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17904074 No.17904074 [Reply] [Original]

How will the recession affect V4/eastern european countries?
I'm super fuckin worried bc all we do is producing SUVs for soccer moms and providing the west with prostitutes.

>> No.17904154

prostitutes will always be needed

>> No.17904194

Jesus, what the fuck is up with those borders? Who drew this map, a 5 year old?

>> No.17904253

Those borders are the result of hundreds of years of bloodshed.. The straight borders in your country are the result of those hundreds of years of experience in warfare being utilized against some hunter gatherers with bows.. You mocking those borders shows you lack intelligence and knowledge.

>> No.17904286

The V4 states still have something like 3 weeks to prepare. If they'd implement a shutdown NAO, they'd fare much better. They probably won't though and it will devastate their economy in a 1-2 punch: first France/Germany is ill and doesn't buy parts, then they get ill and can't produce and sell.

>> No.17904301

I'm literally from Hungary. I was saying that because those are not the proper borders for my country. Kys faggot

>> No.17904316

not when there is and apocalyptic virus raging

>> No.17904320

>Kys faggot
I basically gave your ancestors a compliment and you tell me to kill myself. Looks like my conclusion about your intelligence was correct.

>> No.17904362

people are horny no matter what, they don't care about std's you think a cold will stop them?

>> No.17904390 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 547x429, trianon-térkép.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those borders were formed entirely artificially by some cucked frustrated frogeaters. there was no fight at all. the "winning powers" (france) decided to create a permanent allies on the eastern side of germany after ww1 and gave away as much of hungarian territories as they possibly could pull off with the stroke of a pen

>> No.17904421
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>> No.17904422

The best part is that even Austria got some of our land.

>> No.17904426
File: 102 KB, 547x429, trianon-térkép.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those borders were formed entirely artificially by some cucked frustrated frogeaters. there was no fight at all. the "winning powers" (france) decided to create permanent allies on the eastern side of germany after ww1 and gave away as much of hungarian territories as they possibly could pull off with the stroke of a pen

>> No.17904436

You never left the last depression, so slavs won't even notice.

>> No.17904446

I love prostitutes. How do we bail out the prostitution industry?

>> No.17904497

turkish rapebabies have no rightful clay

>> No.17904639

What I was trying to say originally is that the borders on this particular map look like shit. And then we just turned it into some /pol/ tier banter.

>> No.17904689

yeah, border look weird.

Also water is whet, never funked it like this.

noone appreciates your retarded captain obvious comments.

>> No.17904713

Poland was basically untouched from the 08 market crash and has one of the strongest growing economies in the world

>> No.17904725

>apocalyptic virus
go back

>> No.17904732

Barely any economy to begin with, so unlikely to see a major difference. More truthfully, barely any tourism industry. That shit is the stuff that will be the most affected in the current year.

>> No.17904779

V4 states do stuff for a living that can't be done from home. Italians can design Gucci bags from home, Germans can design the new BMW from home, but uneducated eastern-european wagecucks can't put a gearbox in a Suzuki from home.

"Shutting down" our economy would have a different effect on our economy than Italy's.

>> No.17904856

The German borders would be an improvement, those krauts always ruin everything.

>> No.17905029
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>> No.17905597
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lmao, seething mongoloid

>> No.17905798 [DELETED] 


>> No.17905881

im a production engineer and i cant work from home either. have to program the machines in the damn fucking factory.

>> No.17906129

kek. your description of those economies are perfectly reduced to the point.

>> No.17906190

>butthurt gipsies showed Alsace as german and not french

>> No.17906280

Poland is so rural and has barely any tourism so it'll be fine

>> No.17906537

Bázisolt Magyar Anon

>> No.17906815
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kys bozgor

>> No.17906927

No more suggar from suggar daddy, but young and cheap pussy is always welcome.

>> No.17906981

My clan has plenty of land, cattle, hen and reliable jobs in research sector. Recession can go suck my Massive Moravian Meatstick.

>> No.17907019


Gyppo detected. The geater depression will not be kind to you guys.

>> No.17907053

Rootless cosmopolitan detected.

>> No.17907101

will the pussy plummet in price?

>> No.17907145

Lol read a book gyppo. If shtf countryside gets to suck big city cock as we take all your potatoes. Ask your grandma how much dick she had to suck the last time.

>> No.17907206

>If shtf countryside gets to suck big city cock as we take all your potatoes.
lmao, if shtf then urbanites will come to countryside as serfs without property. Just like during fall of Rome.

>> No.17907259

We're coming with guns and tanks to put you into a Kolkhoze. Just like the last time.

>> No.17907312


eh... Stalin did


will be fine. Hungary is more reliant on automotive manufacturing than Poland and Czechia so they might have more difficulties.

>> No.17907862

Nice try, but Gottwald and Rakosi were rural chads.

>> No.17907928

this is retarded since most of the land lost by hungary wasnt even inhabited by hungarians

>> No.17908118

not trying to rip up sores but that's only because we let you settle in our lands.

>> No.17908146

and literally everyone living in that country would have a higher quality of life today had it not torn up.

>> No.17908173

*had it not been torn up

>> No.17908237

While I get why it's obsolete to cry about it nowadays, I still don't get why anyone still enjoys rubbing salt into a wound that clearly did not heal yet.

>> No.17908254

And now it belongs to Africans, dumb baguette

>> No.17908346 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1473x1198, Europe_religion_map_situation_1950_en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know which country you're from, but you should live abroad for a while. i was talking shit about hungary before i got rich and moved / lived around the world. the way people lead their life isn't really more efficient abroad. they mostly just work and spend more.

also V4 had nothing to do with "eastern europe" prior to ww2 and only uneducated people call it eastern europe since the end of the cold war.

>> No.17908396
File: 1.23 MB, 1473x1198, Europe_religion_map_situation_1950_en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know which country you're from, but you should live abroad for a while. i was talking shit about hungary before i got rich and moved / lived around the world. the way people lead their life isn't really more efficient abroad. they mostly just work and spend more.

also V4 countries had nothing to do with "eastern europe" prior to ww2 and only uneducated people call it eastern europe since the end of the cold war.

>> No.17909732

poland has 21 m tourists yearly its not irrelevant, a lot of it is due to the present krauts left us at auschwitz>>17904732

>> No.17909806

This is an outdated map of religious demographics, not a map of Soviet borders

>> No.17909822

While geographically you are right, you just gotta admit that there is a drastic difference in the way of life between V4s and more western nations. And not just in terms of financial situation. You wouldn't get away with bragging about how you avoid taxes, ask someone about his/her salary, critique women coworker's body in let's say Germany or the Netherlands. The status symbols are different, people look for different qualities in a leader here, I could go on and on for hours.

Yes, "western europe" does sound degrading, but once you leave Austria there are clear differences emerging, differences that are not positive to the western eye. Maybe those differences are the result of the communists system, but they are there nonetheless.

>> No.17909847

*"eastern europe"
you get it

>> No.17909996

still third world country tho

>> No.17910064
File: 42 KB, 565x572, belle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SVK anon here
We are like Detroit, we rely too much on our cars. No diversifaction. Peugeot, KIA, Volkswagen. VW already closed. We are fucked, if there going to be flu mutation or etc.
Working for the government, so I don´t give a fuck..No clients, everybody´s afraid, forbidden contact. If you only knew how comfy things really are.

>> No.17910132

Audi and Merc also stopped in Hungary.

>> No.17910237


We hungarofags are so fucked. I was saving up for six years to buy a house, wageslaving hard, now I am going to loose everything.

>> No.17910277

Not for long no memes no jest. They like everyone else will have no one to trade with.

>> No.17910317

Why? Real estate prices should drop in a recession, no?

>> No.17910337

The concept of middle Europe died with the world wars after the anglos and Russians split the world between themselves. It’s only coming back now because the post war order is weak and faltering

>> No.17910397


But the value of my precious forints will also drop.

>> No.17910513

100% your fault storing your savings in fiat jesus christ the central bank has been literally telling you not to for the past 10 years
go transfer it to coinbase and buy bitcoin and always only sell as much as you need
(i would advise gold, but there's no gold left at hungarian dealers)

>> No.17910540

In 08 the drop in house pricing paced out the HUF's drop, we will see what happens this time.

>> No.17910608


>> No.17910657


Sorry I do not trust cryptos and gold sold out. What do?

>> No.17910841

Azt hallottam most van valami 5%-os állampapír, de az is kb fél %-al hagyja le az inflációt most.
Gőzöm sincs hova lehetne tenni a pénzt.

>> No.17910848

the worst part of crisis is that if madmax happens we'll be the bitch of slovak gangs thanks to the fact that guns are entirely outlaw'd here while everyone has them in slovakia

>> No.17910932


Kiveszem mind es felgyujtom a kertben.

>> No.17911194
File: 83 KB, 370x305, aladar M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm czipos, looking forward to rape you. But for real, don´t be silly Lászlo, the ´´Magyar card´´ is forgotten. We are ok, don´t worry.

>> No.17911549

dumbass, the borders are inaccurate. Go look at a real map. Since when did Czechia have a lil erect microdick sticking into germany

>> No.17912793

lol @ seething huns

>> No.17913340

Krakow, Budapest and Prague are major tourist hotspots

>> No.17913382

european borders are largely a catholic invention

>> No.17913474
File: 10 KB, 250x240, 669977E0-8DFC-4818-B598-24F018757DD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a seething Turk rape baby.

>> No.17913676

Americans talking shit as always. People in med countries and france cheat on taxes and badmouth women regularly. Western eye is your made up concept because you're mutt faggot

>> No.17914424

>Frustrated frogeaters
You seem to be the frustrated one here anon. It's been a century now, come on.