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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1791404 No.1791404 [Reply] [Original]

I need to make $500 in the next 30 days really badly. I am not sure what to do, I am in U.S. and need to do it all online if possible. Anyone have any advice? I can basically work 14 hours a day on whatever it is, I just don't know where to start. Morality isn't an issue. Thanks

>> No.1791416

Have you tried . . . literally anything?

>> No.1791418

Craigslist ad blow 50 guys and charge 10 bucks a pop.

>> No.1791421

Well I don't know what to do, I don't want to buy shitty make $100 a day guides on hackforums...

>> No.1791423

>I'm from US

You're fucking so lazy, you can make it easy even with crowdsourcing on US, try clickworker.

>> No.1791426

Sell shit on ebay

>> No.1791427

Can you go into more detail? Like is that getting people to click on links and I get a percentage of a sale if they buy something?

I don't have anything I want to sell

>> No.1791430

>I don't have anything I want to sell
Yet you "need" $500.

Fuck outta here

>> No.1791433

Just get a fucking job.

>> No.1791434

Yes what's the issue with that? I don't buy shit I don't need.

please dad no give me another month please

>> No.1791436

Donate sperm? Petty theft? Siphoning gas?

>> No.1791438
File: 55 KB, 800x800, 1412874097603 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC) (2016_04_10 14_06_15 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered getting a job?

>> No.1791441


>do the tests
>do the tasks
>get 0.15 cents per task
>$6~$12 per hour

I'm from Hueland and I manage to do $30~$50 per month with that shit, but burgerlands have reported doing something about $1000~$2000 per month.

>> No.1791442

to add to this donate blood/plasma.

>> No.1791445

Yes but the issue is that I can only have it for a month so I figure instead of getting a job for a month I should try to make the $500

I don't want to go to jail bro...

>> No.1791451

Don't get caught.

>> No.1791454

Go to your nearest thrift store and start searching on ebay everything you see that has a barcode or something identifiable. If you can hustle then you can ask for a discount because it's scratched or some shit.

>> No.1791455

you can never be 100% sure you won't get caught

>> No.1791464

Kill yourself if they catch you. They probably won't imprison your dead corpse. No jail time whatsoever.

>> No.1791470
File: 20 KB, 500x372, 1452298029668 (2016_04_10 14_06_15 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes but the issue is that I can only have it for a month so I figure instead of getting a job for a month I should try to make the $500
>what is temp work

>> No.1791471

buy alcohol to minors near a high school. ask for 10 for each 50 in booze. you will only need 10 pickups.

>> No.1791480

What are you, a retard? Get a job, then quit. Are you fucking retarded? Why concoct some harebrained scheme and work 98 hours a week for 4 weeks just for goddamn $500?

In the US, minimum wage after taxes is $5.87. Working 14 hour days, you could reach your goal in six measly days. But you're such a fucking retard you can probably apply for disability and get $700 a month.

>> No.1791485

I am in california so the minimum wage is $10 lmao

but I can't get a job right now also due to a motorcycle injury

>> No.1791487

Unemployment, welfare, disability

>> No.1791491

it is going to take like 15 days to heal it's not that bad so I don't think I could get disability for it, and it didn't cause me to leave a job

>> No.1791503


Jesus christ dude, that's $17 a day. You could make that much scavenging for cans on the side of the road.

>> No.1791550

What do you need the $500 for?

>> No.1791555

music festival

>> No.1791616
File: 392 KB, 1024x512, sneaky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneak in like this:

Or get a wheelchair and hide under the seat. Or hop the fence.

What I would do is find some products and go door to door. Like tv remotes from thrift stores, or cheap ass kitchen tools, or some kind of cleaning product that you can buy in concentrated for and dilute in lots of bottles and copy this guy exactly:


If you make $3 profit per sale, and you make 9 sales per day it will only take you 18.5 days.

You can go to/email every small business in town and offer to go door to door handing out flyers

If you can't walk, it's going to be really hard to start an online business in 30 days. In mechanical turk you can make $2 a hour, and it will take a few days to get verified. If you work 10 hours a day, you can make $500 in 25 days.

>> No.1791743

it's too hard to sneak into it

>> No.1791749


I'm having a hard time believing you can make 10 dollars an hour by clicking stuff.

>> No.1791777

more like 10 dollars a day

>> No.1791790

>it is going to take like 15 days to heal
That's 15 days spent applying for jobs and going to interviews and 4 days working 14 hours per day at your $10/hr

But let me guess this wont work because: >>1791555 >music festival
Ah yes, being an insufferable fag.

>> No.1791794

Yes you're right I don't want a job because I'm an insufferable fag

You guys told me exactly what I didn't want to hear, that my only choice is to stop being a bitch and get a job so maybe I will

Are there any rich people on this board that can give me $500? Thanks

>> No.1791808
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>> No.1791814
File: 149 KB, 1646x1987, 1486643623595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just triggered me so fucking badly holy shit

how much is in your bank account though

>> No.1791821

>how much is in your bank account though
more than you have in yours.

>> No.1791823

I have about $500 total but gotta spend it on car

now u?

>> No.1791824

I'd have to check, I have 2 business checking accounts, 2 personal checking, 3 savings and one paypal.

I don't actually pay attention to how much is in any of them. Probably not more than $5k total though.

>> No.1791825

what do you do for a living?

>> No.1791826

Suck a dick

>> No.1791828

Herpes is hard to treat, anon. OP will spend more in medical expenses eventually.

>> No.1791829
File: 35 KB, 350x474, 1469940196986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shitpost on 4chan professionally. It doesn't pay much but it makes me happy.

what about you?

>> No.1791889

if you max ur runescape account you can make 10mill/hour player killing, thats $30 on the open market

>> No.1791931

>14 hours/day

Get on Fiverr and sell whatever it is you can do for 5$. Then get on Postloop and get paid to shitpost on forums. Then get on Amazon Mturk and slave there for 8 hours/day.

You'll have your 500$

>> No.1791934

Also you are in the US, donate blood and plasma and take empty cans back to wherever you take cans back for 5 cents

>> No.1791947

>implying op isnt a minor

>> No.1791990

There are just too many people who do stuff better than me on Fiverrr

>> No.1791996

>doesn't WANT to sell any of his old shit
>NEEDS money for music festival

Any sympathy I had just got up and left. Fix your own first world problems you lazy ass.

>> No.1791997

Nigger I've made money on fiverr in the most ludicrous ways. I've copypasted gym routines from /fit/ and sold them to clueless fucks. I've pretended to be a girl "Short of rent" and sent lingerie pics. I've translated from english to italian and viceversa.
Be creative nigger. I assume your shitposting capabilities are top notch, given we both are here. Get on postloop and mturk and you'll make your 500 bucks in a month

>> No.1791998

Holy shit, a $10000000 bill!?

>> No.1792144

Take your hat off boy that's a $10000000 bill!

>> No.1792911

Wooow, you have 800 dollars.

>> No.1792962

OSRS right? since PKing in rs3 is dead. honestly that's good money. Even a pure str or magic could do some good money

>> No.1792967

considering I am fluent both in English and in French and I see lots of people translate 250 words and etc for like 5$, think it's worth doing?

>> No.1793086


>> No.1793092

Apply for a credit card.

>> No.1793116

Look Into Selling Your Plasma. I hear it fetches different price depending on where you are and I think u can do it once a week.

>> No.1793156

What's in those guides anyway?

>> No.1793493

Yes, just find a niche. Advertise "business translations" or specific college work or whatever. Just don't be the 3948578392298 asshole doing generic translation work on fiverr

>> No.1793867

When I was in college I used to answer cha cha texts.

You got like 50 cents per answer. Totally online and whenever you want

>> No.1794567


Keep hearing aout Fiverr. Is it better than Upwork? For both working AND hiring?

I need to hire someone for my business, but I also might want to do some extra side work like I used to. oDesk which turned into Upwork, turned into a huge faggot

If Fiverr is the new meme, I'd totally get on board because I fucking hate oDesk

Anyone hire from there?

>> No.1794588


>> No.1794604


>clicking stuff

The name is clickworker, but you do micro-task for search engines and shit.

>> No.1795208

Fiverr is a gig site. You put up a gig advertising "I'll translate 500 words/dance in lingerie/write hello on the sand of Copacabana" and you set your price. Lowest fee is 5 bucks, then you can ask more for other stuff like "I'll do X thing EXTRA nicely and I'll even add something to the something". It's a good enough website to fuck around. I don't know about Upwork, but Fiverr is good enough. Payment is via paypal and it takes a short time, same goes for payment.

>> No.1795370

Suck dicks for money. It is objectively the best way to make a quik 500$.

>> No.1795381


My gf just paid for firefly with her income tax check. Feels good

>> No.1795389

come on now, he can get more money than that. I hope

>> No.1795393

20 guys 25$ each is doable even for OP if he puts his back into it.

>> No.1795997

I've done clickworker stuff and what you can make in an hour is highly variable and also dependent on your ability to quickly and accurately read and process information. I've made up to $30/hour for certain tasks, but those opportunities dry up quickly, so you can usually only do them for about an hour or so before they close. A lot of the tasks on there might only make you a few bucks an hour. And they are all mind numbingly boring, so they are hard to do for more than an hour or two at a time. They have ways of testing your accuracy too, so if you're just clicking shit without following the instructions, you'll get kicked off of the project.

>> No.1797156

Is CTR still hiring? I'd apply

>> No.1797451

What are you looking to hire for specifically?

And what kind of side work can you do?