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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17961180 No.17961180 [Reply] [Original]

Where we heading now?

>> No.17961347

Weak men hard times

>> No.17961419

We're entering the hard times create strong men phase again imo. We've been in the previous stage for like 40 years now and the paradigm is rapidly closing. Get ready for something new once this virus hoax is done.

>> No.17961443
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>> No.17961469


"hard times" last decades

>> No.17961534
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ID2020 roll out. Basically bill gates is going to chip you or you do not get to travel anymore. ID2020 will be used to track vaccinated individuals people who are not vaccinated cannot travel.

Good news is Gates is one of Ethereums Biggest supporters. So odds are your chip will be linked to a ERC-721 you hold in you wallet along with your Vaccination ERC-721 tokens to prove who you are.

So basically mark of the beast but good news is Ethereum will moon once ID2020 and FEDCOIN drop.

This is good globalism is for the best its just a scary time peps

>> No.17961654

Bad economies elect democrats
Democrats create strong economies
Strong economies elect Republicans
Republicans create bad economies

It's TRUE. Just look at the past. Save a few outliers the rule proves true.

>> No.17961676


>> No.17961735
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>dems good
>republicans bad

>> No.17961737

Outlier and not a depression/recession healer anyways.
Republicans never fix truly hard times like 1929 and 2008

>> No.17961743


Other way around. Democrats are the weak men presiding over the good times their predecessors created. Reagan and GHWB created the boom of the 90's and Clinton took advantage of that to push through tons of housing reforms that created the crash of 2007.

>> No.17961770

And I'm sure George Bush had nothing to do with 2008 even though it happened after 8 years of his bullshit.

>> No.17961789

By your logic its Obama's fault that trump propped up an economic bubble with stock buybacks for 4 years for it to crash now.
It wasn't real growth

>> No.17961799


The underlying cause of the crash was mortgages that were previously secure coming totally unhinged after Clinton's free candy mortgage programs and pressure on banks to enact subprime lending. Because "muh racism/classism in lending needs to stop." Previously rock solid MBS's were compromised and that all cratered in the next administration

Bush was a lame duck himself but he didn't create the crisis. You can blame him for letting Iraq happen.

>> No.17961819


It wasn't "stock buybacks", it was 6 years of 0% interest and quantitative easing. The market was riding a fake sugar high for the entire decade. With that said when the economy literally STOPS thanks to a global pandemic it's not going to do anything other than crash, this just makes it more severe.

>> No.17961894

But everything back then was trash, even being a hobo today is preferable to living in anno 0

>> No.17961934


The real benefit of the clown economy is that while it consistently creates bagholders and rich kikes we get to keep the technology it creates no matter what. It's kind of like putting the carrot before the horse.

>> No.17962089

Hopefully somewhere without lazy, cliched /pol/ memes

>> No.17962515

I cant believe you obese neets think we are in hard times right now lmao. You're about to suffer a lot.

>> No.17962537


>> No.17962544

good times weak men

>> No.17962560


I just said they last decades. We are just about to begin them if anything. Americans don't know what "hard times" are.

>> No.17962712

the last ones that knew, are dead by now.

>> No.17962770


Yeah, how funny that we're about to be launched into a Depression the moment the depression generation dies off.

Oh well. Silver lining about super hard times is that the degenerates are the first to go. Goodbye trannies, furries, and SJWs.

>> No.17962829

It’s so funny watching people who think they’re tuff guys post this kinda shit

>> No.17962889

we are heading to rule of the people (democracy)
Popular Peoples Congress or will be another order raised out of disorder .

>> No.17962960

we can always create our own order out of what ever.... rule of the people (direct democracy) Popular peoples congress

>> No.17963167
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>> No.17964079
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What century do you live in?

>> No.17965333

>Goodbye trannies, furries, and SJWs.
You'd be fucking shocked how many good engineers are furfags. I've never met an actually useful tranny or sjw though. They'll probably end up getting triple AIDS from having to take 100 cocks a day to buy food.

>> No.17965370
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>> No.17965510

Who cares about travel only roasties care. Notgetting the chip

>> No.17965537

Unironically Yes

>> No.17965545
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>> No.17965605

>Jews create hardtimes
>Hard time create strong men that get rid of Jews
>Good times create men who forget about the Jews
>Jews come back and create hard times again