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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 1027x608, spx 1929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17903844 No.17903844 [Reply] [Original]

uuuuh bros? I'm getting nervous

>> No.17903852

buy the dip

>> No.17903862

i still dont see anybody jumping off building, just alot of toilet paper buying

>> No.17903876


>> No.17903881

Why? According to this we're almost bottomed out.

>> No.17903892

The SPY hasn't even dropped to Obama levels.

>> No.17903905

people drew comparisons between 1987 flash crash and 1929
wonder what happened?

>> No.17903907
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all dipped out. 100% EQUITIES right now. Sitting here smiling because this shit has been the biggest overreaction of all time. Fucking millenials, everything is the end of the world with them. This is NOTHING just a runny nose unless you are a 90yo cripple. Look at VIX. Bottom is in 18th March 2020. You're about to witness the greatest rebound in market history in the coming months.

>> No.17903938

(you) are the reason this is definately not over.

>> No.17903947


>> No.17903961

We are only preparing for dead cat.

>> No.17903988
File: 28 KB, 500x281, largewhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me why it's so bad. Tell me why it's worse than the flu? Tell me why only a few hundred people have died? Tell me why

>> No.17903993

learn to write proper English faggot

>> No.17904012

thousands have died
"it only kills old people" is a retarded distraction because the majority of the western world is part of the elevated risk group. The median age of the EU is 40, USA 39.

>> No.17904022

Yep. 10% bleed across the board, BTC to 3.8K, then Suterusu 10x's.

>> No.17904036
File: 16 KB, 314x288, 1584198034196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump and Powell enacted the right course of action by injecting liquidity into the markets. In times of crisis; it is fear more than anything else that causes social collapse.

No, happeningtards, there isn't going to be hyperinflation due to 500 billion getting pumped into the markets everyday. The USD is stronger than ever.

No, happeningtards, the economy will not collapse due to quarantines being imposed all over the country. People will still have their jobs and not get pinkslipped.

No, happeningtards, the US will not go full wuhan mode with hospitals collapsing and people dying in the streets thanks to the prudent decision by Trump and the FDA to roll out drive thru testing.

By April, this will all be a nothingburger meme. All this panic and emergency stocking up of TP and food for a nonexistent incoming depression is just low IQ people both on here and irl flipping out over fake news drummed up by the msm to destroy the Trump admin. We'll pull through.

Happening canceled morons.

>> No.17904084

It's the scapegoat. People have been irresponsible in a fake recovery for a decade and finally see their foolishness.
Case in point - Boeing has been using 98% of their free money to get loans to buy back their stocks.
Not investing in their employees or their infrastructure, but to artificially prop up their stock price.
Now there is a cough, which caused a tiny hiccup in global shipping, which made people panic, which jolted the All Holy Stock Market, which made people panic, which made the govt step in and deem the cough as a terrorist, which made people panic, which made the stock market dip, which made companies shit their pants and see that taking loans to buyback their shitty company's stock which is plummeting is fucking retarded.

>> No.17904102

Pic related is death stat table. You're just eating up all the sensationalism like the over-reacting millennial that you are. If you are over 80 with an existing condition then you'll want to be careful but that's literally it.

>> No.17904114

That's so far from accurate, we have so much farther to fall to be equivalent to 1929.

>> No.17904119

Based and redpilled

>> No.17904122
File: 63 KB, 738x497, Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 12.33.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17904148

the drop doesnt stop where the chart ends, it just illustrates the near identical progression so far

>> No.17904164

>scale y axis by one number
>scale x axis by another number
>look, the situation is THE SAME
lamo at this cope

>> No.17904181

>what are proportions

>> No.17904205

Deaths in US estimated at 1.1-1.2M if it isn't stopped: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf

>> No.17904248


>> No.17904277

Don't worry, bro. You're not going to need money where we're all heading.

>> No.17904294

1M is still a fucking low shit number, who really cares

>> No.17904295
File: 100 KB, 772x730, 1584535324563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17904318


>> No.17904334

Ok so maybe 1.2mil 80+ yo already-ill OAPs are going to die. What's the problem? They'll release their savings and inheritance to families. World will continue. You don't need to hoard 50 packs of toilet paper or stockpile baked beans.

>> No.17904439
File: 68 KB, 591x445, 2020-03-18_135432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is from an article from 2014

>> No.17904499

Why would I buy something that's going to zero?

>> No.17904501

except it's missing the most important aspect, the big drop

>> No.17904584

>millennials are the ones liquidating millions of dollars worth of equities individually
>not baby boomers whom have made a fucking fortune from their 401k’s that are still up nearly 100% on their portfolios from the ‘08 crash
It’s not the 20-30y/o’s with a maybe couple thousand dollars in the stock market you need to be bitching about, gramps.

>> No.17904737


i just wish i had more cash to throw in. my bank charges 7% on margin

>> No.17904767
File: 136 KB, 1334x806, nothingburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the happening is the panic. the virus already passed through in late 2019

>> No.17904783


>give us academics shekels or it will be another shoah

>> No.17904785

Do your fucking research dumbass boomer or enjoy poverty/die

>> No.17904805

>millenials can afford stocks and don't live day to day
smfh boomer-san

>> No.17904822

someone give this guy the coronavirus

>> No.17904846
File: 2.39 MB, 1201x884, 1515113213434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't genuinely get it why people keep comparing 2020 to 1920 for fuck's sake. You have any guess how did people actually buy stocks in 1920? How did they get the news? How did they know things are crashing? If it was 1920 we wouldn't even know there was a fucking flu in Wuhan yet.

2020 every fucking zoomer and their grandad have smartphones with 4g internet, buying and selling stocks with 1 click in internet.

>> No.17904863

Why? Your chart shows that we just hit the bottom. It will only go up from here

>> No.17904872


Yeah this wouldn't surprise me either. I went on a cruise over Christmas and remember calling in sick to work roughly 7 days after returning due to a crazy quick onset fever. I thought I was getting the flu but it never led to any vomitting or anything and mostly cleared up in a couple days. It was weird.

>> No.17904874

intelligent, healthy, responsible and competent people aren’t. We exist and want it to spread

>> No.17904881

>10% black
>5.45% red

>> No.17904888
File: 65 KB, 620x350, 9016DFD1-D913-4246-A798-D8FDF471EA48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks we will get an 8 mth bounce

>> No.17904915

what's even the point of looking at that chart

>> No.17905109

I had the same in late December crazy brutal flu with high fever but it only lasted 48h and was completely gone
I though it was the flu