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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17929833 No.17929833 [Reply] [Original]

Or are you guys like those onions red...ditors on r/niggerfinance

>> No.17929889

capitalism rewards people who climb the hierarchy ladder. Without it there would be no incentives for making society a better place. It's the best system out there, but there will always be corruption which makes it appear like it's a bad system.

>> No.17929893

Commies get the rope

>> No.17929904

Absolutely agree, there are problems, but those problems are magnified 100X under any other system, especially socialism/communism.

>> No.17929990

shut the fuck up /leftypol/

>> No.17930046

We're well into hypercapitalism now where any of the free market's safeguards are overridden. The world just needs a reset and Corona-Chan is doing that.


>> No.17930124

No, I believe in lamp posts for certain people.

>> No.17930127
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A little 't' has arms.
But if you put a hat on it, it's becomes a big "T"
And if that isn't capitalism then fuck you

>> No.17930316
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/biz/ is a capitalist board




>> No.17930337
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I just want some money man.

>> No.17930361

Also printing money is not Capitalism. Commies don’t seem to understand the difference. Capitalism does not equal money. Capitalism equals free market. You are free to use money, you are free to barter, you are free to use bitcoin. We don’t have a free market because we are forced to use money.

>> No.17930419

99% of people dont even know what capitalism is. It is the collusion of state, bank, and corportion since the 1600s.
Slavery is the ultimate capitalism.

>> No.17930432

Distributism is the answer

>> No.17930453

You’re not forced to use money, you just do whatever has the network effect and is most convenient. No one is forcing you, and if you have a problem with how the world works, it’s a personal problem and you’re a bitch

>> No.17930644

Yeah I am. Try opening a shop that only accepts gold. You would definitely get customers. But how would you pay taxes? You would have to convert to USD. Also other countries are required to buy oil .with USD

>> No.17930953
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>you're not forced to pay taxes, you just choose not to get tackled and imprisoned by mercenaries with guns. nobody forces you to spend your money to keep fatblacks on life support. that's your problem, stupid bitch

>> No.17931006

Based and capitalismpilled

>> No.17931034
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