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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17958365 No.17958365 [Reply] [Original]

Why boomers aren’t buying gold en masse rn? Why isn’t it at 5k already?

>> No.17958391

Because boomers are getting decimated and JUST'd

>> No.17958404

Yeah but:

Yields negative
Demand and supply are 0 globally
CBS printing trillions

Why the fuck is anyone holding bonds or stocks right now over gold?

>> No.17958406

You cant buy gold now. Out of stock

>> No.17958411

Buy if you can.

>> No.17958429

If this is the case why is it dumping?

>> No.17958445

you fucking moron. I can tell you are 23 or under because you can't remember 2008 or previous crashes.

When there is a crash people are desperate and the need LIQUIDITY, you fuckhead. Nobody except schitzos want to keep bits of metal when they need to pay for rent, food, etc. When they are desperate people need to have reassurance that they are going to survive, shiny metal doesn't solve that.

And rich people that have money to buy this shit are not going to hedge against the dollar. In the medium/long term it might go up though depending on how much brrrrrrrrr goes on

>> No.17958459

We are in an unprecedented time of money printing. This time is unironically different: fiat currencies themselves are in jeopardy .

>> No.17958473

because gubments are watching and waiting to confiscate it to pay the heavily overburdened state worker and public pension systems


>> No.17958500
File: 128 KB, 1080x1509, Screenshot_20200320-101647_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper gold is driving official price down. You can't buy any gold at that price.
Blue is official gold price during crysis.
Yellow is street price.

>> No.17958516

So the paper price will eventually catch up?

>> No.17958541

Because a lifelong of experiencies made them quite wise regarding investements. They know that it's the time to make some good benefits by investing in stock market, then investing it in real estate because the prices don't follow the inflation.
Why buying some metal that is being currently producted en masse when you can buy a third house in Aspen?

>> No.17958551

>fiat currencies themselves are in jeopardy .
>he thinks the most powerful governments in the world would ever allow their currencies to “fail”
Kek why are /biz/tards so naive when it comes to the markets

>> No.17958555
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Yes, see 2008

>> No.17958575

Just be patient, it’s coming

>> No.17959300

you. can't. buy. physical gold. anywhere outside countries with large mints.

>> No.17959328

couriers stopped transporting gold everywhere.

the demand that exists cannot meet the supply. where there's supply there's not enough demand. perks of being so fucking hard to transfer.

>> No.17959391

>couriers stopped
Fuck off retard, delivery drivers are taking in double wages off the back of Wuhan wheeze. Not a single package of anything is delayed, the stress on food distribution is caused by full fucking retards buying hundreds of 1 item when normally store don't stock that much

>> No.17959477

Boomers have mortgages to pay, they don't have money to buy gold.
This generation gets a loan to buy a house when they retire.

>> No.17959550

True. Boomers are in debt because they spent all their kids' inheritance and still wanted more.

>> No.17959580
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Is it time to finally buy AUS or AGS

>> No.17959593

>You cant buy gold now. Out of stock
Then the value increases, which hasn't.

>> No.17959605

Same in public sector.

> largest working demographic ever
> most tax revenue ever possible
> spend everything plus more and just go into debt

There has been an obvious demographic problem coming for decades and they actually did not give a shit. Now we get to pay their bills.

>> No.17959606

Boomers are going to be dying soon so they won't hold gold as there's no point to store any value, as they just need money to spend to live the rest of their years as well as they can until they die.

>> No.17959638

Shiny metal that is actually valuable versus digits on a screen that are inherently worthless

>> No.17959643

I laugh at my mom sometimes when I talk to her. Was telling her now is a good time to buy PMs, but she said "I don't have any money!" while she talks of buying my teenage sister a new luxury car, while owing on the last sports car she got.

>> No.17959646

If only there was an asset with fungability, liquidity, and could be transferred peer to peer electronically...

>> No.17959666

Because everything is in an overpriced bubble except gold and silver.

>> No.17959699

>they spent all their kids' inheritance
>the absolute entitlement dripping from this post
No they spent their money, whatever is left when they die that they decide to leave to their kids is their kids’ inheritance.
>zoomer takes default view that people’s earned money belongs to others who didn’t work for it
Colour me surprised

>> No.17959714

>Everyone was Kung flu fighting.mp3
>Boomers are the most affected
>They need services
>Sell sell sell
>Everything colapses because everything is hyperinflated

Shiny rocks are not the first thing they will want,jew

>> No.17959718

> If only there was an asset with fungability, liquidity, and could be transferred peer to peer electronically...
That is backed by gold
Otherwise it’s just worthless shit electronic fiat

>> No.17959730

>Take massive amount of all kinds of debt that the future generations will have to pay
Yeah, I think you're full of shit.

>> No.17959732

>what is generational wealth
Boomer detected

>> No.17959779

Hey if they want to leave this world with $0 to their name I have no problem with that.

They're gearing up to leave us with their debt though. Look at national/state/provincial/regional/county debt, they spent the money and took it easy, we will have to pay for this shit.

>> No.17959793

>left when they die
Debt. Debt that isn't mine. But boomers want me to pay for it.

>> No.17959831

>That is backed by gold

Why? It serves absolutely no purpose.

>> No.17959859

I already have liquidity and everything else covered. I just want a few sovereigns and some silver to pay the chimney sweep but nobody wants to sell me any.

>> No.17959872

people need cash to buy supplies for the coming dusaster. shit hasn't even begun yet. i hope you are prepared for 1-2 years.

>> No.17960420

That's because the low stock levels are artificial right now as gold vendors hoard it, they're trying to pump the price by creating the image of scarcity, and they are failing hard.

>> No.17960545

Shortage is in bullion, the mints/refineries can't keep up with the sudden increase in demand for bars/coins.

Whether actual silver/gold will run into a shortage remains to be seen.

>> No.17960557

ok bro..

>> No.17960597

>he l thinks the most powerful governments in the world would ever allow their currencies to “fail"
Learn history retard every single empire failed and their currency went first.

>> No.17960646

You were saying? http://pricedingold.com/us-dollar/

>> No.17961204

i saw this but gold could still crash right ?
if everyone migrates to gold the [price is going to rise but when the money crashes and then settles whats that going to mean for the gold market could you still make a loss ?

is buying brass, copper, steel stock a better bet ?

i was going to buy some oz of gold but between it being sold out and the market is still on the rise from a while ago is it even safe ?

>> No.17961254

They will, and it will go there.
The price will raise either cause the demand, or for the dollar inflation.
Can't escape it at this point.
What was needed was massive spending cut combined with deregulations.
Unless we in the whole west goes full commie, not fascist, mind you, commies, and the government impose the price on shit.
It will just create a black market tho, and the internentional comunity will go mad, and trade will go insane.

>> No.17961264

Cryptos are purely speculative. gold at least has practical uses

>> No.17961672

Boomer money is in stocks
Boomer bought the first dip because they think they are smart traders just because they made money in a decade long bullrun
Now they are all out of money and the only thing they can do is hold their bags and hoping that in another 2-3 years they everything will be okay again
By the time you would profit from gold your country or the world is shattered anyway
You would need a real happening to take place

>> No.17961821

>money crashes and then settles whats that going to mean for the gold market?

Look. Gold is stable. The price depends on the perceived strength of the fiat that approaches it.

>> No.17961899

Boomer need cash now not another 10 year for gold to break 2000 resistance.

>> No.17961976

Boomers are selling gold to compensate for their stock losses and cash.

>> No.17961992

Very little practical use, and ideal money should have no utility besides for storage and transfer of value

>> No.17962046

If demand is outpacing supply then the price mechanism is being fucked with and the real price should be higher.

>> No.17962070

nah golds on the up right and the demand is going up from people and not business when the money crashes its going to be a bugger to sell I wouldn't take the risk now is a good time to sell and buy copper.

how do I buy copper anyhow ?

>> No.17962176

saying this silver is a pretty good price compared to 2008

>> No.17962353

Some people want reassurance that they'll have some amount of wealth when the dollar dies

>> No.17962413

>actually intrinsic value is a bad thing!

Bitcoiners are on some next level shit