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File: 29 KB, 345x428, rothschild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17946507 No.17946507 [Reply] [Original]

Did he try to warn us?

Read the thread if you are bluepilled everything makes perfect sense and it's really one of them. Very interesting and well worth the read.


>> No.17946624


>inb4 jidf

>> No.17947077 [DELETED] 

he was right on everything, been studying that single thread for about 8months now and still get clouds in my head sometimes!

>> No.17947352


i cant access this, is it the archive of the rothschild posts on glp?

>> No.17947398


>> No.17947472

I think these conspiracy poorfags are just trying to cope with the fact that they're never going to make it.

>> No.17947491

GLP is filled with the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet

>> No.17947507 [DELETED] 

>I think these conspiracy poorfags are just trying to cope with the fact that they're never going to make it.
speak for yourself anon

>> No.17947514

Same fren. That thread literally blew my mind, I've read it 5 times entirely since the original rothschild threads started showing up here last year.

>> No.17947530 [DELETED] 

i even printed it anon kek

>> No.17947532

post your takeaways faggots
I skimmed this shit and all I see is abunch of schizo ramblings from some larper claiming to be a rothschild heir

>> No.17947552

Did you read the thread? Understand how the world truly works is most important part of making it.

>> No.17947592 [DELETED] 

1st stop eating meat
thank me in 2 weeks

>> No.17947602

bullshit larp
in any case they are completely deluded acting as if it's impossible for the economy to exist in ways other than humans being slaves.
Acting as if increasing the efficiency by suffering is warranted by anything
the honeybee analogy is bullshit. bees fucking love making honey.
shills a vegan diet

>> No.17947607

Based kek.

I ordered the water distillator, I wish I had a house so I could grow my own fruit and vegetables.

Have you read the books by Udo Erasmus, Das and Emote?

>> No.17947614 [DELETED] 

and we will proceed

>> No.17947634

Only worth it to stop eating meat if you have real home grown fruit and vegetables as well as oils though. For now I am still eating meat. Look into carnivore diet.

>> No.17947677
File: 863 KB, 725x551, b4673b30f24b9dccb1145826870ac43d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so unbelievably retarded that it cant not be bait.

>> No.17947725 [DELETED] 

i get fresh pure water somewhere near me, so i didn't have to buy a distiller
>Have you read the books by Udo Erasmus, Das and Emote?
I have. Udo's book was hard honestly, he gets really deep into everything same with DAS, as for Emoto remember that your body has like 80% of water and by his experience of words he used, he discovered that some words have a negative cause on water and vice versa so really be careful with words you use.

>> No.17947742

Carbs from bread and pasta, as well as pesticides from plants cause most usage of healthcare and pharmacies.
Distillate your water.
Grow fresh fruit and vegetables. Supplement with oils.
(This eliminates 99% of health problems)

Ridicules fiat money and people that spend there life chasing paper they print for laughs as well as taxation.

Explains how all financial markets are controlled and manipulated by them.

Redpills about women and races as well.

Bunch of other interesting shit I can't remember at the moment.

>> No.17947780

You should give a try to the distillator, I was amazed how good pure water tastes compared to jew-water. There are some available for only 50 bucks on amazon.

What did you learn from the Udo and das books? Haven't had the time to read them yet but definitely looking forward to it.

>> No.17947795 [DELETED] 

flex oil is important

>> No.17947858

wow what groundbreaking insights

>> No.17947869 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't suggest reading any of the books, In terms of DAS: rothschild get's deeper enough when he explains that all financiall markets are rigged and that "experts" trade on information and not on some shitty chart predictions
Same with Udo, he offers every bit of information to BICKLE and UK i believe so just re-read that

>> No.17947888 [DELETED] 

any of the 2 books*
but do read both
Secrets of the SOIL (3)
Secret Life of PLANTS (4).

>> No.17947912 [DELETED] 
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pic related

>> No.17947961

Any idea which one? Also I'd bet money bickle became a meme in the family after that

>> No.17947970

Stop larping. Most millionaires and even billionaires aren't close to the levels of redpill the rothschild displayed in that thread.

>> No.17947998 [DELETED] 

I checked on him and he was still posting on glp some stupid dedications on YAHOWAH being the real name of god
He didn't take the advice seriously enough i guess

>> No.17948016

Also I thought it was funny how the advice he gave in that thread would be perfect to anyone looking to survive the coronachan apocalypse.

Remember that other rothschild thread where he keeps saying the next project was resident evil? Funny timing. I'll try to find the thread.

>> No.17948034

dude every poltard can tell you that the financial system is a scam and redpills on women and race
the veganism thing is plain retarded
growing your own vegetalbes, no shit! if you have a garden that is (I dont)
the onyl thing somewhat worthwile out of the bunch is distilled water which I personally havent tried
but keep sucking this guys dick like hes handing you divine knowledge or something

>> No.17948041 [DELETED] 

just ignore him
As for the overal i would like to say that i did take every bit of the advice he gave seriously, but just couldn't get myself to wagecuck after knowing all that
so basically now it's all up to these 2 websites me and my friends made(like minded people)
streambible.org and coronavirusguide.live

>> No.17948074
File: 247 KB, 1224x1445, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I don't know how to break it to you, but people can lie.
It's true, I'm not actually a 3'2 leprechaun that hates niggers and jews
I'm actually a regular guy that hates niggers and jews.

>> No.17948076

I read the whole lot a while back when it was posted on here. Pretty fascinating and pretty damn convincing.

>> No.17948093


Here is a good takeaway post.

>> No.17948104

Dammit bickle xD

>> No.17948106 [DELETED] 

yeah i had that thread as well, made screenshots out of it
also anon i would really like to add you somewhere do you use skype or discord?

>> No.17948107

spend the time to watch this

>> No.17948122

the full lecture is better, but i couldn't find it

>> No.17948123

In 2020.

This guy had all the complete knowledge given away in 2014, before this stuff even became popular on 4chan or anywhere else.

>> No.17948141 [DELETED] 

god has no name anon, out of intuition how would he even have one? He was the creator, he came before everyone.. You can call it creation itself if you're so into it

>> No.17948145

Yeah. give me a throwaway email, I'll shoot you a message.

>> No.17948163

Do you have the original thread? Or did they take that down?

Based for taking screens.

>> No.17948167 [DELETED] 


>> No.17948225

watch the full video

>> No.17948227

>This guy had all the complete knowledge given away in 2014
anon people have been writing about the scam of our financial system since the 90s. read monster of jekyll island for instance.
germans have been writing about race 100 years ago
schopenhauer was dropping redpills on women in the 1800s
its not exactly new/secret knowledge that all our food is filled with poison either
not sure if you are just gullible tards who never read a book or if youre trying to fuck with me

>> No.17948228 [DELETED] 

i actually have although i would still go with the early one as the main rothschild guy, this other guy is just one that's well conditioned i suppose

>> No.17948246

11 year vegetarian here...had about 10 cheat meals of fish and chips. I blew out my back doing physical lifting about 8 months later... developed ibs c also. We are made to eat meat, you won’t feel better when you stop eating it... also most b12 shots or pills are synthetic and not real. Do whatever u want tho, at your own risk

>> No.17948279

Yes. A relatively high amount of people have been experts in one of the subjects he talks about. Very, very few in all of them.

Could be a larp but that guy knows his shit.

>> No.17948285 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 1017x519, xxxxxxxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon just read the thread for yourself

>> No.17948302

To be honest, the part about not eating meat I am still really reluctant about. Just looking at meat eaters and vegetarians, my gut instinct tells me not to fall for it.

I'll give it a try one day for 6 months though and see what happens.

>> No.17948318

>before this stuff even became popular on 4chan or anywhere else.
You are very new. This stuff was common knowledge here, when /pol/ was /new/ and later on infinity chan when it was ran by hotwheels.
This whole place got diluted and overran by NPCs. infinity chan got taken over and undermined.

>> No.17948346 [DELETED] 

the rothschild guy mentions big consequences for eating meat so be sure to stop 1st thing tomorrow morning

>> No.17948366 [DELETED] 

i believe that part, hope you guys listened and did the correct choices

>> No.17948392

I've been here over ten years, I know what I'm talking about.

Read the thread fren.

>> No.17948415

Doesn't say what or why though. could you elaborate?

>> No.17948436

Nah, most fucked up. Knowledge makes one blackpilled as fuck. I now just want to accumulate enough to stay away in seclusion and comfort forever.

>> No.17948466

there is really no point to accumulating most of this knowledge
the more you learn the more you realize how fucked up everything is and how stupid the average person is

>> No.17948488 [DELETED] 

If one chooses to pen and slaughter animals, one should consider the longer term ramifications of their actions. It is very simple-minded to think there are no consequences for the wholesale slaughter of "innocents"...particularly with so many better options available.

>> No.17948501

I weigh 125 lbs now... I used to weigh 165 and run 3 miles a night... don’t fall for it

>> No.17948513

What are you biggest blackpills?

>> No.17948533

Rofschild was definitely not just some guy larping. Compare his thread with High Level Insider's. Also, Rofschild is still around, he posted a couple of threads on /pol/ earlier this year.

>> No.17948537

just eat free range meat from a local butcher
I can literally see the cows grazing outside of my house
veganism is a failed meme
eat a balanced diet, highest possible ingredients you can find and youre good
the real redpill is emotional trauma and german new medicine
none of this shit you guys are sperging out ultimately matters
theres faggots who are 100 years old and healthy smoking cigarettes and drinking booze every day

>> No.17948548 [DELETED] 

that's what he said, as for the latest rothschild guy he mentions to read the Essene Gospel of piece
here is the link: http://www.thenazareneway.com/index_essene_gospels_of_peace.htm it's enough to read only the 1st book, which also mentions something about the concequences
man it really would be nice for the rothschild guy to see what i'm typing just now, i probably took his advice even more seriously than UK!

>> No.17948566

Yeah it’s fucked, it’s awful to see... I had to stop eating meat because of it, but after a whole decade of this... I realize that most of my problems began after giving it up... you can’t get b12 anywhere else except from food... synthetic is shit. We are thrown into this world in which if you want to be moral, you will suffer and go without and watch everyone else just get by just fine... and for what... god never came into my life, karma never payed me back kindly... no good deed goes unpunished.

>> No.17948569 [DELETED] 


>> No.17948625

Who is High Level Insider?

>> No.17948652

Bread is good and healthy, and so are carbohydrates. Yes, I only came here to comment on this in this thread.

>> No.17948667

This might be the most interesting thing I’ve ever read in my life. Thanks for sharing

>> No.17948669


Yeah for me eating meat makes a lot of sense. But, the Rothschild was so incredibly spot on with everything else he said, that it makes me think there must have been a good reason for him saying not to eat meat.

Also I met a pajeet once that told me when he practices kundalini (hindu meditation that brings you to the same state as dmt) after eating meating, he has horrible experiences.

>> No.17948704

Bread is literally the devil. Sheitan.

Trojan horse of the pharmaceutical industry according to rothsy.

>> No.17948728 [DELETED] 

You can take the b12 pills if you still don't grow your own food(i'm also here), as mr. rothschild mentions Karma is one of naturall laws you basically get what you deserver cause "paying back kindly" is only based on your beliefs but not natures.

>> No.17948786

Can you explain here what is your understanding of tesla and natural law?

>> No.17948809

Wonder what 42 thinks about the thread.

>> No.17948824 [DELETED] 

yeah meditation and clean living really quiets the mind in a proper way
the other rothschild also mentioned for beginners to read Three Pillars Of Zen

>> No.17948834

The fabric of reality is manipulated. The Bogdanoff meme isn't so far from what actually happens.

>> No.17948864

anon desu you sound young and easily impressionable. every poltard could go out there drop some redpills mixed with complete horseshit and larp as a rothschild. dont believe everything you read on the internet youre better off reading some books. FWIW I have roundabout 500 hours of meditation under my belt and no problems eating meat whatsoever. the carnivore meme that has been going around lately has been around in the 60s already as well. IMO youre best off just eating a balanced diet with high quality ingredients and not being autistic about your food anywho Im off for today take it easy kids and dont believe all the shit you read/hear

>> No.17948883 [DELETED] 

I read the book he recommended on Tesla but am no expert on him. As for the Natural Law i've actually come to equal it with what god and creation might be, it's hard to describe but i do see "god" in it's laws. Nature = God

>> No.17948899

I believe this. Could you give a more in depth explanation? And what brought you to this understanding.

>> No.17948942

high carbohydrate diets are an invention of the agricultural revolution, it's ridiculous to suggest that's our natural diet. Carbohydrate is a technology of civilization.
distilled water can more easily cause water intoxication it's inferior to spring water

>Do you realize that people don't even stop to consider that the price of gold, in FRN's is completely IRRELEVANT! What difference does it make when one pays in PAPER!
>The fiat monitary system is concluded. Gold and Silver have important properties, but to measure their value in terms of paper fiat is absurd. The paper fiat has no value....do you not understand that?
extremely true. Retards still don't understand this.

>The COLLEGE process is but a form of bondage or slavery befalling the middle class progeny.
>The Income Tax "system" is an intellectual construct designed to obfuscate and confuse...and it has been wildly successful. It is one of the main reaping/harvesting devices.

>> No.17948948

lol, you are a brainlet falling for a schizo, congratz

>> No.17948983 [DELETED] 

Anyone that wishes a healthy and clean world would stop eating meat. IMO that's one of the 1st steps. Rothschild mentioned loud and clear there are big consequences in eating meat. Meat makes your blood ACIDIC, as for vegetables, they make your blood ALKALINE. Choose wisely!

>> No.17949003

Can you explain why distilled water can cause water intoxication? Are you saying regular tap water is better? Sounds counterintuitive.

>> No.17949075

he's talking about eating human meat

>> No.17949113 [DELETED] 

not true, he is talking about eating animal meat

>> No.17949121
File: 44 KB, 401x232, dgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your body maintains concentrations of electrolytes. The best water is a water with a concentration identical to the optimum concentration for your body.

Distilled water off ends this balance in the opposite way salt water does

>> No.17949148 [DELETED] 

i don't get it, so how does one get the water identical to the optimum concentration of his body?

>> No.17949161

Ray Peat says the opposite about fats

>> No.17949259 [DELETED] 

The human diet should be primarily fat, plant based is preferable...with proteins next based on the humans "lifestyle".

>> No.17949265

you wouldn't be able to get identical.
All i am saying is spring water with some salts in it is objectively superior to distilled water.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if distilled water was a better option to tap water in many cases

>> No.17949330

that's some really cringy /x/ tier larp

>> No.17949346 [DELETED] 

alright sounds reasonable but why put salt in it?

>> No.17949376

Humans are meant to eat fruits, vegetables, tender greens (i.e romaine lettuce and not kale) and limited nuts and seeds.

I have eaten this way for 2 years, the differences in cognitive and even physical ability is immense, there is no doubt in my mind that this is the way to go. Once you are in tune with your body you will know what is good and what is bad.



Look up a guy named john rose on youtube. Based and calls (((them))) out for not letting this information get to the public space.

>> No.17949405


>> No.17949407

You guys are all fucking retarded. Just eat like normal people.

>> No.17949422
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salt as in magnesium, sodium, calcium etc that naturally occur in the water

>> No.17949437
File: 60 KB, 962x449, Screenshot_2020-03-19 I Am a ROFSCHILD, Axe me a Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this anon was even further ahead of his time than the rofschild

>> No.17949479 [DELETED] 

i guess you got me here, will keep that in mind!

>> No.17949514

How much longer can I drink distilled water for before I get intoxication? How can I know if spring water is good to drink?

>> No.17949525

If it was a rothschild and all the suffering they engineer is justified by maintaining the survival of the bloodlines it's scary how dumb and pathologically egoistic they are.

>> No.17949536

I did a quick google and thought he was shilling fats are bad. Ray Peat would agree, but with the caveat of avoiding all PUFAs

>> No.17949581

I didn't say you will get water intoxication I said distilled water is objectively worse than a balanced water because it causes water intoxication more quickly than a balanced water.
If you drink distilled water just make sure you're eating enough salt

>> No.17949604
File: 257 KB, 640x940, dkgtp9-24559c16-61cc-498f-8c7e-967c7503beae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like everything, we're omnivores
but animal fat gives the best energy for us
even "herbivores" need to eat some meat
pic related
jewgle "herbivores eating meat" if you want to broaden your understanding and world view

>> No.17949627 [DELETED] 

do you have any idea what survival of the bloodline means?
you remember everything you have been doing in your previous life.. just imagine the advantage you would have anon compared to other humans

>> No.17949800

it means nothing, survival for the sake of survival is the philosophy of an animal. It is not what they are doing anyway they have orders of magnitude more resources than are required to maintain the survival of their bloodline and yet they want more at any expense. It is not event their choice to make the universe is deterministic. Their pathology is just the manifestation of evil creating the conditions for their own destruction, enslaving the whole unites the whole world the ir business model only works when there are groups to play against each other.
The earth should be a house balanced between life and death and inevitably will be.

>> No.17949879 [DELETED] 

In a way it's not their fault that people accepted the fiat money as they do and by doing that we remain slaves.

>> No.17949972
File: 139 KB, 500x286, dgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go a level higher and say what we perceive as good and evil are the same thing to god (both necessary for existence). Their egoism is as necessary as the actions of a messiah

but it's probably just a larp

>> No.17950223

The time happens simultaneously, we are just able to observe a small part of it. Think of it as a movie you watch on your PC, you only observe a single frame at a time, but the movie whole movie is already there.
There is someone who can manipulate the whole timeline of the movie. Not completely, but small things to make the plot go the way the manipulator wants.
You can observe the cascade of small ripples it creates by looking up "mandela effect"

>> No.17950246

Are you people retarded? It is obviously a LARP. Why the fuck would someone in that position waste his time with a bunch of neckbeards on a internet forum. think for fucksakes

>> No.17950357

search for the post on "lag and lash"

he predicted smart contracts before ethereum was made

>> No.17950373

No its 100%cent real

>> No.17950379

more records here
this was a multi year larp


>> No.17950428

You have to stop eating meat and anything that comes in a bag or box. Sprouted grains and legumes should be the cornerstone of your diet. Lots of mixed salad greens.

Avoid sugar and anything cooked. eat only live fruits, vegetables and sprouts. Olive oil is a great companion.

Learn to grow your own food. Period.

There is wealth of info on the subject.

Get a water still and drink only that.

Eat only twice per day.

Sell everything and buy land that you can farm - WITH CASH.

Learn to fix machines.

Learn to think in terms of seasons.

Sell your TV.

Do not be in a rush to have a sexual relationship or kids.

Concentrate on building a diversity of wealth.

(personally im not ready to quit meat yet but other points are still decent)

>> No.17950440 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 1008x433, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He actually answered something similar to your question

>> No.17950454

Education is wealth, but only to a certain extent when it comes from the Establishment. You can make contacts and learn skills, but make your ultimate goal land and diversified wealth.

Not shiny cars women. Sort yourself out so YOU ARE IN CONTROL of your life. Not some boss or floozy or addiction or child support payment.

The Goal is total planetary control and perfection of the bloodline, but you sheep-apes are going along for the ride no matter what.

My purpose in this thread was to give you information to allow you to distance yourselves from the roller coaster if you so choose.

You can use this information to allow your posterity to become players, you can choose enlightenment, or you can continue under the illusion that your body is worth something in the grand scheme of things.

Efficiency is the aim. Cattle must be managed with the least amount of effort.

The Bible is rubbish but it's chock full of fodder for manipulating a certain part of the population.

If something is foretold and we make it happen, then entire legions of sheep-apes go "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

There is only one meaningful religion:

Grow your own food and mediate.

It helps to honor your earth mother and spirit father on a daily basis, but if you want to grow food, you'll have to do this anyway.

>> No.17950485

You only have a generation or two before you will not be able to live freely. There is no stopping it now.

You must get control of your environment and seek enlightenment.

Farming grains is no longer safe, but if you can find sources of heirloom varieties, and know what is going on around you, you can get close.

100% of all male/female relationships are non-enlightened. Most are born of a desperate, pathological need to mate that is NOT HUMAN.

Listen: Animals mate. Animals act on instincts and pheromones.

Humans are unique in that they can trump those things with reason.

If MEN pursue enlightenment first and foremost, they will then be able to choose a female who contributes most to their bloodline, productivity and sanity, rather than spawning another generation of useless eaters.

Read everything. Believe nothing. Demand to know WHY.

Eventually, you will reach a critical mass.

Master have said that you should just never mind earthly knowledge and meditate until all is revealed. But, these days, it takes some intense lateral thinking to just get free enough to be able to meditate.

Get free of the mundane traps: Sugar addiction, TV news scares, internet scares, want of a girlfriend and fast car, etc.

Seek stillness and enlightenment will find you.

>> No.17950495

Modern wheat is, it has been genetically altered to have unnatural gluten levels and is covered in pesticides

>> No.17950618

Whoaa doggy. Now this is one deep fucking rabbit hole

>> No.17950765
File: 1.33 MB, 1767x1888, 0C8EAC3E-2632-4AC0-A149-429FDAEE1B07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Levels of schizo itt

>> No.17951207

Interesting bread. Assuming this guy wasnt larping, where do you guys think crypto fits in.

>> No.17951654

The vampire apparently states that bitcoin (or anything like it) is NOT the future, because what’s next is something that hasn’t been shown to the world yet, but money as we know it will change completely in the future. Who knows...

>> No.17951662

anyone have a screencap?

>> No.17951916


Yeah can't access it

>> No.17952036

Now it this vampire is using the Book of Revelation as a playbook, doesnt he knows what happens in the end? (Christ wins and they get btfo).

>> No.17952039

This is like baby's first redpills for people too soft to spend time on /pol/

Can't believe he didn't namedrop https://www.lawofone.info/

>> No.17952191

>By definition, there can be no true peer-to-peer network, since ANY system, by definition, is created by the few for the many. Such creators have ENORMOUS advantages in any system so constructed...and NATURE teaches us that those endowed with such advantage will exploit fully from the MANY to the benefit of the FEW.

You must understand the biological imperative hard wired into the monkey-brain which make this a given. Upcoming changes to information systems and computational power will make the conceptual platform moot anyway.

Do take care and stay tuned for future updates!

sounds like boomer fud. Bitcoin has an issuer

>> No.17952585

So many fucking questions nufag. Google it. Fuck it. Distilled water pulls from your body because there nothing in it. Also for you faggotS in here that go down these stupid rabbit holes. You need to understand that it’s another form of control to try and get you to waste your life finding truth instead of knowing your place and living your life.

>> No.17952779
File: 94 KB, 819x1024, 9386C6ED-1802-4CEC-BA5B-DA71C878BB3C-13915-00000CF43C340790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted that thread in a few of my own
I think we ran into each other a few times on /pol/ (if that was the same guy). good laughs were had.
Would take some time to dig up now though

>> No.17952794
File: 56 KB, 449x377, 57782A00-09ED-4CD0-A8AE-F8ED11FFBD9B-11500-00000B19CD2BE473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without a doubt
I wouldn't call it a blackpill, more like a 42-pill

>> No.17953138
File: 1.15 MB, 1881x1511, Carnivore - Keto - IF - reduced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retard if you eat plants. Read this if you want to take your health seriously.

>> No.17953175

Normal people are not doing well in 2020.

>> No.17953325

Seeking a relationship with the One Ultimate Authority. Nothing and no one has power over Him. No one.


>> No.17953400

great diet to give yourself cancer with

>> No.17953483

who the fuck is Bickle and why is he such a twat

>> No.17953572

I eat both but more meat.

>> No.17954605

Blood pH is the most tightly regulated system in the body and healthy lungs and kidneys will take care of it. More important is VITAL minerals like salt/sodium and potassium.

>> No.17954847

Bullish for UND.

>> No.17956130

Meat is the only food source that contains all of the essential vitamins and nutrients for survival.
Just eat liver and you can live forever.

>> No.17956181
File: 101 KB, 618x922, scarlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this weak larp AGAIN
Stop with this shit alrdy, you have hundreds of serious books, whistleblowers and podcasts on the matter, why would you lose your time reading this shit?

>> No.17957071


>> No.17957087

based on what?

>> No.17957437

No that was in 2011

>> No.17957471

Salt is sodium chloride you moran

>> No.17957484

The issue of Vegetarianism vs eating (factory farmed) meat is very emblematic of our society. We have become too cowardly to do our own humane slaughtering that we have let the Dr Frankensteins with no conscience do it for us and as a result, have become even bigger pussies by completely avoiding it. The solution would be to man up. As it always is

>> No.17957505

>he hasn't even done high school level chemistry

>> No.17957508

sodium chloride is what's generally known as talt, i.e. table salt, but numerous other substances also form salts

>> No.17957597

Osmosis. You wear contacts? Ever try using water to rinse them instead of solution? Did you feel how dry and irritating the contact became? That’s what will happen to your cells if you drink too much distilled water. Or at least it’s the same process. We have always drank freshwater with minerals in it, as has every other lan animal. What most people want here is a charcoal filter.

>> No.17957601

Any good book recommendations?

>> No.17957623

Get fucked mossad

>> No.17957818

that's not how osmosis works at all
osmosis is the process whereby a solvent, in the case of the body primarily water, moves across membranes to equalize the concentration of solvent
it does not at all actively move the solutes, i.e. the salts and electrolytes, across the membrane, that's actually an active process which requires energy
there's absolutely nothing wrong with drinking distilled water at all, most people would in fact greatly benefit from it

>> No.17957829

concentration of solute

>> No.17957961

You are a fucking retard. Did I say that’s what happens? So autistic. Yea I’m aware of that, that’s why I used a simple analogy where it was a hypotonic (water) solution relative to the human eye. It’s the same case with distilled water, retard. DISTILLED WATER BY DEFINITION HAS FAR LESS CONCENTRATION OF SOLUTES. THAT’S WHAT DISTILLATION DOES. Idiot. Surrounded by idiots, everywhere

>> No.17958016

It won’t matter if you have enough salt intake from food but you are literally a brainlet. Distilled water while fasting is very dangerous for example because it sucks your fluids. Osmosis is the movement of solvents, not solutes, as you illustrated but didn’t understand. Go read a book tomorrow or do an iq test tomorrow

>> No.17958192

ironically, it's a great diet to help cure cancer

>> No.17958213

Only sourdough for the lactic acid

>> No.17958274
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>> No.17958306
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>> No.17958342
File: 253 KB, 640x800, Letter from Wickliffe Rose to Niels Bohr, 1923 November 21_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free will
>doesn't know the Rockefeller foundation paid for the scientists arguing for a probabilistic interpretation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to maintain the belief in the possibility of free will

>> No.17958602

what you're saying is exactly what I pointed out is incorrect
the fact that distilled water has a smaller concentration of solute does not lead to what you're talking about at all, as I've already explained
what actually happens is that distilled water will very easily be absorbed due to osmosis, since it doesn't contain any solutes at all
it literally does the exact opposite of what you describe in >>17958016
it does not "suck out your fluids", it is the most absorbable form of water possible precisely due to its lack of solutes

>> No.17958616

See: inversion narrative, anon's cray

>> No.17958648

Some nigger says he's a roffshild online and you swallow it like your mom?
and this is supposed to prove what?
Fucking schizo's should be banned from the webz

>> No.17958681

>generic /pol/ whine whistle words
>no actual credentials
Sure thing boomer faggot

>> No.17958702

let me illustrate with this image from the Wikipedia article on osmosis
as you can see, the solvent moves across the membrane to equalize the concentration of solute
now imagine that you're drinking some water which has some solute in it, but not as concentrated as your own cells and fluid in the vicinity of where the water is absorbed
that's analogous to the water you're drinking being the left side of the glass, and you being the right side, thus most water will be absorbed, but not all (of course, the body will often spend energy to pump the remaining solute across the membranes as well, leading to the absorption of even more water)
now, imagine you're drinking distilled water, for the sake of the scenario completely free of solute; do you then realize what would happen?
what would happen is that all the water on the left side, in this case completely free from solute, would be absorbed due to osmosis, which is my point exactly
for what you're saying to be true, you'd have to drink solvent with a higher concentration of solute than already in your body, which would likely mean you're extremely low on electrolytes, and better hope you've got the energy for your body to pump some into your cells, or that you're drinking something like salt water, which has a far too high concentration of solute

>> No.17958713
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forgot the image

>> No.17959652

That's retarded tho

>> No.17959726
File: 526 KB, 335x621, 0CAEB24D-4CDD-48F2-8858-80E84748AB0A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, the deepest I’ve seen the rabbit hole go is:
- law of one
- Tom Montalk stuff
- forgotten languages website

That is to say, maybe there’s deeper information available, but that list is the deepest I’ve gone.

>> No.17959757

>NATURE teaches us that those endowed with such advantage will exploit fully from the MANY to the benefit of the FEW.
No reason to believe humans can’t overcome and transcend this aspect of their animal nature.

>> No.17959802

the forgotten languages website says the highest form of civilization is living on the quantum level. lol

>> No.17959827

>pol redpilled
cringe npc

>> No.17959832

the "Rothschild" guy mentions rh- but somehow fails to consider random mutation? well he mentions it but then says "if mutation, where did it come from" when you might ask the same thing about something as silly as blue eyes.

>> No.17959932

I bench 250 deadlift 530 and squat 310. I can run at a dead sprint for 20 minutes and do 30 pullups at 195lbs. I came inside of two different women last week, a 19 year old and a 23 year old.

I eat whatever the fuck I want and I eat in massive amounts because my body is an engine with a turbocharged metabolism from years of physical training and strain. My job is intensely intellectual and is on of the most stressful in the world by all measurements, and yet I have a flawless safety record and am regarded well among my peers.

All diets are bullshit. All you need is a baseline amount of fiber and protein, and a generic men's multivitamin. The rest doesn't matter at all, except for calorie amount.

All of you are fat poor miserable retards grasping at straws, when thr obvious and simple truth is staring you in the face: you must act human to feel human. We evolved for physical struggle. You must convince your mind that you engage in physical struggle, or you will feel uneasy.

Move until you are starving eat until you are bloated, repeat. Do not even reply. You know I am correct. There is no debate.

Act human or you will become a cattle.

>> No.17959947


>> No.17959965
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>> No.17959970

Just compliment your diet with nuts and other sources of nutrients. You do not need to eat meat to get everything your body needs.

>> No.17960019

I haven’t gotten that from any of their posts. A lot of their posts discuss communication with beings on other planes/dimensions through quantum experiments. Is that what you’re referring to?

And I don’t necessarily believe all of the conclusions on FL. I just think, in terms of world government and global conspiracies, it’s about as deep as you’ll go. Although it’s not far off from the stuff David Icke talks about, for example.

>> No.17960067

From reading this a few times in the past, This guy either understands this world better tahnor is who he says he is.
the contract law part is what got me along with just his general attitude of we chose to interact with the system.
So few even bother to understand why the gold was lawfully taken in the '30s.
This pill is the blackest pill you can swallow, it will irrevocably change how you view this world.

>> No.17960275

>we evolved for physical struggle
>our purpose in life is to suffer and engage in materialism

>> No.17960306

its general notion is a classification of civilization from type 3 to type 0 or something like that
we are supposed to be type 3, controlled by type 2 (which inhabits the dark regions of space). type 1 is center of galaxies, but type 0 is on quantum level.
the ranking happens according to knowledge