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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17963109 No.17963109 [Reply] [Original]

>1 week of severance




>> No.17963308

I don't even know what based means anymore

>> No.17963414
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>> No.17963419
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Obviously a euro fag where getting 1 week severance pay is bad.
In the states man we don't get shit, and never get a warning.
Our unemploymemt program is also a joke.

>> No.17963649

The signature:

>> No.17963695

My man Mark cares so little he just puts a quick swoosh.

>> No.17963729

Who in this world seriously cares about wagies? I'm not talking about the NEET term where anyone that work is a wagie. I'm talking about the non-salary population that have no skills other than to be some company's bottom level bitch.

>> No.17963810

I think retarded newfags/zoomers are trying to make it negative instead of positive

>> No.17963909

Mine is just a spiral looking D. When you have to sign 200 things per day you don't bother doing anything fancy.

>> No.17963992

These businesses, man...

They can’t just suspend operations until it’s lifted? Tell your people “Take your PTO and we’ll wait this out”. So you’re just going to dump everyone when this shit will most likely improve in a month? Lol wow.

>> No.17964122


>> No.17964155

Why not? They are easily replaceable.

>> No.17964169

based on what

>> No.17964175

I was exactly this when I was 23.
I was writing a novel, hoping to make it that way. Worked low-tier wagie stuff to have enough time and dedication.
Well guess what now I own more than most people my age, have a gf and am doing groundbreaking research for the energy sector. I probably already contributed more to society than you ever will but I was in that position when I was 23 because I cared about more things than just money.
And I met similar-minded people there.
What I'm trying to say here is, fuck you.

>> No.17964188

It's really bad for travel industry these months
I am an Airbnb host and 90% of guests canceled their reservation

>> No.17964236

no even a "sorry" haha, nothing personal kid.

>> No.17964263
File: 131 KB, 960x662, SvmtIf8TZfM3PTop5KaJJ6l9z3GSP0-xLFhc1HP39os.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy better hide in the day of the revolution.

>> No.17964273


>> No.17964319

on what?

>> No.17964340

This is literally why Marxism is gaining widespread popularity. Sociopathic employers should be imprisoned.

>> No.17964370


>> No.17964393

>There business should fail. Fucking government props up all small business though.

>> No.17964399

why do you think there is a global lockdown with military presence? do you have an authorization to leave your home for that revolution?

>> No.17964409

>This is literally why Marxism is gaining widespread popularity.
KEK, more like identity politics and state capitalism is gaining popularity, sorry leftypol, it's not working out for you. It didn't work in the 20th century when everyone was dirt poor, it won't work now when people have 10 times prosperity and things to lose. It's over.

>> No.17964429

They deserve to fail.

>> No.17964489


>> No.17964499


>> No.17964518


>> No.17964592

First you need a home to be not authorized to leave it.
Wonder what they plan with all the hobos.

>> No.17964611

reality. i.e. head not in the clouds

>> No.17964636


>> No.17964755


>> No.17965204 [DELETED] 

Dubs to top it off. N I G G E R

>> No.17965209

>I want to kill innocent businessmen, entrepreneurs, and workers for the "crime" of ... doing their jobs and looking out for their own financial safety
Why are leftists so deranged and violent? Is it their lower IQs?

>> No.17965398
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Huh? It basically only worked for people who were dirt poor. Communist states had a strong track record of taking dirt poor countries and industrializing them. The problem was that they stagnated rather than continuing to grow into more modern economies. That is why communist countries had higher HDI than their income levels. They’re like crisis economies, they can get everybody the necessities and gear up the economy for building the infrastructure to provide them, but they floundered when it came to diverse consumer goods and changing production methods for greater efficiency.

>> No.17965403

big brain post
They are literally locking us in to prevent us from using the crisis to launch a revolution. NATO is sweating hardcore at the thought of this and I very roughly remember some slides being released by either them or the Pentagon in around 2014 that the highest risk of an authoritarian uprising will be right after a second recession, or something of this sort.

Notice how martial law/emergency enactment is unique to all the NATO states and how that's not happening in the Middle East or Russia. It's because it's done for the above reason, not to prevent the spread of the disease. They also began using the state of emergency to crack down on some extremist groups in England and Germany

>> No.17965448

Not only this but everyone clapped when you made it too

>> No.17965539

Is this the new 300 confirmed kills copypasta?

>> No.17965615

why do they join these groups? they're literally all honeypots at this point fucking lmao

>> No.17965729

even most brands of the IRA coming up now, which are mostly Marxist, are M15 at this point , joining these groups once they have been outted is stupid and going to fuck urself up

>> No.17966123
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but anon, 4chan is a honeypot as well
I wonder how much dissent-posting will they allow me to do before I get swatted as well. Until then

>> No.17966289

lol /b/tards deserve it

>> No.17966364

How do you go from writing a novel to doing “high level research.”
Or do you often confuse your fiction for reality?

>> No.17966367

where should their money come from?

>> No.17966422

Based means doing whatever you want and not caring how people judge you. In this case, the employer is based because they don't care how much of an asshole they come off as

>> No.17966464

who cares they're probably all romanians on student visas anyway.

>> No.17966515

>in the states we dont get shit
Speak for yourself. If you work for a real company severance can be pretty sweet. Mine is something like a half months pay per year of employment. My friend ended up getting like 25k to get fired.

>> No.17966574

Yeah sure thing mr glownigger.
Maybe it's a really rough cold and trump doesn't want your grandma to die and then he can turn around and say "remember how responsible I was that one time?" When November rolls around.