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17897806 No.17897806 [Reply] [Original]

Why not just buy at closer to spot on the stock market?
>instantly tradeable
>no delivery/handling/administrative costs

I literally don't see the point of buying physical silver/gold at a higher price over spot when you can get it closer by buying in over the stock market?

>> No.17897872

sounds like you got it all figured out. just buy gld or slv and get on with your life.

>> No.17897895

thing is buying gold and silver tends to be a hedge against an all out societal collapse, and if that happens you aren't getting shit from your ETFs

>> No.17897918

Don't be a fucking idiot. Paper gold is worthless cause it can evaporate if shtf. Literaly the only reason to own gold is not as an investment but as a genuine hedge to the entire system and fiat collapse. Basically the same as bitcoin. Don't bother with Gold unless you want to hold some long term and then only buy and hold real gold.

>> No.17897974
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but gold and silver aren't actually useful in a collapse. Gold is money it divides the economy, when the economy shrinks so does the value of money

Guns, ammo, antibiotics, water, food Toilet paper and bic lighters skyrocket in value against gold

tldr OP is correct

>> No.17898003

Fuck off, quit spamming these threads

>> No.17898065

It's not about a Mad Max collapse. It's about two things:

>having money if your currency becomes worth nothing (see: zimbabwe) so you still have money when you escape to a non-fucked country
>having money when the stock market absolutely shits the bed so you can buy

Banks can block your bank account (Greece did during their recent depression) and authorities can block your portfolio. Admins can block your crypto. No one can block gold/silver that you physically own. It's not your main investment, it's your guarantee of wealth that you actually own.

>> No.17898128

>hello? bitcoin admins? yes shut it all down pls thx

>> No.17898171

Gold spotters are some of the weakest beta males you will ever see.

>> No.17898562

>Admins can block your crypto

>> No.17898702

this is my first fucking thread, don't see any other threads addressing the point of buying physical futures

>> No.17898860


>> No.17898927

>>having money if your currency becomes worth nothing (see: zimbabwe) so you still have money when you escape to a non-fucked country
This is the only reason i want to buy it cause the usd looks like its gonna go the way of the Zimbabwean dollar. Except at this point i stand to lose a lot considering the premium. Like heck im gonna buy gold and then cash it at a 50% or so. Good if usd does collapse but bad if it doesnt as i effectively just lost have my money.

>> No.17898964
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>Implying you cant buy gold with a gift card under a fake name sent to an address that doesnt belong to you all while going through 20 vpns from a throwaway phone

>> No.17899143

Buy bullets

>> No.17899458

When you buy stock you are buying shares of the value of the company. When you buy bonds you are buying debt that will be owed back to you with interest. When you buy gold or silver ETFs you are buying a digital asset that represents a physical commodity that is in less supply than the digital supply representing it. Think about it. It's as bad as crypto.

>> No.17899472

Name the last societal collapse Anon.

>> No.17899516

I agree, that's why there's no point in hoarding gold.
The power of gold is measurement, you don't need to own it for that.