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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17899456 No.17899456 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, be honest

Are we fucked? We were supposed to have a bull with the halvening coming but things are looking grim

>> No.17899467
File: 451 KB, 986x1164, 1534558945943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bull run postponed to next year
time for the running of the bears

>> No.17899469


It’s an erc-20 token dude with a CEO, what do you think? Lmfaoooooo

You guys got played hard as fuck

>> No.17899492

It's looking grim op, I honestly dont know what to do.

>> No.17899519
File: 105 KB, 1440x1715, b80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to back extended bear markets the exact month I start crypto in january 2018

>> No.17899531

Only a few weeks ago I was high off the hopium dreaming what I would do if LINK hit $1000 eoy but all I'm hoping for now is that we don't crash and burn. I wouldn't mind it though since I get to buy more cheap linkies but...

>> No.17899555
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>> No.17899611


This. Sell before it’s too late

>> No.17899620

Fake news

>> No.17899627

the halving is 2 months away
alot can happen in 2 months, so just be patient.
remember, if it can crash 50% in a day, it can pump that way too

>> No.17899635

kek you had 3 weeks incel

>> No.17899645

This lmao. The only retards still holding LINK are poor newfags that fell for the $1000 eoy meme

>> No.17899684
File: 247 KB, 400x416, pink wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought a single link in case it moons
>tfw I'm down $2


>> No.17900042

This was never mooning until 4th industrial revolution happens anyway. This is an opportunity to scoop up more. If we hit a depression? Maybe I can finally get my 50k stack back.

>> No.17900057


>> No.17900059


>> No.17900876


>> No.17900914

The good thing about this whole situation is that this virus is like a cartoonish bad guy, rather than some systemic flaw like in 2008.
So as soon as it goes away (and it will) recovery will be rapid.
We were also overdue for another recession anyway, and this is probably the best way to reset everything.

>> No.17900945



>> No.17900954

I hope you're right about this.my strat is buy cheap until the pump

>> No.17900976


>> No.17900991


>> No.17901016

oh boy throbby

>> No.17901018


Lemme tell you about this new crypto with little downside risk but some serious upside potential!

>> No.17901027

BTC and fucking MKR shat the bed.
Dont worry fren, there is no safer hold atm.

>> No.17901057
File: 18 KB, 694x152, maker vs chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Maker suffered a major systemic exploit (with an oracle failure on top), but Chainlink still dumped way harder.
honk honk

>> No.17901107

>it suppose to go up foreva

>> No.17901115

Way too many retarded doomers in here

>> No.17901128

Maker is centralized oracles with thousands of users.

Chainlink is centralized oracles with 0 users.

>> No.17901169
File: 223 KB, 1039x757, chainlink users aave bzx reactions chainlink performance gas congestion 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So explain the Chainlink users praising Chainlink during the ETH congestion crisis.

>> No.17901695

Chainlink has 0 users in production. Only bagholders are praising it.

No one will ever use KYC centralized oracles. It takes a few hours to code yourself, and it's more secure than trusting Sergey's KYC.

There's countless projects that use oracles. None of them choose to use Chainlink.

Why? Because Chainlink is insecure, overpriced and uses a parasitic token.

It only takes a few hours to make your own oracles. Why don't people do it you ask? They do. Centralized oracles have existed on Ethereum since 2015 and countless projects use them.

Learn to code brainlet, maybe you'll be able to avoid scams and getting BTFOed when talking about software you don't understand.

>> No.17901704

I just spoonfed you two users in production.
There are more.

And this is just at this initial stage of mainnet.

>> No.17901708

Chainlink's telegram is totally a SHIT. All of its team are active on Telegram. They even prohibits price discussion, so WTF? Too weak to face the reality? LMAO this grabage has nowhere to go now.

>> No.17901797

good, moonboy top buyers need to be purged

>> No.17901916
File: 10 KB, 218x250, neverselling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, those are 2 telegram literal whos that are not in production.

How about you learn to code before you embarrass yourself anymore?

Also, congrats on this seriously

>> No.17901921

They're literally in production and you can use them right now.

>> No.17901935

seethe harder tranny

>> No.17901939

Only glow niggers and retards are concerned with other people's money

>> No.17901969

If most people think we're fucked, we should be good to continue the bull.
A lot of people panicked and sold, some people held through it, and the winners are buying in regularly at the moment

>> No.17901981

>You can't buy that! It's not worth anything!

Literally on a website that praises a frog. What the fuck do you care suddenly if a stranger wastes their own money?

>> No.17901984

You're mistaken

>> No.17902010

You're mistaken

>> No.17902020

You're mistaken

>> No.17902040
File: 160 KB, 1244x752, 1517725072808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that bull run is always just over the horizon.

Remember this chart from 2017?

Get fucked linktards.

>> No.17902076

yea someone is gonna come along and just dump x amount of millions into a coin thats so stable it can half its value IN A DAY.

Get fucking real summerfag, there is only one direction we are going in as panic sets in, and its down.

>> No.17902154
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I imagine for a lot of posters watching others fall for the chain link shilling is like watching Grandma buy thousands of dollars worth of iTunes gift cards.

>> No.17902250

Fundamentally capitulated