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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17926940 No.17926940 [Reply] [Original]

>Most 80 year olds won't make it to 85

Think about that.
Whats happening now has nothing to do with this faggot virus.
They're crashing the fucking economy to hide the economy is fucking crashing
This is worse than the robbery that happened in 08.

We. Are. Being. Swindled.
They are printing money to hand to themselves and pretending this has anything to do with the pandemic.

>> No.17927365
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>just a flu bro
Fuck off

>> No.17927396

Well then the guillotines will be rolled out

>> No.17927467

he never claimed that. The virus is being used as a scapegoat to crash the unsustainable economy that they elites built and profited off for years. This virus would kill many, but the reason for scaring the shit out of people and forcing them to quarantine is to stall the economy out so they can complete their plans. It has nothing to do with saving lives.

>> No.17927665
File: 70 KB, 1016x636, Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 12.31.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>just a flu bro

It's less deadly than the flu.

>> No.17927738


>> No.17927941


What is this silly narrative that they have to hide some mythical crash?

>> No.17927967

Soon, friend. Soon. (except they're for us kek)


>> No.17928015

2009-2010. H1N1. 500,000 deaths

No mass hysteria

>> No.17928055

>>It's less deadly than the flu.

not as a percentage

>> No.17928089


Yeah. It's finally processed today and looking over everything I don't even feel like grinding out a stack again.

I'm thinking I will start to give some of my good stuff away over the next few weeks and then probably head to this nice park overlooking the water and kill myself after enjoying a nice sunrise.

>> No.17928095

Majority of H1N1 deaths were in the third world where the vaccine wasn't available

>> No.17928143

muh vaccine.

>> No.17928169

There were 12,500 deaths in usa

>> No.17928216

someone who gets it, how rare

>> No.17928251

>They are printing money to hand to themselves

Babies first conspiracy theory.

>> No.17928280

So less than the normal flu in any given year?

>> No.17928305

>Implying most Americans aren't in worse health than Italians.

>> No.17928352

Just like corona then? Lol

>> No.17928353

to everyone who believes in the virus scare mass hysteria pushed by the mainstream media as a cover for the financial collapse
virus hoax starter pack

>> No.17928407

Yes, this was obvious when the market suddenly tanked in late Feb when the virus had been worldwide news for months. The question is when do we kill the bankers?

>> No.17928512
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Its far worse than swine flu HOWEVER it mostly kills boomers.
99% of people who died in Italy had a pre-existing condition and the average age was 80.

>> No.17928578

If you die from this, then it was only a short time before you died from some other bullshit anyways.

>> No.17928713

well, they JUST classed obesity as a 'major contributory factor' to probable bataids death. SO, that means we will have 99% of Burger victims with at least +1 'prior illness' on your bullshit fucking chart. Won't we know? You cunt

>> No.17928714

That's what I'm saying. The amount of obese fucks with shit lung capacity, diabetes, or some other shit is really god damned high in the States, this could annihilate the white trash heart of America.

>> No.17928769

this entire thing is setup to give you mandatory death vaccines. they're already starting it in Denmark.


they did a simpsons episode on this exact scenario. the virus is real too by the way, not a hoax.

>> No.17928817

>the virus is real too by the way, not a hoax.

>> No.17929213

>this could annihilate the white trash heart of America.
>t. 24 year old non-white trash american

>> No.17929263

It's actually exponentially more deadly than the flu

>> No.17929300

Not him, but while italians are in good shape, have great healthcare and live longer than burgers, Italy has the oldest population in Europe. And this virus is specifically deadly for old people.
The age of the average dead in Italy is 80 years old.

>> No.17929331
