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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17953899 No.17953899 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17953911


Low interest loans to small business will fix this

>> No.17953922

>make small poor businesses take out more loans

>> No.17953935

>And Bitcoin is STILL going up

>> No.17953966
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, lqefw-GXJA26SX6FF-Full-Image_GalleryBackground-en-US-1522953815400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been here socially for over a decade, but with this economy we're gonna be /weimar/ soon.

>> No.17953971

Low interest loans for people too

>> No.17953976

Boomer lives matter more then your livelihood.

>> No.17954038

Yes, it's all lining up.
The next Hitler will soon emerge.

>> No.17954057


>trumps 1st term was nationalism
>2nd term will be socialism
>3rd term = ....?

>> No.17954084

Now watch idiot MIGApedes on /pol/ turn the next national socialist movement into another civicuck shitshow.
>Yes, Paco, as long as you love America you too can be a nazi!

>> No.17954100

this lel what a clown world

>> No.17954119

His avatar is a painting of himself but I thought it was just his face with shit smeared on it.

>> No.17954136
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 57A5CFFA-6D62-4071-988E-053687314009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m normally against free handouts, but can’t we just give out the free stuff for once and make China pay for it?

>> No.17954158


>turn the economy off for something barely worse than the flu
>can't turn economy back on and accidentally the whole United States

>> No.17954193

Unironically this is the start of the worst financial crisis of the century

>> No.17954195

States are shutting down until Trump is voted out of office.

>> No.17954223

things are already nightmarish enough, please stop

>> No.17954226

A 4% casualty rate with 150 million infected is 6 million dead you absolute fucking mong

>> No.17954247 [DELETED] 

Holy shit. How the hell are we going to dispose of 6 million fucking bodies?

>> No.17954260

I dunno but they did it in WWII

>> No.17954277

>trumps 1st term was Zionism*
>trumps 2nd term will be war with Iran and corporate socialism
>trump's third term will be him kneeling before the (((anti-Christ))) in the world capital of Jerusalem

>> No.17954331

Why not take the best parts of both and put it together for the third one?

>> No.17954414

This. People need to prepare for a post-apocalyptic decade.

>> No.17954461

Exit scam employers, letting business shut down to take profits. Yep. Sounds about right.
Thats an 800711.743772% increase in claims. Sort of makes you wonder if people have lost faith in the economy doesn't it.

>> No.17954470


Somehow I think 50% unemployment or more and the subsequent civil unrest and/or revolution or supply chain breakdown could kill more than that. Depends on how bad things can get, and all the corona virus people will die anyway.

>> No.17954489

By the way if the US goes into civil war China will probably start WW3.

>> No.17954515

Invest in Tendies

>> No.17954553


I'm thinking an expansionist campaign. Maybe taking over Japan, Taiwan, and a few of their neighbors to the south. I'd personally like to see a front with India and the two countries just throwing their surplus population into the meat grinder. It would be horrific.

But all we would need to do to deter them would be to threaten to fly a nuke over in one of our stealth bombers, as long as we maintain the capability to do so and the chain of command doesn't get fucked.

>> No.17954566

based Schumer poster

>> No.17954587

they are saying the unemployment rate will reach 20%

meanwhile the GOP is trying to water down the trumpbux bill so as few people as possible get help

i hope you boys are stocking up on food and ammo. it's going to get crazy out there in the coming months.

>> No.17954817

we'll impeach our idiot governor first.

>> No.17955441

I own a restaurant in new orleans. It's a mid priced breakfast shop. Think of an upscale waffle house. People are saying that unemployment will be at 20 percent. I'm thinking itll be more like 50.

Im thinking of scrapping my entire menu and goin with extremely low prices. Like $4 lunches. I can have basic stuff and make big batches of it.

If I can solidify myself as the least expensive "good" food then I can probably be ok. But if I make this bet and the market is ok then I will ruin my business.

Basically what I'm asking is how bad will the economy actually be in 4 months?

>> No.17955458
File: 2.96 MB, 1104x9958, bb9e028b-c2a3-4ed0-8cd0-062d665521a2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.17955521

Good. Fuck 'em. Invest in Asia and buy CKB / NERVOS, like, yesterday.

>> No.17955560 [DELETED] 

yeah so i lost my job, and i'm kind of struggling to find employment

starting to see the appeal of organised crime

>> No.17955612

oyyyyyy veeeeeyyy

>> No.17955634

yup, all priced in

>> No.17955682

i cant even sleep anymore
the world is fucked FUCKED I TELL YOU

>> No.17955695


You can judge it day-by-day. No need to lower prices overnight. Just see how people are doing each day. If it gets that bad you'll probably end up closing shop, too. If it doesn't and you can serve food to unemployed or underemployed people then the economy is wonky as fuck, but more power to you.

>> No.17955893

Then whites in america get obliterated because theyre all spineless cowards

>> No.17955922
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>what job?

>> No.17955962

Don't worry. :) The GV got you and will pay you., just quickly need to print some money

>> No.17956062

You can try featuring a low price item to test demand and go from there.

>> No.17956096

It's not enough
More need to die to eliminate the toxic pension funds and student debts

>> No.17956126

This. Can't wait for China to pay the whole world reparations for their bioterrorism.

>> No.17956150

if i had a 10k loan i would spend 3k on prostitutes and 2k on drugs. 5k on link .

>> No.17956173

>here have some free usury!

>> No.17957075

NEETs don't get basic income

>> No.17957092

Trump already beat them to the punch.

>> No.17957126
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>> No.17957214

imagine believing this


> small businesses are the back bone of our economy small businesses are the back bone of our economy small businesses are the back bone of our economy

>> No.17957927

This kind of diversification is exactly why you'll weather this storm and others won't. 10/10 man, good luck. But I agree with anon, trial a few low priced items and see what the demand is

>> No.17958022

lol take your meds sweetie XD