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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17912349 No.17912349 [Reply] [Original]

>Italy wont be able to get through this crisis without taking massive economic damage. Same for spain.
>these two countries were already on the brink of going bankrupt.
>if they won't be able to pay up, germany will lose a lot of cash (rewind to greek debt crisis).
>recession is coming and thanks to ECB zero interest fuckery it may develop into a world wide depression.

In the light of all of this: How long do you still give the Euro in its current form?

Also, as a yuropoor, how do I now save my stored cash from possible hyperinflation and the states subsequent moneygrabbing? Do I just exchange everything into dollar or gold and hope for the best?

Cause I think, despite everything, the dollar will still be around in 5 years. I'm not so sure about the euro.

>> No.17914037

imagine the euro collapsing and everyone hedging on GBP and britbongs being right all along

>> No.17914115

Yeah.... It puts the last 4 years in a wholly different light. Coronavirus is way too coincidental for me.

>> No.17914133

I'm actually, unironically seeing this as a possibility.

If the euro fails, the EU fails.
Those are Merkels words.
And the euro is possibly failing hard through this crisis.

>> No.17914171
File: 27 KB, 750x738, 1584482965516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

por monki has cancer
press P to pat

>> No.17914239

like really really hard I mean.
The currency is too weak for germany and too strong for italy and other southern countries.

If italy goes down the shitter they might have to split this homo currency.


>> No.17914275

>Euro goes to shit
>Get my cock and balls serviced for a chocolate bar like gramps used to


>> No.17915548

bumping for more opinions on this

>> No.17915572

>1 EUR = 0.85 USD
your new exchange rate..coming very very soon

>> No.17915614
File: 216 KB, 1598x1108, 1582738109049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this for one year now at /biz

>> No.17915644
File: 503 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20200317_145656_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17915721

That's Markus Krall's image isnt it?

>> No.17915827

how do you know the dollar won't drop equally?

>> No.17915860

>everyone hedging on GBP
might as well hedge on toilet paper, it's doing a lot better than the pound

>> No.17915982

americans have far lower pop density, it spreads far slower
they also have a case study on how Europe handles it and what changes they make to whatever mistakes the pastaniggers made

>> No.17916009


my prediction
>zero interest keeps companies afloat that should long be dead, essentially running on free debt
>zero interest kills banks margins
>banks in the red means banks equity is shrinking
>basel II dictates banks must hold x% equity for their loans
you are here
>corona virus tanks revenues
>companies go bust, default their loans
>banks can no longer give out corporate loans
>loans go up in risk
>banks must hold more equity for said loans
Q3/Q4 2020
>banks go bust
>government will try to intervene
>banks get nationalized
Q2 2021
>money printer go brrrr
>50% inflation/month for 12month
>all nominal assets wiped out
Q2 2022
>EU collapse
Q3/Q4 2022
>gold backed national currencies

>> No.17916057

>In the light of all of this: How long do you still give the Euro in its current form?

18 month max

>> No.17916117

do you even understand what the words "reserve currency" means?
in a deflationary collpase the ONLY THING worth holding is the currency that is most universally accepted.
extrapolate from there hans

>> No.17916178

>most universally accepted
until it isn't. When the Fed BRRRS out a trillion dollars every week the dollars you're holding start to look worse and worse

>> No.17916382

>reserve currency

How much percent of my wealth should I hold in that currency though?
Like 60? Cause I got like three yearly salaries lying around.

Do banks even allow that much cash to be exchanged at once?