.

They will likely do some QE later though, after the fact.

>> No.17967266


Fuck off. This is why we pay taxes and have governments.

>> No.17967267

bullshit. its a matter of forecasting capacity. if your company works well for a couple months and some big gigs are in the pipeline, then you go and hire extra people. your forecast is a revenue increase of 5% and workload increase of 20%. now guess what, one of those big gigs pulls out last second but you have already hired two extra workers. now what? fire them immediately? could become a PR nightmare if you do this repeatedly. once your company is know for "hire and fire" you will have a problem getting real talent. this is how "artifical" jobs are created.

>> No.17967285

It's not communism when the right wing do it

>> No.17967312

yeah £5k for 30mil adults aint shit in the grand scheme of things (12 years since recession)

>> No.17967318

Bros... Did the wagies win this one?

>> No.17967346
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What crypto will you buy with your borisdosh, /biz/? Better be smart money this time

>> No.17967396

Nothing for the bourgeoisie. This is the ongoing plan to create global communism, where everyone eventually becomes an employee of state. Soon central banks will buy shares so that all means of production will be owned by the state too.

>> No.17967432 [DELETED] 

There are plenty of "non-essential" jobs that aren't necessary during an extreme situation, eg virus outbreak, however, convenience and recreational industries are a mark of the first world for a reason.
For example, I work at a senior day care center. Taking care of elderly people with dementia, ambulatory issues, etc. without moving them from their homes. That's not "essential", but it's important to many caregivers.

>> No.17967434

Imagine being an ancap schizo.

>> No.17967448


stfu faggot. This is literally the reason we have a government. to actually do something with your taxes when shit hits the fan. This is the first time that people are actually going to benefit from their taxes instead of it just being given away to politicians and corporations.

Its a temporary measure, which is all it should be.

>> No.17967453


USA seizes means of production using Defense Production Act. USA now communist, too.

>> No.17967552


>> No.17967566

This is your brain on Koch-sucker Cuckservatism

>> No.17967592


You greatly underestimate how long this is going to last. Until a vaccine is created, or until herd immunity is achieved, these measures will be in place for at least the rest of the year. Maybe more. Although they may be relaxed at times to allow the economy to tick over while keeping the infection curve flattened below acceptable levels.

Plus, it isn't just about direct expenses. A slowed economy will slow tax receipts, meaning extra borrowing is also required for day-to-day government spending. I can see it adding at least a trillion pounds to the national debt. Probably more.

>> No.17967673

Rishi seems like a nice bloke.
Now tell me why I should hate him

>> No.17967690

im literally trying to get a mortgage as we speak lol

>> No.17967720


It will be relaxed and increased more locally as we go on. Tests will help identify local outbreaks, and the antibody test will confirm if people can return to work or travel without the ability to spread it anymore.
antiviral drugs are already here, and a vaccine is pretty much the last thing but its coming.

The curve has bee flattened by these measures already in other countries. You OVERestimate the economic impact after maybe one more month. Things will trickle back to normal with only slight disruptions as they get a stronger grip on it as said above.

Only third world shitholes will still be dealing with it a year from now in a big way, which will have travel bans to and from for a long time.
Italy will peak next week and then level or decline. Most of Europe within 2 weeks after that will do the same. No country will be hit as bad as Italy.

We will still see the measures and effects for a while but it wont be this level of disruption or close before long. I'd say early May latest.

>> No.17967787

>in time of crisis, capitalism reverts to communism to save itself

>> No.17967816

sounds based anon

>> No.17967871

The only reason why China became the world's 2nd largest economy is because it became a state Capitalist regime

>> No.17967934

He looks like an Asian Ed Milliband.

>> No.17967940

A positive.

>> No.17967961
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>> No.17967967

>bullshit. its a matter of forecasting capacity

Artificial is the wrong word. Unnecessary is more like it. Think of civilization like a tree, branching outward. The trunk is the core industry, like our farming, logistics, gas and oil industry, basic manufacturing, defense (which can double as police), shit we can't live without. The branches fractal outward and as they grow smaller you get more and more bullshit that in the grand scheme of things are really unnecessary. Think dog walkers, VR cafes, Grub Hub, shit that fills a niche pretty much everyone can do without which probably describes HALF of all jobs in America or more.

So our civilization experiences a violent retraction due to an unforeseen event - this virus - and retracts back to the trunk and the largest branches, which represent the distribution points like gas stations and grocery stores. The longer we go without reconnecting the smaller, unnecessary bullshit jobs to our greater civilization the more they will wither and fall away, since people can do without them and people are gonna be hurting for money. Even if the government gives everyone money the supply chain will still be limited, money will be inflated and so turning the economy "back on" might not go smoothly. It might not even work at all. They turned the economy off without thinking if they would be able to turn it back on.

>> No.17967979

To be fair I wanted to hate him as well but he seems like a nice chap, and also capable

>> No.17968021

most office jobs are complete flame

>> No.17968208

>One can be done from home because it's bollocks and the other can't because you're actually doing something
Small-minded mentality. Look outside of your little box and think a little bit.
Your distribution centre is fulfilling orders, and those orders are received via some kind of computer system. If that system (or any of its dependent components like network access) goes down you won't have any work to do and your company will go bankrupt.
The people that built those computer systems (and ensure they keep running) are mostly working from home, getting paid a lot more than you, and providing a lot more value to the economy.

>> No.17968275

damn riight Rishi Sunak surely is /ourguy/

>> No.17968429


Well you have no idea what you're talking about then, and also contradict pretty much all scientists in the field.

This virus won't just magically disappear. It spread across the world like wildfire from only a handful of people in a market in Wuhan. It only takes ONE person to still have coronavirus when containment is relaxed to start off a second wave that requires months more containment measures. To suggest it'll stay flattened as much as required when measures are relaxed makes absolutely no sense unless:

1). Herd immunity is achieved (i.e. 60% of the population infected)
2). A vaccine is created
3). ALL infections are completely stamped out, including those traveling in and out of the country
4). All individual cases are perfectly tracked and contained, without even one slipping through the net (which is impossible)

Fairly strict measures will continue for a long time to come, but by all means continue your wishful thinking.

>> No.17968523

I thought he meant shit like food service or data monkeys?

>> No.17968601

>So many jobs here have been done from home for the past week and those people aren't even working.
Maybe you're right but it seems like he thinks any WFH is not actual work.

>> No.17968696

I remember going on holiday to the US when the pound was worth 2 dollars. WTF happened.

>> No.17968700


>> No.17969235

> soon 1 USD = 1 GBP = 1EUR
something fishy about to happen

>> No.17969483

>children dying on the street
>record levels of economic collapse

at least im not gommie :ddd

>> No.17969523

who is ron paul and how is he given a platform to make such based statements

>> No.17970214

He is quite high up the ladder. He is not the chief entertainer for the masses, but hes deep in the know.

>> No.17970418

nobody gives a shit about you freaks, enjoy not being able to enact your mastubatory power fantasies on your employees anymore faggot