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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1013 KB, 1173x912, GregM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17904810 No.17904810 [Reply] [Original]

>muh Russia USA alliance
>muh tradewar
>muh you don't understand shit so lemme explain
Probably did a change to his meds plan or drug habit.

>> No.17904826

that guy has been wrong about everything for 10 years now

>> No.17904842

>that guy has been wrong about everything for 10 years now
This is simply and verifiably untrue.
But seemingly something snapped with him yesterday.

>> No.17905524

>Russia US alliance
Why are autists on the burger right so obsessed with this

>> No.17905599

US is falling and they are desperate

>> No.17905664

>Russia USA alliance
Very dumb.
Only country winning out of oil shit is China.

>> No.17905766

Mannarino is flipping out recently. He sounds like one of those paranoid conspiracy theorists recently.

>> No.17905895

>Mannarino is flipping out recently.
Indeed, something happened.
He had an excellent run for the past 12 months or so.
This might come to and end, though.
>He sounds like one of those paranoid conspiracy theorists recently.
He's starting to sound like the same channels that he has been criticising. (X22 Report for example; maybe even Greg Hunter)

>> No.17906103

he's right though. Don't know about the russia alliance, but all he is saying about central banks is 100% correct. This a takeover folks. "conspiracy theorist" is the oldest play in the book to discredit people telling the truth.

He looks mental, that's right, but he is spot-on on most stuff. If you can't see that you're blind, dumb or a shill, which I'm sure this thread is full of.

>> No.17906289

>lender band buyer of last resort
He's been correct on many things in the past, yeah.
But there has been a change in demeanor recently.

>> No.17906315

>lender and buyer of last resort
Yeah, I screwed that up.

>> No.17906371

he's probably flipping out about this situation and know what's coming. People are going mental and rightly so. I live in europe and we're currently not allowed to go outside without a special permit and only to work and buy food. There are no more individual rights and people are cheering it on. This is worth flipping out about, let me tell you. The US will do the exact same thing. At least you guys have guns. Don't let the rest of the world down.

>> No.17906405

meanwhile, our economy is getting literally destroyed and banks are issuing bailouts (that we will have to pay for) everywhere. They are literally forcing whole populations to take out loans.

>> No.17906457

lol, the fuck are you on about, anyone can go outside, stop lying or post location so we can check faggot

>> No.17906534


Coming to you, wherever you are, in just a few weeks' time.

>> No.17906668

the fuck are YOU on about. It's the case in France, Italia, Belgium.

>> No.17906903

and spain. And starting this measures in france as we speak.

>> No.17906946

It started yesterday in France.

>> No.17907262

hang in there, eurofrens

>> No.17907403
File: 59 KB, 413x327, 1583752097136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least you guys have guns. Don't let the rest of the world down.
USA has guns that they will never use. Hoping that they'll save anything is so naive. Look towards your countryman for help, not for help from across the atlantic ocean.

>> No.17907542

>USA has guns that they will never use.
based and truthpilled

>> No.17907552

no, of course. But it'll still be interesting to watch. When quarantines do start to be enforced, there WILL be a pushback in the US, I'm certain of it. and an armed pushback will be absolutely epic. Of course, you may argue this would be the final nail in the coffin for guns, since they'll say "it's a matter of public health" and just take them away. But whatever way it goes, it'll be interesting.

For now, 90% of the people around me are completely brainwashed and are totally ok with having entered a literal commie regime.

>> No.17907560 [DELETED] 

Join the hidden /biz/ discord, discord gg xFuuSTZ

We got 600 members and are growing

>> No.17907687

>there WILL be a pushback in the US
>I'm certain of it
>and an armed pushback will be absolutely epic.
Your optimism is misplaced, asgardian.

>> No.17909310


LMAO I actually listened to him and sold all my stocks and crypto's when he gave the warning and next day massive dump.
I am planning on loading in about 6 months when we have the ultimate bottom.
If I kept everything I would be on a 1.3 million loss.
The Manarino nigger saved me fucking 1.3 million.
A fucking based alpha chad GM is!

>> No.17911586

He's an excellent trader, but he is wrong about some of the big picture stuff. This is spiritual warfare. The financial collapse is just the first domino.

>> No.17912934
File: 332 KB, 651x465, comfy spaniard apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check Artículo 7. We're legally forced to stay at home lfmao

>> No.17913071

It would have been the smart thing to do, which is why it was literally the first foreign policy mission of Hillary/Obama in 2008-09. Too bad for the US shale, military, and Ukraine fucked that all up and made Russia at their closest relationship with China since the early 50s.

>> No.17913131

No it wouldn’t have now that Germany and Britain are no longer empires the US and Russia have no reason to be friends

>> No.17913457

Manerino is a Freemason. He's sporting the "Cant find any Andrenochrome look lately".

Unsuprisingly he's not a Trump fan.